Venice, Republic of, government of, 27; and Cosimo Pater Patriae, 50-1, 82-3; and Fourth Crusade, 64; and Florence, 79, 82-3, 105, 106, 130, 186; conquests by, 79; Sforza a condottiere for, 81; and Lombardy, 82; declares war on Florence and Milan, 84; and France, 184; joins the Holy League, 194; League of Cambrai designed against, 207; and battle of Agnadello, 207, 208, 209
Veronese, Paolo, prop. Paolo Cagliari (1525–88), 322
Verrocchio, Andrea del (1435-88), 168; and the Medici tomb, 112, 321; and Giovanni di Piero’s helmet, 122; Lorenzo the Magnificent and, 167, 315; Vasari on, 167; his bronze of Colleoni, 167; Leonardo da Vinci and, 168; his fountain, 275, 316; and the Medici emblem, 313; David and Resurrection, 316, 323; memorial to Cosimo Pater Patriae, 319; his Putto in Palazzo Vecchio, 330
Vespucci family, 325
Vespucci, Amerigo (1451-1512), 193, 322
Vespucci, Giorgio, 193
Vespucci, Marco, 121
Vespucci, Simonetta, née Cattaneo, 121, 322
Vettori, Francesco, 224, 257, 264
Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy, 331
Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, 328
Ambrogiana, 288, 333
Belcanto, 318
Cafaggiolo, 164, 267; a place of refuge, 62, 145; Michelozzo designs, 77; Cosimo Pater Patriae and, 78; Lorenzo the Magnificent at, 122, 134, 145; Montesecco at, 134; mortgaged, 155; and the sons of Pierfrancesco, 159, 185; fortress, 318
Careggi, Cosimo Pater Patriae at, 58, 69, 77; Piero di Cosimo at, 105; Lorenzo the Magnificent at, 114, 122, 173; annual banquet at, 164; Verrocchio’s works for, 167, 275, 316; Duke of Urbino at, 235; historical note on, 316
Castello, 267, 274; Giovanni di Pierfrancesco at, 185; historical note on, 323; garden of, 329; Accademia della Crusca and, 330
Cereto Guidi, 277, 330
Demidoff, 330
Ferdinanda, 280, 331
Gianfigliazzi, Marignolle, 221
Il Trebbio, 77, 257, 267, 315, 318
Lappeggi, 290, 299, 300, 304, 333
Lecceto, 267
Le Fontanelle, 316
Madama, 326
Magliana, 230, 238
Medici(Fiesole), completed, 78; Michelozzo and, 95; Poliziano at, 122, 146; and the Pazzi plot, 134-5; Lorenzo the Magnificent and, 164; historical note on, 318
Medici (Rome), 330
Montelupo, 267
Montevecchio, 68, 77
Negroni, 277
Petraia, 280, 331
Poggio a Caiano, 322; Lorenzo the Magnificent and, 114, 164, 172, 314; Duke of Urbino and, 235; Cosimo I and, 267; the park at, 274; Marguerite-Louise at, 291, 295; Strozzi family and, 314; architecture and artists of, 322
Poggio Imperiale, 282, 309, 332
Pratolino, 276, 278, 300, 330
Ravia, 315
Spedaletto, 165, 166
Violante Beatrice, Pricess of Bavaria, see Medici, Violante Beatrice de’
Visconti family, 59, 81
Visconti, Bianca, see Sforza, Bianca
Visconti, Filippo Maria, Duke of Milan (1392-1447), 27; and war between Florence and Lucca, 42-3; and war with Florence, 79; personality and appearance, 79-80; his marriages, 80; and Francesco Sforza, 81
Visconti, Valentina, 201
Vitelleschi, Cardinal. 56, 57
Vitelli, Alessandro, 256, 257, 263
Vitelli,Niccolò, 129-30
Volterra, sack of, 126
War of the Pazzi Conspiracy, 149-50, 151, 152, 155
Weyden, Roger van der (1400-64), 314
Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas (c. 1475–1530), 239
Zoffany, John, 328