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“Ha… I get it; and the Supervisor is agent Monty, of course. No wonder he has such good information. That is truly a piece of good luck and truly amazing. But how long can this last? We can’t count on the maid always being so diligent, or something being moved.”

“Its loss would be most regrettable, but we have dozens of other minor ways to find out where and when the air raids are going to be staged. This is just one piece of the puzzle. Maior Nikitin and his staff, gather all the information and put the pieces together. There have been remarkably few raids, so it has been easy. We have been able to intercept them and defend the targets, as you know. All of the major raids are discussed by the White House Staff. From what I understand there are at least twenty-three well-placed janitors, maids, cooks, and such, who funnel the information through Monty, and he has the radio.”

“Well, so far, it has worked. As they say, ‘one can’t jump over one’s head.’ We have to do our best and keep all the information flowing to Monty and Maior Nikitin. That is how we will keep the Motherland safe from enemy atomic bombs. They are surely the work of the devil, even if there is no devil.”

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The inner workings of the Kremlin on display.
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Have No Interest

“I have no interest in boats and navies. The guidance system is designed for shooting down bombers over friendly territory. If one of the missiles got into the enemy’s hands, they might just be able to figure out how to counteract the system and that would be catastrophic. Comrade Stalin knows this and has assured me that this warhead will only be used in territories that can be controlled by us. It is too risky, I tell you, to have this technology fall into the enemy’s hands. No, I won’t allow it.”

“Friend Sergo, we need your guidance system to use with our air-launched V-1 program. If we could guide those missiles, imagine how much havoc they could wreak on the capitalist navies! Why, we could keep them a hundred miles from our shores…”

“What shores? We have none to speak of. It is a ridiculous suggestion and not worth the effort or the chance. We are a land power, not a naval one. Let the NATO pigs have their oceans. We have no need of them. “

“But, what if they get into the Black Sea; or into the Baltic? Then, what will you say? Would you deny us such a weapon one that we can use to stop an invasion on Soviet soil? I would be warned, Sergo Peshkov. I would at least prepare for the eventual use of your guidance system against naval forces. I think Comrade Stalin would agree with me on this point… no?”

“Well alright, Novikov. I will see that a test program is started, and yes, I have no doubt that the system will work on boats as well as bombers it was actually designed to work on boats. But again, I caution that we cannot use these warheads over enemy territory, or anywhere else they may be compromised, and on that, Comrade Stalin will agree with me, I assure you. We have a new trick by the way. We’ve added some false radio and radar signals. The bombers will be so busy trying to sort things out that the true nature of the guidance will not be discovered.”

“You are exceptionally proud of yourself aren’t you, Sergo? I would be careful that you do not dislocate your arm trying to pat yourself on the back. We should hear about the attack on Toulouse soon, and then maybe, I will reach over and pat your back for you, Sergo.”

* * *
‘The Ruling Seven’; as they sometimes are referred to, met as they always did, when Stalin was not in Moscow. Stalin was having one of his many ‘attacks,’ but still ruled with an iron hand. Yet, he left the day-to-day operation of the U.S.S.R. up to the oligarchy, that was the made up of these seven extraordinarily ruthless men. By order of Stalin, they had just seen the movie ‘Volga! Volga!,’ again, for the forty-seventh time, by their count. It wasn’t the same, without Stalin acting out all the parts, and that was the best part of the evening, thus far. After dinner, the conversation turns to America, and it’s seemingly lack of military response.
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Meeting Molotov

The Kremlin

Lavrenti Beria, Georgi Malenkov, Andrei Zhdanov, Nikolai Voznesensky, Nikita Khrushchev, Aleksei Kuznetsov, Anastas Mikoyan, Lazar Kaganovich

In attendance: Vyacheslav Molotov — Foriegn Minister, Anastas Mikoyan — Vice-Premier of the Council of Ministers, Lazar Kaganovich — First Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party and Minister for Building Materials, Georgi Malenkov — Candidate Member of Poliburo, Lavrenti Beria — Director of the NKVD, Nikolai Bulganin — Minister for the Armed forces, and Nikita Khrushchev — Premier of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and senior member of the U.S.S.R.’s Politburo.

Molotov pontificates, “I tell you, it is our comrades in the U.S. who are slowing down their war-production just like we planned. They have convinced a large number of the American workers that the old, gutted, Europe is not worth fighting for again. They did it once, but not again. They have spent over 300 billion dollars, money they did not have on the last war and it will only be worse for them this time. They must make money, or their system will collapse. The whole capitalist system depends on using the worker and profiting off his labor. The workers are finally seeing the true nature of capitalism. Their war-bond sales can only take them so far. The American public is sick of war.”

Beria speaks up, not wishing to concede all the meeting time to the filibustering Molotov, “Da, Comrade Vyacheslav is correct. That must be the answer. Why else would they not be producing enough weapons? Why else would their young men not join their armies to fight us? The workers must be convinced that the communist way is the way of the future, and they are just trying to hasten the workers’ ascension over the moneyed whores. Look at how their own soldiers rioted, when they did not get them home fast enough. And when Truman tried to slow the demobilization down, he was defeated by his own supporters. It must be the answer otherwise they would surely have pushed us back from the Pyrenees Mountains, or at least attempted to. Instead they are losing ground every day. In a matter of months, we will be through those cursed mountains and nothing will stop us from reaching Gibraltar. Italy is ours now and Greece will soon follow. They surely must feel that all is lost and are ready to talk with us, about the future.”

“With the successful destruction of their atomic bomb program they must know that this is the end of the capitalist system in Europe and they will have to see to saving their own skins. Some of my agents are trying to infiltrate the unions, but that door has been closed shut; for now by the F.B.I.”

Khrushchev chimes in carefully choosing his words, so as to not sound nekulturny to the rest of the group, “If I may, Beria… let’s concentrate on their military options, shall we? First, without their atomic bomb we have a realistic chance of stopping their bombers now that we have the weapons we need to at least reach their planes. Soon, they will only be able to field forces from either England or Spain, to try and gain back Europe. Scandinavia will soon fall, judging from the reports I’ve seen, and…”