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Each day we’d do two drops, break for dinner, and come back for a night drop. All at high altitude, unpressurized, on oxygen. With no higher rank present than a captain, we had no adult supervision at all. Just a bunch of young guys who thought we were bulletproof, and an airplane and parachutes to play with. It was glorious.

As it happens, I got my first look at a Predator drone during that training mission. The Predators were still fairly new then, developed in a program at Indian Springs. I saw them next in Bosnia, and later in Southwest Asia.

Like my previous novels, The Mullah’s Storm and Silent Enemy, I wrote The Renegades for two reasons: First, I wanted to create a compelling story that readers would find entertaining; I’ve always loved fiction. But through these novels, I also wanted to convey something about the motivations and mind-sets of American servicemen and -women. I hope my books do justice to their dedication, and to the expertise their work requires.

Tom Young
Alexandria, Virginia
January 2012


If you enjoyed reading The Renegades, thank my wife, Kristen, who took pen in hand, put her feet up on the ottoman, and ripped the manuscript up one side and down the other. She’s done the same for all my books. Thanks also go to my parents, Bob and Harriett Young, for a little help copyediting and a lot of help getting the word out.

I also received helpful input from Barbara Esstman, Jodie Forrest, Liz Lee, and Robert Siegfried. A special tribute goes to Dick Elam, who has given me good writing advice for thirty years. Even now I look at his comments on my manuscripts and think, Damn, I should have thought of that.

My squadron mates in the 167th Airlift Wing, West Virginia Air National Guard, have provided inspiration, moral support, and comradeship. Joe Myers enjoys a well-earned retirement now, and he edits copy with the precision you’d expect from a military instructor pilot. Pete Gross offered generous descriptions of his time as an adviser to the Afghan Air Force, and his observations were tremendously helpful. James Freid-Studlo also gave valuable descriptions from his experiences in Afghanistan—and darn near wore me out on a bike ride through rural Germany as we waited for our airplane to get fixed.

Like Parson, all of my helicopter time has been as a passenger, so I called on some experts to keep me straight on rotary-wing flying. They included Adam Albrich, Keith Olson, Sean Roehrs, Michael Adair, and Rob Tatum.

Brandon Forshaw and his colleagues at the 920th Rescue Wing, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, schooled me on the pararescue career field. I received other valuable medical tips from my cousin, Billy Perry, and from the world’s greatest flight nurse, Sandie Duiker.

If the novel contains any errors about medicine or helicopters, those errors are mine alone. With other technical aspects, I have taken artistic liberties. For example, some of the operations described in The Renegades would probably involve more personnel, and especially more officers, than depicted. However, I chose to limit the number of characters for the sake of the narrative.

Were it not for my agent, Michael Carlisle, my novels would be nothing more than files on my computer. Thanks also to Lyndsey Blessing, who has helped bring my stories to readers in Europe and Asia. Author and professor John Casey helped me get this adventure started, and I owe to him continued thanks.

As always, it’s a pleasure to work with Putnam publisher and editor-in-chief Neil Nyren and company president Ivan Held, as well as Thomas Colgan at Berkley. Thanks also to Michael Barson, Victoria Comella, Sara Minnich, Kate Stark, Chris Nelson, Lydia Hirt, Caitlin Mulrooney-Lyski, Alexandra Israel, and everyone at Penguin Group.

About the Author

Tom Young has logged nearly 4,000 hours for the Air National Guard in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, and elsewhere. The author of The Mullah’s Storm and Silent Enemy, Young has studied writing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, among other places, and lives in Alexandria, Virginia.



The Mullah’s Storm

Silent Enemy


The Speed of Heat: An Airlift Wing at War in Iraq and Afghanistan


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Young, Thomas W.

The renegades / Tom Young.

p. cm.

ISBN 978-1-101-58654-9

1. Parson, Michael (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Gold, Sophia (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 3. Soldiers—Fiction. 4. Afghan War, 2001—Fiction. 5. Earthquakes—Fiction. 6. Disaster relief—Fiction. 7. Taliban—Fiction. 8. Afghanistan—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3625.O97335R46 2012 2012010954


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