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Gregory XIII (r. 1572–85), 277

Innocent VIII (r. 1484–92), succeeds Sixtus IV, 160; ‘a rabbit’, 161; and Lorenzo the Magnificent, 161, 182, 202–3; Savonarola and, 182; and Giovanni di Lorenzo, 203

John XXIII Baldassare Cossa, q.v. Antipope to Popes Benedict XIII and Gregory XII, (1410–15), background and personality, 34; and King of Naples, 35; accusations against, 35–6; last years, 36; his will, 36; Cosimo Pater Patriae and, 39; and Bracciolini, 45; his monument, 71, 75, 98, 316; Giovanni di Bicci and, 87

Julius II (r. 1503–13), 217, 228; appearance and temperament, 207; his military exploits, 207–8; and Giovanni di Lorenzo, 208; dying, 216; and the Duke of Urbino, 223; and Michelangelo, 229; and Raphael, 229, 332; and the Laocoön, 325

Leo III, 326

Leo IV, 326

Leo X, Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici, q.v. (r. 1513–21), election of, 217; his appearance, 218; his enjoyment of the papacy, 218, 224; and the House of Medici, 219; his reception in Florence, 220–2, 314, 324; and the Duke of Urbino, 222, 223–4; and Francis I, 222–3; and his brother Giuliano, 223; his extravagance, 224, 227; Vettori on, 224; his dinners, 225–6; his amusements, 226–7, 230–2; his expenditure on Rome, 227–8; a generous patron of writers and scholars, 228; and Michelangelo, 229, 240, 327; makes enemies, 232–3; attempted assassination of, 233–4; creates a pro-Medici Sacred College, 235; and Charles V, 237; and Luther, 237; godfather to Cosimo I, 261; his coat of arms, 315; and the Medici Library, 316; Raphael and, 325, 326

Martin V (r. 1417–31), 36, 37, 56, 70, 314

Nicholas V, Tommaso Parentucelli, q.v. (r. 1447–55). 87

Paul II (r. 1464–71), 103, 125, 129

Paul III (r. 1534–49), 264

Pius II, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, q.v. (r. 1458–64), on Florentines, 38; on Cosimo Pater Patriae, 38, 63; on Francesco Sforza, 81; and the Medici bank, 88; and Cosimo Pater Patriae, 88

Pius III (r. and d. 1503), 207

Pius IV (r. 1559–65). 331

Pius V (r. 1566–72), 266, 267

Sixtus IV, Francesco della Rovere (r. 1471–84), 125; his appearance, 128; nepotism, 128–9; and Lorenzo the Magnificent, 129, 130, 159; and the Pazzi Conspiracy, 132, 133, 155; and Florence, 148, 159; Tuscan bishops excommunicated, 150; and Naples, 154, 159; and the Florentine deputation, 160; death of, 160

Sixtus V (r. 1585–90), 277

Portinari family, 43

Portinari, Folco, 316

Prato, 32, 124, 12J, 213–14

Printing, 44, 46, 169

Processions, Martin V leaves Florence, 36; to celebrate completion of the Baptistery bronze doors, 71; to celebrate completion of the Cathedral dome, 73; escort of Princess Eleonora of Naples, 121; Charles VIII enters Florence, 180–90; Leo X enters Florence, 221; Francis I and, 222; Christine of Lorraine enters Florence, 280

Propaganda Fidt, 279

Ptolemy, prop. Claudius Ptolemaeus, 280

Pucci, Giovanni, 52

Pucci, Lorenzo, 232

Pucci, Puccio, 52, 61, 62

Pulci, Luigi (1432–84), 116, 164, 323

Quercia, Jacopo della (c. 1367–1438), 70

Quintilian, prop. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, 45

Rangone, Bianca, 209, 235

Rangone, Ercole, Cardinal, 235

Raphael, prop. Raffaello Sanzio (1483–1520), Leo X and, 229, 325; Clement VII and, 240, 326; Madonna del Baldacchino, 300–1; his portrait of Julius II, 332

