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Only one conclusion can be drawn from the intercepted plan and the stationing of such an offensive and devastating weapon as the B-29 bomber on German soil. They intend to use their atomic bomb, in a sneak attack on the Motherland we hold so dear.

They continue to gather German scientists and their “wonder weapons,” and have been stealing them away to work on even more destructive weapons and delivery systems. We must act, and we must act now. The situation will only get worse as time passes.

We need to create a buffer zone, so that the Motherland is never again subject to attack. Our vision is that any future wars waged against us by the capitalist warmongers will be fought in the no man’s land that is the former Nazi homeland, for as long as capitalism survives, there will be more war. It is all merely a matter of where and when these wars will be fought, because Capitalism and Communism cannot occupy the same space.

Some say the second atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki in an attempt to intimidate us, and to reinforce the power of the atom bomb in our mind. In addition, it was to demonstrate that America has not only one, but many bombs and is ready to use them. Tovarishch Stalin has discovered that this is a great magnificent lie. This is the same kind of spectacular lie that the Hitlerites used to intimidate their victims, before stabbing them in the back with sneak attacks.

Today we received word, through our massive network of agents, that the Americans have only a total of six atomic bombs. Now is the time to strike, to save the Motherland from atomic annihilation. We must attack now, before they gain more of these monstrous weapons and use them.

We will no longer allow the West to dictate its will on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and to our glorious leader, Tovarishch Stalin. He will, once and for all time, remove the threat to Mother Russia. No longer will there be a gun pointed at our head from the direction of Western Germany.

******End of Transmission******
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Just some of the eye witness accounts on how unprepared the US and Great Britain were for war.
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“No Fools”

White House Briefing Room

Washington, D.C.

April 1st, 1946

13:00 hours

The Admiral walks into the briefing room and unlocks a briefcase from his wrist, and opens it. He then gathers a file and collects his notes before beginning, “Mr. President, thank you for your time. I have just a few facts and observations for you today. My purpose is to inform you of what we believe is an imminent threat. We believe that our former ally, the U.S.S.R. is planning a sneak attack. We believe that the attack will start on or before May 15th, 1946.”

“We believe that we have discovered a spy ring in Los Alamos, New Mexico, and in other Manhattan Project facilities. We fear that certain facts have been passed on to the NKVD and from there, to Stalin himself. These facts include:

1. The actual number of functional Mark III atomic bombs.[3]

2. The time it takes to assemble these bombs.

3. The exact weight and configuration of these bombs.

4. The number of assembly teams available, and their locations, even their identities.

5. The number of specially-designed B-29 bombers that can carry the devices.[4]

6. The number and location of the pits and nuclear storage facilities needed to load the devices into the bomber.[5]

7. How many hours of viability these devices have before they have to be disassembled and then reassembled again.”[6]

“What this means is that Stalin may no longer fear the Atomic bomb in its present form. He now knows how vulnerable these devices, and the bombers that deliver them, really are.”

“We also have reason to believe that he is in possession of information as to how many devices our own military believes is necessary to defeat the Soviet Army. The lowest estimate is in the order of seventy, and all seventy must be 100 percent efficient. In all reality, this means that a minimum of at least 140 devices would be needed.”

“We further believe that the basing of the B-29’s in Western Germany was a grave error on our part, and gives Stalin the casus belli that he needs to convince his military and populace that we are going to attack first. This, in turn, leads to the conclusion that he must attack us first before we can use our atomic bombs. It appears to be a terrible misunderstanding that could cause a horrific third world war.”

“Additionally, nineteen of the twenty two members of the assembly teams have been attacked and fifteen have been killed. Someone knew the identities and importance of those individuals. These “accidents” have crippled our atomic bomb program for at least six months.”

After listening in stunned silence, the President of the United States finally speaks “That is grave news indeed. Can you please elaborate on the seven facts for me?”

“Of course, sir; we only have four devices…”

“Only four?!” the President exclaims.

“Yes, that is correct, sir, only four. We had six, but we used two of them on Japan. Secondly, it takes over two days to assemble the device. Additionally, the two different models weigh 8,900 and 10,000 pounds each, respectively. They are very large and that is why we need the pits to load them. Then there is the subject of the assembly teams. Currently we only have two trained assembly teams, and as I detailed earlier, they have been put out of action for at least six months. Next, we have twelve B-29 Silverplates, specially-designed for, and capable of carrying, the Mark III atomic bomb. William Boeing has promised to deliver more, but assembly of the aircraft is time-consuming and he can’t find enough qualified technicians capable of passing the FBI background checks.” As if answering the President’s questioning look, the Admiral continues, “Yes sir, Mr. Boeing has a more stringent screening process than other manufacturers, because of the sensitive nature of the contract. There is also the issue of the two atomic bomb loading pits we do have, both on Okinawa, and in England. The loading pits that we used on Tinian Island have been filled in for safety purposes. These are the only other pits that we had intended to build. Lastly, the devices must be used within forty-eight hours of assembly, or they begin to decay theoretically losing their potency and potentially increasing the chances of a weapon misfire. No one wants that sir.”

The President pales, and looks visibly shaken and the Admiral acknowledges this, “I know it’s a lot to comprehend… I can see you’re upset sir. Can we talk again tomorrow so you have a chance to digest the report and its ramifications?”

The President nods and adds, “This is your assessment and the assessment of your team, Admiral, isn’t it?”

“Why, yes, sir… of course.” says the Admiral, somewhat hesitantly.

The President appears to have regained some of his composure and returns to his usual direct manner “Don’t take this the wrong way Admiral but I have a dozen reports on my desk, just this month alone that tell me that Uncle Joe is going to attack, and dozens more from months past. Yet, he hasn’t done so. This new information about the atomic bomb program is, without a doubt, most distressing. I still don’t have enough here to convince Congress to slow down the demobilization of our armed forces. You must understand the politics of the situation. They simply wouldn’t have the will to make our boys spend more time away from their families and civilian lives, after years of giving up everything for their country. It is, after all, an election year.”



Swords of Armageddon by Chuck Hansen www.uscoldwar.com; Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists May 1982 US Nuclear Stockpile 1945-1950 by David A. Rosenberg pg. 26.



Assembly time of Mark III atomic bomb — Page 12 American War Plans 1945-1950 — By Steven T. Ross.



Number of pits and nuclear storage facilities 1946 — Page 13 American War Plans 1945-1950 — By Steven T. Ross.



Mark III 48 hour ready state — Page 12 American War Plans 1945-1950 — By Steven T. Ross.