Rucellai, Lucrezia, née Lucrezia di Piero de’ Medici, 102
Rucellai, Palla, 257
Ruggieri, Giuseppe, 319, 328
Ruspanli, 308
St Stephen, Prato, church of, 93
Salutati, Antonio di Messer Francesco, 87
Salviati, Averardo, 141
Salviati, Francesco, Archbishop of Pisa, waits in Rome, 130; and the Pazzi Conspiracy, 131, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138–9; executed, 140
Salviati, Giacomo, 261
Salviati, Giovanni, Cardinal, 235
Salviati, Jacopo, 220, 247, 262
Salviati, Lucrezia, neé Medici, Lucrezia di Lorenzo de’, 115
Salviati, Maria, see Medici, Maria de’
San Domenico Fiesole, convent of, 73, 94, 317
San Leo, fortess of, 236
Sanseverino, Federigo, Cardinal, 209, 231
Sansovino, Jacopo, prop. Jacopo Tatti (1486–1570), 220, 221, 325
Santa Croce, Antonio, 246
Santo Spirito, Jerusalem, church of, 74
Sarto, Andrea del, prop. Andrea Vannucchi (1486-1531), 172, 220, 221, 300, 322
Sassetri, Francesco, 158, 323
Sauli, Cardinal, 233, 234
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-98), 178-82, 216; his effect on Florentine morale, 185; and Charles VIII, 188; his power in Florence, 191; differing attitudes to, 192-3; and the Holy League, 196; and Alexander VI, 196-7; and the proposed ordeal by fire, 198, 199; tortured, hanged and burned, 200; Machiavelli’s contempt for, 210; his cell at San Marco, 317
Scarlatti, Alessandro (1659-1725), 300
Schinner, Matthew, Cardinal, 220
Scoroncolo, assassin of Alessandro de’ Medici, 256
Sforza, Ascanio, Cardinal, 203, 205
Sforza, Bianca, née Visconti, 80, 81
Sforza, Caterina, 128
Sforza, Francesco, Duke of Milan (1401-66), and war between Florence and Lucca, 42; his birth, 80; personality and appearance, 81; Pius Il on, 81; marriage, 81; and Cosimo Pater Palriae, 82; Duke of Milan, 82, 85; and Florence’s foreign policy, 83; and France, 84; and the Medici bank in Milan, 87, 158; death of, 105
Sforza, Francesco Maria, Duke of Milan (d. 1535), 240
Sforza, Galeazzo Maria, Duke of Milan (1444-76), his instability, 105; his cruelty and extravagance, 123-4; and Lorenzo the Magnificent, 124; his daughter’s marriage, 128; assassinated, 130
Sforza, Giacomo Attendolo (1369-1424), 80-1
Sforza, Gian Galeazzo, Duke of Milan (1469-94). 130, 151, 181, 183, 184
Sforza, Ippolita, see Calabria, Duchess of
Sforza, Isabella, Duchess of Milan, 183, 184
Sforza, Lodovico, Duke of Milan, called il Moro (1451-1508), appearance, 151; character, 151-2; in power, 152; Lorenzo the Magnificent and, 168, 173; and Charles VIII, 183, 184; proclaims himself Duke, 184; joins the Holy League, 194
Sieges, Lucca (1429-30), 42-3; Rome (1527), 244-6; Florence (1529-30), 249-51; Volterra (1472), 126
Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor (1368–1437), 34
Silvester, Guido, 231
Silvestri, Bartolommeo, 332
Silvestro, Fra, 200
Slaves, 23-4, 33, 39-40, 95, 266
Soderini, Francesco, Cardinal, 217, 232, 231, 234, 238
Soderini, Niccolò, 104-5, 106, 123
Soderini, Paolo Antonio, 155
Soderini, Piero, 210-11, 212-13, 214, 215
Soderini, Tommaso, 110, 123, 152
Spain, and Julius II’s Holy League, 208; and battle of Ravenna, 208; Spanish forces advance on Florence, 211-12; and sack Prato, 213; Leo X and, 219
Spini, Bartolommeo, 49
Spini, House of, 35, 37
Squarcialupi, Antonio, 165, 172
Stefano da Bagnone, Fra, 136, 137-8, 141
Stendhal, pseud. of Marie Henri Beyle, 325
Strozzi family, 314
