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Cacdni, Giulio(1550-1618), 281, 328

Cacdni, Giovanni, 315, 319

Calabria, Alfonso, Duke of, later Alfonso II, King of Naples, q.v., and Florence, 148–9, 150, 155; and Duke of Ferrara, 151; progress of his forces, 152; in Siena, 159; and the Turkish invasion, 159; Maiano and, 167

Calabria, Duchess of, née ippolita Sforza, 103, 153

Camaldoli, Abbey of, 122, 321

Cambio, Arnolfo di (1232–1301), 313

Cambrai, League of, 207, 223

Campana, Francesco, 263

Capello, Bianca, set Medici, Bianca de’

Capponi family, 316

Capponi, Francesco, 251

Capponi, Neri, 52, 61, 82

Capponi, Piero de Gino, 190–1

Carafa, Diomede, 153–4

Carbonc, Lodovico, 96

Cardi, Lodovico, called Cigoli (1559–1613), 324

Cardona, Raymond de, 211, 212, 213, 220

Carnivals, see Festivals

Castagno, Andrea del, 320

Castellesi, Adriano, Cardinal, 233, 234, 238

Catherine de’ Medici, Queen of France, see Medici Caterina di Lorenzo de’ (1519–89)

Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England (1485–1536), 247, 248

Catherine of Siena, St (1347–80), 172, 278

Cattaneo, Simonetta, see Vespucci, Simonctta

Catullus, Valerius, 91

Cavalcanti family, 43

Cavalcanti, Ginevra, see Medici, Ginevra de’

Cavalcanti, Lorenzo, 137, 138

Caxton, William (c. 1422–c. 1491), 169

Cellini, Benvenuto (1500–71), on syphilis, 205; Clement VII and, 240, 246–7, 253; on his prowess as a gunner, 245–6; on Cosimo I, 258; his Perseus, 274, 329; his bust of Cosimo I, 327

Cennini, Bernardo, 150, 169

Cesarini, Cardinal julian (1398–1444), 67

Chalcondylas, Demetrius (1424–1511), 111, 170

Charlemagne, King of the Franks, and Roman Emperor, 30

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (Charles I, King of Spain; 1500–58), succeeds Ferdinand the Catholic, 223; succeeds Emperor Maximilian, 237; Leo X and, 237; takes Milan, 238; and Clement VII, 239, 240–1, 249, 251, 252; Imperial army marches on Rome, 241, 242–3; and Catherine of Aragon, 248; Imperial forces besiege Florence, 250; and Cosimo I, 264

Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor (1685–1740), 305

Charles VII, King of France (1403–61), 84

Charles VIII, King of France, called the Affable (1470–98), his ambitions, 182; his appearance, 182, 190; his personality, 183; and the invasion of Italy, 183–4, 185; Piero di Lorenzo and, 186; Savonarola greets, 188; enters Florence, 189–90; and Capponi, 190–1; in Naples, 193; and his army, 194, 195, 196; and Pisa, 197; death of, 201; and Franco-Florentine friendship, 208

Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of England, 328

Chigi, Agostino, 225

Christina, Queen of Sweden (1626–89), 286, 330

Christine of Lorraine, see Medici, Christine de’

Chrysoloras, Emmanuel (c. 1355–1415), 47

Chrysoloras, John, 47

Cibò, Franceschetto, 162, 203

Cibò, Giovanni Battista, see Pope Innocent VIII

Cibò, Innocenzo, Cardinal, 248, 256, 257, 263, 264

Cibò, Lorenzo, 232

Cibò, Maddalena, née Maddalena di Lorenzo de’ Medici, 162, 203, 205

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 98

Cimtnlo, Del, 284, 285, 287

Ciompi, 25–6, 31, 257

Cione, Nardo di, 314

Clothes, the lucco, 21, 215, 262, 270; of 14th century Florentines, 21; of 15th century Florentines, 21–3; of Priori and Gonfatoniere, 26–7; of Bruni, 46; of Signoria, 62; of the Constantinopolitans, 67; ceremonial attire of Eugenius IV, 73; of Donatello, 92; scholars’ caps, 111; of Roman women, 114; of Lorenzo the Magnificent, 116–17, 124; of Clarice Orsini, 117; of Princess Eleonora of Naples, 121; of Charles VIII, 189; of Italian soldiers, 195; of national militia, 211; of Leo X, 221, 222; of Gonfaloniere Ridolfi, 221; of Fra Baraballo, 226; of Cosimo I, 267, 270; uniform of pages of Cosimo I, 268–9; of Grand Duke Gian Gastone, 308, 309

