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Pontifax arrived then, the blood of the dead and wounded spattering his tunic. “Do you have any spells that could help us?” Artus asked.

“Against that thing?” the mage replied. “Only if you want to make it really angry.”

Casually Skuld held out a hand. In his palm rested a silver globe the size of a large apple, perfectly round. Mulhorandi picture-glyphs girded the ball—men with the wings and heads of hawks, women with the features of cats, and many other strange creatures. As Artus looked at them, they began to move in stately procession. “This will not kill the dragon turtle,” Skuld noted, “but it will breach its shell.”

“And the ballistae will do the rest,” one of the crewmen shouted. “Shall I pass the word to prepare for firing?”

Artus snatched the globe from Skuld’s hand. “Tell the men to hold their fire until this thing, er—”

“It will explode, master,” Skuld whispered. “All you need do is throw it at the beast.”

”—until this thing explodes,” the explorer said. He glanced up and saw the guardian spirit was actually smiling, an odd sort of pride in his eyes. “The men will know what to aim for after that.”

The dragon-turtle swam closer to the ship. The waves caused by its slow, relentless movement caused the Narwhal to bob like a child’s toy boat on bath night. “Once the fighting starts, we’ll want to put some distance between us and the turtle. One of you men take over as boatswain.” Artus pointed at a brawny half-orc with a broken nose. “You’ll do for now.”

The crewmembers scattered to their tasks, leaving Artus alone on the poop deck with Pontifax, Skuld, and the three young sailors manning the ship’s massive wheel. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” the mage asked as Artus stepped up to the rail.

“Not in the least,” he replied, then threw the silver globe with all his might.

Aremag must have suspected a doublecross, for he tried to dive away from the small missile. He was too large for such a demanding maneuver, however, and the globe flew with magical speed. Skuld’s weapon struck the turtle’s shell directly over a leg. The explosion sent a flare of light into the night sky and a rumble of thunder over the ceaselessly churning sea. Fragments of shell, sharper than any sword, sliced through the air, tearing through sails and cutting the rigging. Those men and women unlucky enough to be hit by the shrapnel would never know how the battle turned out.

“Fire!” Artus shouted.

Captain Bawr had kept a strict chain of command to handle such battles, but it had disintegrated with her death. Most of the officers were hiding, afraid of both mutineers and the dragon turtle. Yet the crews manning the engines had bested pirate ships and vessels from the royal navies of five countries. When they saw the bloody breech in Aremag’s shell, they knew what to do even before Artus’s shouted order.

The heavy thud of twenty-five ballista arms shooting forward and the hiss of as many huge bolts slicing through the air came to Artus’s ears. He saw the dragon turtle roll in pain. Seven heavy lances had found their mark. The iron tipped missiles dug deep into Aremag’s flesh, turning the water crimson. Most of the other bolts struck the shell and bounced harmlessly away. One well-placed shot blinded the turtle’s left eye.

A shout went up on the Narwhal as the dragon turtle screamed. The ballistae fired again, though all but one of the bolts struck harmlessly against the thrashing giant’s shell. The dragon turtle had taken enough of a beating to retreat, but not without a parting shot. Just before it sank, Aremag inhaled sharply, then breathed out a cloud of scalding steam.

The shrieks of the sailors closest to The starboard rail replaced their victory cry. The steam poured into the ballista ports, searing the skin off the men caught in its wake. In a few places, ropes sizzled and broke. A yardarm, suddenly cut free, fell to the deck and crushed a midshipman. Skuld shielded Artus and Pontifax from the blast, then disappeared into the medallion. From the rail, Artus stared out at the churning, bloody sea, waiting for the turtle’s return. Pontifax, his back to his friend, looked out over the carnage on the quarter deck. “I’d better see if I can help anyone down there,” the mage said.

Artus turned and came face-to-face with Quiracus. The elf slapped the piece of parchment he’d been carrying earlier over the medallion, then lashed out at Artus with a right hook. The blow landed on the explorer’s jaw, sending him backward over the rail.

No silver hand emerged from the medallion to save Artus from this fall. Only his own quick reflexes stopped him from plummeting into the sea. He gripped the edge of the rail with one hand, his fingernails digging furrows into the wood as he slid. Quiracus reached out, intent on loosening that tenuous grip, but Pontifax tackled him. The mage easily bowled the slender elf off his feet, then hurried to help Artus. Puffing at the exertion, he pulled the explorer back onto the deck.

“Where did he go?” Artus snouted.

“I don’t know,” Pontifax said. “But we’ll find him sooner or later. Not many places to hide on a ship.”

Artus slumped back against the rail, then lifted the medallion. The silver disk was completely hidden by a thick layer of hardened white paste.

“I saw Quiracus hit the medallion with that parchment,” Pontifax said. “It looks like some sort of magical damper. Unless we can find a way to get it off, I don’t think we’ll be seeing Skuld again for a while.”

Artus looked at the medallion, then dropped it back onto his chest. “Good thing we’re just a couple days out of Refuge Bay. Whoever is trying to kill me knew enough to get Skuld out of the way first.”

Concern filled Pontifax’s eyes. “What makes you think they’ll stop once we get to Chult?”

“Here, let me quote a bit for you: ‘I have discovered that the Cult of Frost is led by that blackguard Kaverin Ebonhand.’” The man chuckled. “So I’m a blackguard, am I? How perfectly melodramatic.”

Quiracus dropped to his knees in the center of an intricately woven Turmish carpet. It was as expensive and as gaudy as the rest of the trappings in Captain Bawr’s cabin. “Please, you’ve got to hide me. Cimber will kill me if he finds me.”

Kaverin closed the small book bound in wyvern hide. “I am wondering, my fine elf, whether you have served me well enough to merit sheltering.” He tapped one finger on the book. Like the rest of his hand, the digit was solid jet-black stone, though it moved like one of flesh and blood. “True, you recovered this lovely volume from my vaunted foe. The book, in turn, will tell me everything Cimber knows about our mutual grail. And you did neutralize the guardian of the medallion for us by slapping that parchment over it.”

He paused and bowed to the mousy woman sitting in the corner of the cabin. “Plaudits to you, my dear Phyrra, for that wonderfully simple magical damper. The guardian never knew what hit him, as the saying goes.” A frown tugged at the corners of Kaverin’s mouth. “Sadly, Cimber does know what—or more precisely who—hit him. Since you could not kill the blithering dolt, he can identify you as his would-be assassin. That is really quite troublesome, Quiracus.”

With one jet finger, Kaverin gestured to the creature crouched atop a lacquered cabinet next to the door. The thing resembled a small albino monkey, though it sported large bat’s wings and the talons of an eagle. It swooped across the room and landed on its master’s shoulder, then began to fan him gently with its leathery wings.

“This heat is almost unbearable,” Kaverin sighed. He wiped the sweat from his brow and from inside the collar of his loose-fitting white shirt. “At least, it would be if not for Feg.” The winged monkey chittered shrilly.

Panic shone clearly on Quiracus’s delicate elven features. He turned pleading blue eyes on Kaverin, whose face registered no emotion whatsoever. The first mate had seen dark, lifeless eyes like those before, but on a shark, not a man. Quiracus suddenly knew how Kaverin had come to be so infamous, how he could have committed crimes horrible enough to earn him the title “Butcher of Tantras.”