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“So what are you not telling me, Jovanno?” She closed the door to Locke and Jean’s chamber softly, then put her arms on his shoulders.

“Not telling you?”

“Oh, come now.” Her fingers began to work the knots between his shoulder blades. “You read, write, and figure, but scribes don’t get muscles like thispushing quills. I know you speak Vadran as well as Therin. You can handle a needle and thread. You fought a grown man to a standstill … not just any man, but Bert. Bert’s a scrapper and a half.”

“I’ve had a, ah, strange education,” said Jean, feeling his wits loosening as agreeably as his muscles under Jenora’s ministrations.

“You’re all strange, you Camorri. And strangely educated.”

“It’s nothing sinister. We’re just …”

“Slumming, hmm? Isn’t that what they usually call it when someone dresses down and plays beneath their station?”

“Jenora!” Jean turned around, grabbed her hands, and halted the massage. His well-soothed wits grudgingly rose to the occasion. If she’d been snooping on them a flat denial would probably be useless. “Look, imagine whatever you like, but pleasebelieve me … everyone is better off just taking things at face value.”

“Is there some sort of danger in my being curious?”

“Let’s just say there’s absolutely no danger in notbeing curious!”

“Rest easy. It’s an informed guess, Jovanno. Your cousin Lucaza, well, he seems a little surprised every time he notices that the world isn’t revolving around him. And Verena, she’s no scullery maid, you know? Manners, diction, learning, poise. Then there’s swordsman’s calluses on these hands of yours.” She ran her fingers lightly over his palms, and the sensation made Jean’s blood run hot in more than one place. “The gods put you all together from odd parts. There’s a story to be told.”

“There isn’t. There are so many trusts I’d be breaking … Jenora, please.”

“All right,” she said soothingly. “I can live with a bit of mystery. Let’s work on what ails you, then.”

“What ails … I don’t … oh, well, ha—”

She slipped her hands under his tunic and ran them up his back, where they started to gently but firmly put his sore muscles into something resembling their proper order. This had the natural effect of bringing them together; her breasts were warm against his upper chest, and her lips were parted in a half-smile just in front of his nose.

“Heh.” She blew playfully on his optics, fogging them over. “Not frightened of older, taller women, are you?”

“I, uh, wouldn’t really know what to be frightened of.”

“Oh? So you’re an untapped vintage, hmmm?”

“Jenora, I’m not used … surely you can see that I’m not thought of as, uh, you know—”

“You know what I don’tlike, Jovanno?” She moved her hands and teased the thin line of hair that ran down his stomach. “Stupid men, weak men, illiterate men. Men who can’t tell a play from a pile of kindling.”

Their lips came together, and as they kissed she slowly, deliberately guided one of his hands until it rested atop a breast. She squeezed for both of them, pushing his fingers, and Jean felt his awareness of the world narrowing to the delightful corridor of heat that seemed to be rising between them.

“Lucaza,” he whispered. “He might—”

“I have a feeling your friends are going to be up on the roof for a very long time,” she murmured. “Don’t you?”

Soon enough, by some process halfway between legerdemain and wrestling, their clothes were off and they fell into his bed. Jean could barely tell where light skin ended and dark skin began. He lay wrapped in the taste and smell and warmth of her, with smoke-colored hair falling around him like a teasing shroud. Jenora seemed very much at ease taking the lead, staying on top of him, alternately slowing and quickening the rhythm of their coupling. All too soon he reached the limit of his untrained endurance, and with a joyful, aching eruption there was one less mystery in Jean Tannen’s life.

Exhilarated, exhausted, and pleasantly bewildered, he clung to her for some time as their heartbeats slowed from a gallop to a canter. The pains of his tussle with Bertrand the Crowd seemed a hundred years in the past.

Jenora found her jacket in the mixed scatter of their clothing, pulled out a slim wooden pipe, and tamped it full of a tobacco mixture that smelled alien and spicy to Jean. They covered the room’s feeble alchemical globe and shared the pipe back and forth in the near-darkness, talking softly by the orange glow of the embers.

“So I really was your first.”

“Was it that obvious? Would you have known, even if I hadn’t said?”

“Enthusiasm is the first step,” she said. “Artfulness comes later.”

“I hope I didn’t disappoint you.”

“I’m not displeased, Jovanno. Hells, having a lover that’s new to the dance means you can train him properly. Give me a few nights and I’ll have you whipped into proper form.”

“The Asino brothers … they always, well, they always invited me to go with them when they went out. To buy it, you know.”

“There’s no shame in doing that. And there’s no shame in not having done it. But those two are hounds, Jovanno. Any woman could smell it a mile away. Sometimes a run with the hounds is just what you’re in the mood for, but in the end they’ll always roll around in muck and shit on your floor.”

“Oh, they’ve got an endearing side,” said Jean. “It comes out once a month, when the first moon is full. They’re like backwards werewolves.”

“Well,” she said, “when I take someone into my bed, I prefer brains and balls in more equal proportion.”

“I like the sound of that. Hey, there’s a … sorry, beneath your legs, did we … ?”

“Ah. My apprentice, allow me to introduce you to the concept of the wet spot.”

“Is that uncomfortable?”

“Well, it’s not what I’d call ideal. Hey, what are you—”

With an enthusiastic excess of groping and giggling, he applied his strength to shifting their positions. In a few moments, he’d pushed her to the dry side of the bed and taken her former place.

“Mmmm. Jovanno, you have a gallant streak. Another smoke?”


They were just finishing carefully lighting the second bowl when the door burst open.

“Jovanno,” shouted Locke, “it’s the Asino brothers, you wouldn’t believe what they oh my gods holy shit!”

He stared for a second or two, then whirled away and faced out into the hall.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize—”

“The idiot twins,” said Jean, “are they in trouble?”

“No,” said Locke, with less than believable haste. “No, no, no. Actually, it’s not important at all. We’ve got it handled. You, uh, you just … hell, I can sleep in the common room, you two just forget I exist. Sorry. Have, uh, have a good time!”

“We are,” said Jenora, calmly exhaling a line of smoke.

“Great! Well! Excellent! Just … going now!”

“He’s down off the roof a lot sooner than I would have thought,” said Jenora once the door was closed again.

“Yeah,” said Jean, frowning. “Something must have happened. Whatever the Asinos did—”

“Your friends,” said Jenora. “They sort of look to you to hold them together when there’s trouble, don’t they?”

“Well, that’s a pretty flattering way of putting it, but—”

“Let ’em fend for themselves for a night,” she whispered. “Now we’ll have privacy. If Verena wants to sort Lucaza out she can always take him to my room.”

“She can,” said Jean. “She sure as hell can.So, uh, is it too soon to start hearing about this artfulness you mentioned?”


“LONG SUMMER of the Therin Throne,” shouted Calo, arms outflung to encompass the inn-yard, “ordained time for building and growing, while earth and sky are generous. These years for princely Aurin lie fallow as a field, plowed and yet unseeded with valorrrrrruurrrrrrrgh—