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"What about Peter?" she asked quickly.

I shrugged. "What about Peter Logan? He's old enough to vote and he's no kid of mine."

She stared at me, shocked. "You mean you didn't-" I drew a long breath. "It was a simple deal, Beth. It had to be drawn in simple terms that a guy like Fredericks could understand and believe. An eye for an eye, something of his for something of mine. If I'd tried to cover the whole world, he'd have known I was pulling a bluff on him. Peter's got a papa of his own; he's no responsibility of mine, and Fredericks knows it. Let the Duke worry about Peter. Okay?"

She said angrily, "No, it's not at all okay-"

"Well, that's the deal," I said. "It's better than nothing, isn't it? Now what about this clue that you picked up listening in on your husband's telephone conversation?"

She was still glaring at me. "I wasn't listening in-"

"All right, you weren't listening in, you were just listening. What did you hear?"

"Matt, really!"

I drew a long breath. "I'm sorry. I haven't been to bed for longer than I can remember-not to sleep, anyway- and I'm probably a little unreasonable. Now, having apologized, may I have the clue?"

She started to speak angrily, checked herself, and said, "It's the old Buckman cabin."

"What's the old Buckman cabin?"

"Where they're to meet afterwards. After Larry gets back."

"I see. And where's the old Buckman cabin?"

"About seventeen miles back down the road you came by, there's a little road that turns down into a canyon, Buckman Canyon. It goes on for miles, and meets the highway way out on the desert-"

"Show me on the map."

She showed me. I went to the window and looked out. There was still plenty of daylight left, but there wasn't anything left inside me. It hits you like that sometimes. I shouldn't have had that drink. I tried to think what should be done next, but my brain was made strictly from absorbent cotton of a very crude and unrefined grade. Well, fortunately there was time to do something about it. Even with the best luck in the world, Logan couldn't possibly be back until morning unless he took to the air, and I know these fast-car boys. Unless the wheels fall off, they'll stick to what they're driving, rather than entrust themselves to some crazy pilot and his dangerous flying machine.

I turned from the window. You mustn't ever show that you're so pooped you don't know what the hell you're doing. You must always act as if you had a wonderful plan and it was working out swell. Anyway, that's the theory.

I went to the gun rack on the wall. Logan had an adequate, but not spectacular, hunting arsenal. There was a handsome, light, double-barreled shotgun, 16-gauge, obviously of English make. There was an American 12-gauge with a long 30-inch barrel, a long-range weapon for ducks and geese that the little gun wouldn't reach. There was a bolt-action Winchester.270 with a scope, a nice, flat-shooting mountain rifle. And then, so help me, there was the Africa gun, the big double rifle, the.500 elephant buster, without which no real white hunter could stay in business. So he'd actually been there and done it. I made a silent apology to Mr. Lawrence Logan, wherever he might be and whatever speed he might be traveling at.

I took down the little 16-gauge double. There were shells in the ammunition drawer. I stuck one into each chamber after checking that the bores were clear. I closed the gun and took it to Beth.

"This is the safety," I said. "Shove it up so and you're ready to go. I'm going to have to ask you to baby-sit me for a while. Fredericks or Fenn may dream up something fancy and there's no use taking chances. I'm going to get some sleep on the sofa so I'll be ready to function when it's time for the Duke to get back. When's daylight around here?"

She hesitated. "I think it starts to get light about four. But-"

"Wake me at three, if I'm still out," I said. "Now, I want you to listen closely. You'll stay in this room with me, and you'll keep the gun in your hands, or if your lap, if you want to sit and read. Aim it some direction where it won't do too much damage if it goes off. If you hear anything-anything whatever-push off the safety with your thumb and put your finger on the trigger, like this. Either trigger, but it's customary to start with the rear. If you have the slightest real intimation of trouble, just pull the trigger."


"Beth," I said, "please! I know it's a little rough on the household furnishings, but we hope you won't have to do it. But if you should, just follow instructions, do you understand? Don't scream, don't wait to turn around and see what's behind you, and don't for the love of Pete go out of the room to investigate. Just blow a hole in the wall. If anybody's trying to rush you, the noise should make him hit the deck. It should give me time to wake up and get into action. And if you should have to leave the room for any reason whatever, wake me up. Got it?"

"I… I think so. Matt."


"What about…" She touched her lips with her tongue. "What about Larry?"

"What do you mean?"

"What will happen to him? The police don't like him or trust him. Even now, after all the years he's been here, if anything happens in Reno-in Fredericks' organization… They would come out here to harass him-"

"He should have retired a little farther away."

She said, "If you know Larry at all, you know he wouldn't do that. If he was going to live it down, he was going to live it down right here. He wasn't going to run off and hide somewhere… What'll happen to him, Matt? They've just been waiting for him to get into trouble so they could-"

I said, "He's in trouble. He's smuggling heroin across the border in large quantities, which is illegal." I looked at her sharply. "You're really fond of the guy, aren't you?"

She said, "He's a wonderful person. And it was my fault… if it hadn't been for me…" She drew a long breath. "I… I'll do anything to help-"

She stopped. I looked down at her for a moment, and she started blushing. I grinned. "Make me the same offer some time when I'm not so sleepy." I took her chin in my hand, and tipped her face up, and kissed her on the lips in a brotherly fashion. "Don't worry too much about it, Beth. We usually take care of people who give us a hand, personal differences to the contrary notwithstanding."

I went over to the sofa, arranged the.38 revolver in a suitable location, and found a pillow of reasonable size. I kicked off my shoes, lay down, and went to sleep immediately.

When I woke up, Martell was there.

Chapter Twenty

IT WAS THE phone that woke me. I heard it ringing miles away, and I wished somebody'd silence it and let me sleep. Then I was suddenly wide awake wondering where she was and why she didn't do something about it. I started reaching for the little Smith and Wesson very cautiously. The gun wasn't there.

"Take it nice and easy, Buster," a man's voice said. I recognized the voice, although I'd heard it only once before, in Fredericks' office.

I opened my eyes, and there he was, sitting in a big chair facing the sofa with an automatic pistol balanced on his knee. It was a foreign job I didn't recognize; you can't keep track of them all these days. It had the usual switches and levers in the usual places. I judged the caliber to be about.38 inches or 9 mm.

Beth was sitting on the arm of the chair, very still. His left arm was around her, holding her there, and his left hand was where you'd expect the hand of a guy like that to be in a situation like that. Even if he'd had no interest in such things as Martell-and the record showed otherwise-he had to live up to his character as Fenn, and they're all breast-happy, those rackets boys. Maybe their mothers switched them to the bottle too early-if they had mothers.