Strozzi, Clarice, neé Medici, Clarice di Piero de’, 202, 248
Strozzi, Filippo the Elder (1428-91), 137, 168, 323-4
Strozzi, Filippo the Younger (1489-1538), 262, 323
Strozzi, Laodamia, 179
Strozzi, Lorenzo di Palla, 38
Strozzi, Marietta di Lorenzo, 118-19
Strozzi, Matteo, 58
Strozzi, Palla (1372-1462), 38, and the Albizzi, 52; and Rinaldo degli Albizzi, 55, 56-7; banished, 59; Parentucelli and, 87; commissions Gentile da Fabriano, 314
Strozzi, Piero, 263-4
Stufa, Sigismondo della, 138
Sumptuary laws, 22, 24
Sustermans, Justus, 283
Switzerland, Swiss army in Lombardy, 209; Leo X and, 220
Tacca, Ferdinando, 286, 332
Tacca, Pietro, 328, 331
Tadda, Romolo del, 328, 332
Talenti, Simone, 329
Tasso, Giovanni Battitta, 313
Tinucci, Niccolò, 51
Titian, prop. Tiziano Vercelli (d. 1576), 328, 332
Tornabuoni family, 43, 102
Tornabuoni, Francesco, 114
Tornabuoni, Giovanni, 103, 106, 114, 178, 319
Tornabuoni, Lucrezia, see Medici, Lucrezia de’
Trade, in 15th century Florence, 20; guilds, 25-6; merchants and, 28-9; wool, 33, 34, 152; silk, 42; in decline, 293
Tranchedini da Pontremoli, Nicodemo, 83, 97
Traversari, Ambrogio, 44, 47, 51, 66, 67
Barcelona (1529), 249
Lodi (1454), 85
Montil-les-Tours (1432), 84
Tribolo, Niccolò Pericoli, 271, 274, 323, 329
Trissino, Gian-Giorgio, 227
Turkey, and Constantinople, 64, 68, 85; Venice and, 79, 83; Florence and, 83; and Italy, 84, 159, 160; and Smyrna alum mines, 88; Savonarola’s prediction about, 182; battle of Lepanto, 266
Uccello, Paolo, prop. Paolo di Dono, 108, 320
Università degli Studi, 315
University of Florence, 45, 46, 47-8, 170, 274
University of Padua, 282
University of Pisa, 274, 282, 297
University of Rome, 228
Urbino, Battista da Montefeltro, Duchess of, neé Sforza, 332
Urbino, Catenna, Duchess of, see Medici, Caterina di Lorenzo de’
Urbino, Duchess of, née Madeleine de la Tour d’Auvergne, 235
Urbino, Duchy of, 219, 222, 224, 285
Urbino, Duke of, see Medici, Lorenzo di Piero de’
Urbino, Federigo da Montefeltro, Count of, later Duke of, loses an eye, 116; attacks Volterra, 126-7; and Eugenius IV, 129; papal troops under, 150
Urbino, Francesco, 165
Urbino, Francesco Maria (I) della Rovere, Duke of, 212, 222, 223-4, 233
Urbino, Francesco Maria (II) della Rovere, Duke of, 285
Uzzano, Niccolò, 29, 43, 48, 313
Valori, Filippo, 153, 155
Vannino, Ottavio, 332
Varchi, Benedetto, 250, 256, 263, 274, 329
Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74), 328; on Donatello and Cosimo Paler Patriae, 91; on Donatello in old age, 92; on the wax effigies of Lorenzo the Magnificent, 142-3; and Lorenzo the Magniftcent’s school, 165, 322; on Michelangelo, 165-6; on Verrocchio, 167; architect of the Uffizi, 271; and the Palazzo Vecchio, 274, 275, 278, 312; death of, 278; and Santa Maria Novella, 314; and Il Trebbio, 315; and the Pucci, 315; on Cafaggiolo, 318; and Botticelli’s Adoration of the Magi, 320
Vatican, Library, 69; Sistine Chapel, 167; entry of Leo X into, 218; Palace, 228; Loggie di RafFaello, 229; Stanze di Raf&ello, 229, 245, 325-6; Clement VII commissions artists for, 240
Veneziano, Domenico, 315
Venice, Medici office in, 34, 87; slave-market in, 39, 95; Medicean exiles in, 52, 54; San Giorgio Maggiore, 54, 315; Cosimo Pater Patriae leaves, 58; Neroni and Soderini in, 106; Verrocchio’s bronze of Colleoni in, 167; printing presses in, 169; Lorenzaccio stabbed in, 265