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A long time later, an eternity later, the torrent ended and her own body relaxed. She let her legs fall limp around Roger as he collapsed forward on her, and her heart roared and pounded like the mighty crash of surf in her chest. Dear God, she had never known anything that good existed on the face of this earth! And she had thought she had been sexually awakened with Marc Cord! But that had only been the beginning, only the first unbinding of her physically chained body, for now, with the man she loved, with her husband Roger, she had experienced rapture beyond all mortal expectancy. Never, never, never had she ever in her wildest dreams thought sex would be this good, this wonderful!

After a while, Roger lifted his head and gazed into Diane's eyes. His own eyes were moist, and filled with satiation, with exhaustion, with… yes, with love. "Diane," he began, swallowing, "Oh God, darling, that was… that was beyond belief!"

She kissed him gently, nibbling at his lower lip. "Was it better than with… with Cindy Cord?" she inquired softly.

"God, yes! Oh Jesus Christ, you don't even have to ask!"

She kissed him again. "You were better than Marc Cord, darling," she said. "Much, much better."

"Do you mean that?"

"Oh yes, I mean it." She moved her hand down along the sweat-slick surface of his buttocks to dip between them and gently rub the soft, resilient skin of his deflated balls.

"Diane… I love you, I really love you!" Roger blurted. "I'm sorry for… for what happened last night, and for what happened with Cindy…"

"Shhhh," she told him. "Don't be sorry, Roger. Don't be. I'm glad it all happened. Up until just now, I… hated myself, but not now, not now. I'm glad I let Marc Cord fuck me and plant his seed deep inside me!"

"Y-you are?"

"Yes, dear," Diane said. "Don't you see? Somehow, letting a strange man touch me, use my body, shoot in me, awakened all the desires which I had unwittingly kept repressed so long inside me."

"Something I couldn't do," Roger said, with a trace of bitterness. "Something your own husband couldn't accomplish in two years of marriage and love-making."

"No, no, darling, that isn't it at all," Diane said. "It didn't have anything to do with you. What it was was me. I'd lived with my puritanical moral upbringing so long that I just couldn't change when I married, when it became all right for me to experience sexual desires. I still couldn't bring myself to let go. It took an affair, a morally forbidden affair, a lewd fucking with a man I hardly knew to open up this whole new wonderful world for me."

Roger considered her words for a moment, and then he kissed the soft, smooth column of her throat tenderly. "Then… I'm glad we went over to the Cords today, Diane. I'm glad because the only thing that's kept our marriage from being perfect was your… your…"

"Frigidity?" Diane whispered. "You can say it now, Roger, because that's just what it was. I understand that… and I'm ashamed of it, of the torment I must have put you through these past two years, all the while blaming you because I thought you were too demanding."

They lay in silence for a long while, with Roger's now limp prick draining lovingly into Diane's satiated, warmly moist cunt. He made no move to rise from her body, and she made no move to push him off; they were together, for the first time, together. Finally, Roger said, "Diane?"

"Yes, darling?"

"About what Marc and Cindy said today? About… well, hell, about wife swapping. What do you think about it?"

"I don't know, darling. This one time, today, was good because of what it did for me, for us. But anything more than that…" She let her voice trail off as she thought about it.

"I was just wondering," Roger said, "if maybe our whole perspective wouldn't benefit by… by taking them up on their offer. I mean, if just one afternoon of swapping has given us the loving we just had, is it possible that continued swapping will make it even better for you and me in the future, even wilder than what we just had?"

"I… I'm not sure," Diane replied. "You might be right. I know I'm… well, I'm still attracted to Marc Cord and I… I guess I wouldn't mind him fucking me again." She felt little salacious thrills spin along the flesh of her inner thighs at the thought of Cord's huge, rock-hard cock. "I couldn't possibly feel the same about him as I feel about you, of course, darling. But still…" Again, she let her voice trail off.

"Yes," Roger said, "I know what you mean. After the fuck we just had together, there's no other woman who could satisfy me any better. But I'm damned if I wouldn't like to get into Cindy Cord's pants again."

Diane kissed his eyes, his mouth. "Do you… think we ought to take them up on their offer?" she asked softly. "About seeing them again tomorrow night, I mean?"

Roger pondered it. "Suppose we think about it," he said. "There'll be time enough to decide tomorrow."

"All right." Diane moved her hips seductively on the bed, her fingernails tracing little prickles of delight along his buttocks. In response, she felt his cock begin to stir from its flaccid rest in the warm, moist, fleshy walls of her cunt. "You're getting another hard-on, darling," she teased.

"Well, so I am."

"Shall we?"

He let his tongue flick along her lips and then burrow inside her mouth. He retracted it just enough to say, "Goddamned right we shall!"

In the office the next morning, Roger couldn't seem to concentrate. His mind kept reverting back to the events of last night, to the three glorious hours of love making he and Diane had had before finally falling asleep entwined in each other's arms.

Jesus, he thought as he sat at his desk, the columns of figures in the open ledger before him blurring together, who would have thought last week, even yesterday morning, that my prudish little wife would turn into one of the wildest fucks ever imaginable? She damned near tore me apart last night. I'd never say so to his face, but I guess I've got Cord to thank for finally snapping the ties that bound her sexually. From here on in, things are going to be just great, what I've always dreamed of…

He tried to read the figures before him again, and then threw his pencil down in futility. It was no use; he couldn't get with it today. He leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling for a moment. Suddenly and unaccountably, he found himself thinking about Cindy Cord.

She was one hell of a fuck in her own right, that's for sure, he thought. I wouldn't mind putting it to her again, even if Diane has finally emancipated herself. Hell, I've sort of discovered my own virility, too. No more quiet, staid, ultra-conservative Roger Slater; now it's Roger Slater, the swinger, Roger Slater, the cocksman. Yeah, what was it Cord said to me that night in the Pig and Whistle? "Play the modern role," that was it. Well, that's just exactly what I'm going to do from now on. I'm going to play the modern role, all right.

The telephone rang.

Roger picked up the receiver, said hello. And as if sensing the thoughts he was thinking, Cindy Cord's husky voice breathed into his ear, "Hello, lover. How's my handsome lover man this morning?"

He blinked. "Cindy?" He started to ask her why she had called him, but the tone of her voice made that plain. And he was Roger Slater, the swinger, now wasn't he? He said, "I was just thinking about you."

She laughed musically. "Were you? Well, that's nice to hear. And what were you thinking about me?"

"That you're a damned desirable woman."

"Oh? It seems your attitude has changed since you left yesterday, Roger honey."

"I've done a lot of thinking, all right."

"I'm glad to hear that." Cindy paused, and then purred, "Will you and Diane be coming over tonight? The invitation is still open."