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Genealogical Tables




Acciaiuoli, Agnolo, banished, 55, 106; and the Medici, 61, 103-4, 105; diplomacy with France, 84, 85

Acciaiuoli, Donato, 122, 148

Acciaiuoli, Piero, 122

Accoramboni, Francesco, 277

Accoramboni, Vittoria, 277-8

Agnolo, Baccio d’, 325

Albany, Louisa, Countess of, 325

Albert II, German Emperor (d. 1439), 64

Alberti, House of, 35

Alberti, Leon Battista (1404–72), on poverty, 28; and Palazzo Rucellai, 29, 313; at Camaldoli Abbey, 122; and Tuscan poetry, 171; and Santa Maria Novella, 313