and the hybrid war 102
‘little green men’/‘the polite people’/Russian spetsnaz soldiers vii, 38, 40, 78, 102, 103, 175
rebuilding of 84
and Russian sovereignty 54, 55
Siemens turbines scandal 53, 57, 172
and the Sochi Olympics vii, 169
and the Soviet Union 179, 180–1
state of emergency in 37–8, 107
as a territory of the subconscious 13–16
as a toxic asset 172, 173, 180
and Victory Day 202
Crimean War 251
cruise missiles 41, 42
Customs Union of Post-Soviet Countries 48
cyber warfare 78, 92
Czech Republic 103
Czechoslovakia, Soviet invasion of Prague 77, 231
Dadin, Ildar 242
Danilevsky, Nikolai 14
The Dawns Here Are Quiet (film) 200
The Death of Stalin (film) 214–16
Decembrists 246, 249–55
Degtyarev, Yury 34
Delanöe, Bertrand 133
demographic policy 119, 120
Dima Yakolev Law see adoption
disabled children 155, 166, 167
disabled people
and the Eurovision Song Contest 166, 167–8
lack of rights 166
and the Paralympics 166–7
Do the Russians Want War? (song) 200
Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak) 225
Dombrovsky, Yury 239
domestic violence 142, 152, 163, 240
Donbass 22, 24, 37, 38, 39, 41, 55, 84, 163, 165, 173, 237
and Victory Day 202, 203
see also Crimea
Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) 20, 21–5, 172, 196, 227
Donne, John 116
doping in sport 91
and the Paralympics 166–7
Sochi Olympics 169–71, 173
Dosteovsky, Fyodor 14, 19, 55, 113
The Brothers Karamazov 190, 220
The Demons 221
Notes from Underground 8, 220, 221
Dovgan, Irina 21
DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) 20, 21–5
drones 40
dubbing of films 109–10
Dubin, Boris 219
Dugin, Alexander 14, 20
Dulles Doctrine 86
Durov, Pavel 49
Dyushes (doping cocktail) 171
Dzerzhinsky, Felix 196, 213
Ecuador 22
EF (English First) 109
Eidelman, Natan 252
Elena (film) 161
Eliot, T.S. 195
English football fans 101–2
English language 108–11
English Revolution 124
Epstein, Mikhail 8
Erlikh, Sergei 252
Estemirova, Natalia 231
Etkind, Alexander, Warped Mourning 209–13
EU (European Union) 15, 32, 53, 73, 93, 152, 223
exports of foodstuffs from 154
Russian hackers’ interference in elections viii
and Ukraine 84, 227
Euclid 45
eugenics 119
European Football Championship (2016) 101–2
European Parliament, and ‘the Dadin list’ 241–2
Eurovision Song Contest 165–6, 167–8
Facebook 48, 49, 70
avatars 112, 113, 115
and the destruction of sanctioned food 154
and the US presidential elections 173
fake news 172
families, violence in 142, 240
family policy in Russia 128–9, 136
FARC guerrillas 22, 23
homophobic 136, 137
imaginary 212
myth of Ukrainian 226–8
fear, and Russia’s hybrid war 90–3
female genital mutilation 146
feminism, and beauty contests 138–9
festivals, and military-patriotic hysteria 76–7
films, dubbing of 109–10
Finland 34, 36
English language in 110–11
fires, grass burning 6–8, 183
First World War 77, 148, 213
Flaubert, Gustave 234
flower memorials 229–32
flower revolutions 230
Fogel, Brian 170
destruction of sanctioned foodstuffs 143, 154–6
Russian state’s war on cheese 154, 156, 157–60
sanctions 81, 83
Heysel Stadium tragedy 101
Russian football fans 92
thugs 101–4
World Cup 5, 71, 101, 170
Forbes magazine 20
Foreign Affairs 30
foreign languages 108–11
foreign policy
and fear 89–93
and Russian sovereignty 53–7
Foreign Policy (journal), list of ‘Agitators’ 20, 23, 24
fires 6
and roads 4, 5
fortress towns 62–3
Foucault, Michel x, 120, 124, 137
France 196–7
Charlie Hebdo 112–13, 114
football hooligans in Marseilles 101–2, 104
foreign films in 109–10
‘hard’ memory 210–11
migrants 26
National Front 172
Palace of Versailles 124
post-imperial feelings 219
seventeenth-century 67
Franco-Prussian War 74
Frangulyan, Georgy 245
French Revolution 86, 124, 129
Freud, S. 55, 212, 213
Friedländer, Saul 210
Fry, Stephen 136, 216
FSB (Federal Security Service) 49, 83, 91, 171
FSO (Federal Protection Service) 63
Fujimori, Alberto 52
Fukuyama, Francis 23
Furtwängler, Wilhelm 97
future of Russia, crisis of belief in 96
Fyodorov, Yevgeny 114
G8 group of countries vii, 13, 109
Gaaze, Konstantin 83
Gagarin, Yury 47, 74
Gaidar, Yegor 222
Galich, Alexander, Petersburg Romances 252
Game of Thrones (TV series) 46
Gandhi, Indira 187
Gaulle, Charles de 159, 160
gays see homosexuality
Gazprom 9
Gelman, Vladimir 69–70
Genghis Khan 182
geopolitics 17, 30–3, 39, 42, 90, 91
Georgia 55, 74, 230
South Ossetia 196
German, Alexei 216
Berlin Olympics (1936) 94, 97–8
foreign films in 110
Nazi (Third Reich) 97, 105, 136, 148
biopolitics 120–1
concentration camps 208
de-Nazification 183, 185, 209, 210–11
and Ukrainian fascism 226–7
populism in 172
postwar 19
Weimar Republic 105, 113, 220
‘stab in the back’ theory 226, 228
Giddens, Anthony 90
Ginzburg, Yevgenia 211
glasnost 201
global cities, creative class in 132–3
global community, Russia as part of 115
global warming, and the Arctic 10
and geopolitics 32
and Moscow 28
rejection of 23, 25
and Russian sovereignty 54, 56
GLONASS satellite tracking system 48, 84
Gobineau, Count de 27
Goebbels, Josef 94, 97
Goering, Hermann 97
Goethe, Johann von 149
Golden Horde 28
Goncharov, Ivan, Oblomov 187–8
Google 79, 84, 173
Maps 45, 46
Gorbachev, Mikhail 92, 125, 186, 187–9, 239, 246
failed coup against (1991) 74, 79, 188–9, 190, 191, 193–7, 246
Nobel Peace Prize award 233
Goryunov, Maxim 7
Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 152, 153
Granin, Daniil 200
grass burning 6–8, 183
Grass, Günter, The Tin Drum 18, 19
The Great Dictator (film) 215
Greece 230
Greenpeace 6