Cocco, Niccolò di, 55

Colonna family, 56, 241, 247

Colonna, Cardinal Pompeo, 235, 238, 239, 241, 326

Commines, Philippe de (1445–1509), 89, 149, 150, 151, 186

Compagnacci, 197, 199

Condotlieri, and early Renaissance warfare, 194; and Pisan-Florcntinc war, 210; untrustworthiness of, 211

Baglioni, Malatesta, 249, 250

Colleoni, Bartolommeo (1400–75), 106, 167

Hawkwood, Sir John, 320

Montesecco, Gian Battista, 132–4, 135, 136, 141–2

Niccolò da Tolentino, 52, 320

Piccinino, Jacopo, 194

Piccinino, Niccolò, 42, 80, 82

Sarueverino, Roberto da, 117

Sforza, Francesco, see separate entry

Trivulzio, Gian Giacomo, 149

Urbinp, Federigo da Montefeltro, Duke of, see separate entry

Constantinople, 64, 85

Copernicus, prop. Nicolaus Koppemigk (1473–1543), 240, 280

Cornaro, Cardinal, 225, 231

Corsini, Filippo, 118

Cosmas, St, 37

Cossa, Baldassare, Cardinal, later Pope John XXIII, q.v. (c. 1370–1419), 35, 87

Council of Bâle (1431–49), 64–5

Council of Constance (1414–18), 34, 35–6

Council of Florence (1438–45), 64, 66–8, 69, 87, 110

Council of Pisa (1409), 34

Craon, Prince Marc de, 309

Credi, Lorenzo di (1459–1537), 192

Crespi, Giuseppe Maria (1665–1747), 300

Cretensis, Demetrius, 170

Crusades, preached by Calixtus III, 86;

Pazzo de’ Pazzi and, 131

Curia, the, 95, 129

Dami, Giuliano, 303, 305, 307

Damian, St, 37

Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), 70, 171

Dati, Gregorio, 28

Del Cimento, 284, 285, 287

Democritus, 297

Diogenes Laertius, 47

Domenico da Pescia, Fra, 196, 198, 199, 200

Domenico, Giovanni di, 317

Donatello, prop. Donato di Betto Bardi (1386–1466), Michelozzo and, 75; his history, 90; his works, 90–1, 192, 312, 315, 318, 329; Cosimo di Giovanni and, 91, 92, 108; and the Genoese merchant, 91–2; attitude to money, 92; in old age, 92; Piero di Cosimo and, 107–8; and the tomb of John XXIII, 316; his gallery, 320

Donati, Lucrezia, 116, 121, 146

Doni, Paolo di, 108

Dovizi da Bibbiena, Bernardo, 206, 217, 227, 232

Dovizi da Bibbiena, Piero, 178, 206

Duomo, the, see Florence, Santa Maria del Fiorc, Cathedral of

Edward III, King of England (1312–77), 39

Edward IV, King of England (1442–83), 158

Eleonora, Princess of Naples, 121

Eieonora of Toledo, see Medici, Eleonora de’

Elizabeth, Queen of Spain (1692–1766), 305

Entragues, Robert de Balzac, 210

Este, Alfonso d’, see Ferrara, Duke of

Este, Borso d’, see Ferrara, Duke of

Este, Ercole d’, see Ferrara, Duke of

Este, Ippolito d’, Cardinal, 217

Este, Isabella d’, 324

Fancelli, Luca, 328

Farnese, Alessandro, Cardinal, later Pope Paul III, q.v. (1468–1549), 238