Relics, holy, finger of St John the Baptist, 36; belonging to the Cathedral, 120; Volto Santo, 305; Cosimo III’s sacred collection, 305

Renaissance, Council of Florence and, 68; versatility of artists of, 70; Brunelleschi’s church of San Lorenzo, 72

René I, Duke of Anjou (1409–80), 85

Renzo da Ceri, 243

Riario, Girolamo, and Sixtus IV, 128; at Imola, 129; and the Pazzi Conspiracy, 131, 132, 133; Lorenzo the Magnificent and, 134, 156; seeks vengenace on Florence, 148, 159; his ambitions, 160

Riario, Piero, Archbishop of Florence, 128, 130

Riario, Raffeele, Cardinal, and the Pazzi Conspiracy, 134–5, 148; Lorenzo the Magnificent and, 135, 140–1; at Palazzo Medici, 136–7; and assassination of Giuliano di Piero, 138; his pallor, 141; his dinner party, 224; and Leo X, 232, 233, 234; his palace confiscated, 239

Riccardi family, 76, 318

Ricci, House of, 35

Ricci, Sebastiano, 300

Ridolfi family, 321

Ridolfi, Antonio, 137, 138

Ridolfi, Contessina, née Medici, Contessina di Lorenzo de’, 115, 221

Ridolfi, Lorenzo, 247

Ridolfi, Niccolò, Cardinal, 235, 248

Ridolfi, Piero, 220, 221

Rinuccini, Alamanno, 122, 157

Riots, Ciompi, 25–6, 31; in Volterra, 125–7; after the Pazzi Conspiracy, 140; after cancellation of ordeal by fire, 199

Robbia, Andrea della (1435–1525), 317

Robbia, Luca della (c. 1400–82), 108, 138, 320, 321

Robert, King of Naples, 39

Roman Catholic Church, and Council of Florence, 64; and Greek Orthodox Church, 65, 67

Rome, Medici offices in, 34, 35, 36, 87, 114, 158; Cosimo Pater Palriae in, 39–40; Eugenius IV driven from, 56; artists in, 70, 72, 90, 167; Lorenzo the Magnificent in, 103, 125: Lorenzo the Magnificent’s proxy wedding in, 116; anti-Medici conspirators in, 131; and the Pazzi Conspiracy failure, 148; printing presses in, 169; falls to Charles VIII, 193; Lorenzo the Magnificent on, 204; crime and corruption in, 205; Giovanni di Lorenzo in, 205, 206; conclave in, 216–17; celebrations for the election of Leo X, 218; under Leo X, 228; Charles V’s forces advance on, 241–3; sack of, 244–5

Belvedere, 226

Castel Sam’ Angelo, 241; executions at, 205, 234; Clement VII takes refuge in, 241, 244; fugitives in, 244–5; the attack on, 246–7; Queen Christina at, 330

Monte Testaccio, 227

Piazza del Popolo, 228

Santa Maria in Dominica, church of, 228

St Peter’s Basilica, Florentine deputation in, 160; under reconstruction, 216, 228; corpse of Clement VII desecrated in, 253; threatened destruction by fire, 326

St John in Lateran, church of, 88, 305, 327

Via Ripetta, 228

Romualdo, St, 321

Rondinelli, Fra Giuliano, 198

Rosa, Salvator (1615–73), 286

Rossellino, Bernardo, 313

Rossi, Leopetto, 102

Rossi, Luigi, 235

Rossi, Maria, née Medici, Maria di Piero de’, 102

Rossi, Roberto de’, 37

Rosso, Giovanni, 274

Rovere, Francesco della, see Pope Sixtus IV

Roverc, Francesco Maria della, see Urbino, Francesco Maria I and II, Dukes of

Rovere, Giovanni della, 129

Rovere, Giuliano della, Cardinal, later Pope Julius II, q.v., 161

Rovere, Leonardo della, 130

Rovere, Vittoria della, see Medici, Vittoria de’

Rubens, Peter Paul (1577–1640), 332

Rucellai family, 314

Rucellai, Bcrnardo(1449–1514), 102

Rucellai, Giovanni, 29, 227, 313