I mean…how could they?’
‘Don’t underestimate your own importance. You’ve had access to echelons of society most people are excluded from. Wouldn’t you concede the possibility that you might have dropped the occasional indiscreet word about what you’d seen and heard? Or have you never been tempted, perhaps, to carry out a small task for friendly acquaintances?’
‘I’m a singer, not a politician or a street fighter. And certainly not an odd job man or message carrier.’
‘Ah. Messages.’
‘I beg your pardon?’
‘You just said message carrier. I didn’t mention it, you did. I wonder why.’
‘Well, from what you were saying, it just seemed natural to assume…’
‘You see? That’s how easy it is.’
‘What do you mean? What’s easy?’
‘Forgetting little things in a busy life. I asked if you’d ever undertaken any chores, and you mention carrying messages.’
‘No, that’s not what I meant. You make it sound as though I’ve done something to be ashamed of, and I haven’t.’
‘Then nothing’s lost by you passing on some names,’ Laffon returned triumphantly.
‘You’re twisting my words, making me out to be some kind of criminal.’
The Commissioner looked appalled. ‘I wouldn’t dream of
suggesting such a thing. I’m sure you’ve never done anything to endanger the security of the state…intentionally.’
‘What does that mean?’
‘We can never be entirely certain what the intentions of others might be. When it comes to state security, that’s a job for the professionals. All you have to do is supply a list of names-’
‘Why should I be part of subjecting other people to this sort of treatment?’
‘So there are other people, then?’
‘I was speaking hypothetically.’
‘Do these hypothetical people have real names?’
‘I can’t help you, Commissioner.’
‘You might think that certain people you know are innocent, and perhaps they are, but that needs to be properly investigated.’
‘Any names I gave you would be purely as the result of pressure. There really wouldn’t be anyone deserving of your attention.’
‘Let us be the judge of that.’
‘I want an advocate present before I say anything else.’
‘That isn’t possible.’ Laffon sighed. ‘Look, Rukanis, there are hard, violent men in this world.’
‘That’s rather a statement of the obvious, isn’t it, Commissioner?’
‘What may not be so obvious to you is that many of them are paladins, and it’s the paladins who are holding you at the moment. There’s a limit to the influence I might have in this case.’
‘My understanding is that the clans are soldiers of fortune in the empire’s employ. You have authority over them.’
‘Ultimately, yes. But what with the officialdom that bedevils us these days, and the fact that this is a protectorate and not Gath Tampoor itself…well, it could take some time to estab
lish who has supremacy. While it was being sorted out, you’d remain in their custody. Whereas, if you co-operate fully with me now, I might be able to get you transferred to the custody of the CIS. I’m sure you’d find my department much more reasonable in these matters.’
‘You’ll forgive me for doubting that.’
Exasperation showed on Laffon’s features. ‘You’re failing to appreciate how grave your situation is, Rukanis. You don’t know how much we’ve learnt about your activities.’
‘I thought you said it must all be a mistake.’
‘You don’t understand, do you? This isn’t a question of your innocence or guilt, or whether you’ve been naive. It’s about doing what we tell you.’
‘In all conscience, I can’t.’
‘Few of us can afford the luxury of a conscience in these troubled times. Speak, man. Tell what you know and avoid any…unpleasantness.’
‘I’ve already said-’
‘Very well,’ Laffon replied stiffly as he rose from the chair. ‘I wash my hands of you.’
He went to the cell door and hammered on it twice with his fist. The door was opened.
Outside stood a tall, muscular man wearing the traditional black garb and mask of the torturer’s trade.
Tanalvah shuddered.
‘What’s the matter?’ Serrah said.
‘A chill ran up my spine.’
‘Well, it is getting colder.’
‘It wasn’t that.’
They were sitting side by side on a horse blanket, bundled against the crisp air, on the crest of a hill.
‘You’re not in this alone, Tan; I do wish you’d understand that. We’re all here to support you.’
‘I know you are, and I’m grateful. But we can’t say the same about Kinsel, can we? I keep thinking of him, there alone, suffering who knows what kind of…’ She couldn’t go on.
Serrah tried to take her mind off it. ‘At least you have the children, and they’re safe.’ She nodded to where Teg and Lirrin romped with Kutch. Caldason stood a little further away, looking down at the city. It was coming to dusk, and the metropolis had begun to glow with magical energy. They would have to head back soon.
‘You’re right,’ Tanalvah conceded, ‘and I’m being selfish.’
‘I have the children. They’re mine now, and I love them as though they were my own. But you lost your only child, and you have no one. Forgive me being blunt. I hope bringing it up doesn’t grieve you too much.’
Serrah shook her head.
‘I only mention it,’ Tanalvah went on, ‘because you’re one of the few people who can understand how I feel. Tell me, were you haunted by how things might have turned out if you’d acted differently? Did you reproach yourself?’
‘Of course. Endlessly. I should think everyone does in that situation.’
‘Then you know how I feel. There were things I did wrong, and things I shouldn’t have done, and now Kinsel’s paying for it.’
‘The last thing you need is to blame yourself.’
‘You don’t know.’
‘Tell me,’ Serrah gently coaxed.
‘I can’t.’
Serrah had thought her friend was on the verge of opening up, but she didn’t try to push her. ‘All right. I’ll be around if you ever want to talk about it. But, Tan, what you mustn’t do is add guilt to your burden. Believe me, I know.’
Tanalvah nodded, but looked far from convinced.
Two small whirlwinds arrived, in the form of a pair of excited children. They wanted Tanalvah to join them, and pulled at her hands until she stood and went with them to Kutch.
Serrah watched them for a while, then Caldason strolled back and sat down beside her.
‘Look at them,’ she said. ‘I wish I could be like a child and block out the lousy things in life. How do they do it?’
‘I don’t know; it was never like that for me. But it’s a good thing they can. How is Tanalvah?’
‘Isn’t it obvious?’
‘It’s hard to form an opinion when she avoids talking to me.’
‘Don’t blame her for that. She’s just about hanging on, I’d say. And now she’s letting guilt get to her.’
‘What does she have to feel guilty about?’
‘Nothing, I’m sure. But she thinks she does.’
‘You didn’t tell her what Disgleirio said about wanting Kinsel killed?’
‘Of course not! What do you take me for?’
‘Sorry, I should have known you wouldn’t.’
‘It got me thinking about him though. Disgleirio, I mean. I find it hard to fathom the man. You think you know where he stands, then he comes out with something like that.’
‘Perhaps it’s not so surprising. The Fellowship of the Righteous Blade are zealots, in a way. They’re focused on their goal and tend to see anything in their path as something to be swept aside, no matter how ruthlessly.’
‘And that makes them unique, does it? I can think of at least one other person with a similar outlook.’
He had to smile. ‘I just stabbed myself in the foot, didn’t I?’
She smiled back. ‘Don’t worry about it. It’s one of my specialities, too.’
‘The Blade’s a patriotic group. I reckon having to accept they’re not going to get their country back would be a bitter potion for a man like Quinn. Signing up for Karr’s dream of a new state must seem like second best.’