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Gorini, Fioretta, 144, 322

Government, trade guilds and, 25, 26; organization of, 26, 27; Albizzi family control, 32; Ten of War, 42–3, 151; and the Albizzi plot, 49, 50

Accoppiatori, 60–1, 62–3, 104, 191

Balla, 106, 191; and the anti-Medici plot, 50: and the Medici, 58, 216; confirm powers of Accoppiatori, 62–3; Lorenzo the Magnificent admitted to, 125; creates Council of Seventy, 156; after the siege of Florence, 251

Cento, 125

Collegi, 27, 105

Council of Seventy, 156–7

Dodici Procuratori, 157

Confalonieri. office of, 26; dress of, 27; holders of the office of, 30–1, 32, 55, 60; 62, 90, 104, 152, 220, 251; increase in power of, 63; Cosimo Pater Patriae, 66; in procession, 73; Piero di Cosimo, 101; Cesare Petrucci, 138–9; excommunicated, 148; Soderini appointed for life, 210; Capponi appointed for a year, 248–9; a pro-Medicean, 251; abolition of the office, 264

Parlamento, 27, 106, 191, 216

Priori, selection of, 26; dress of, 26–7; prestige, 29; holders of the office, 32, 95, 101, 104: and the anti-Medici plot, 49, 52, 56; in procession, 71, 73; and the Pazzi Conspiracy, 139; and Piero di Lorenzo, 186

Signoria, method of forming, 26; organization, 27; and the 15th century Albizzi-Medici conflict, 32, 42, 49, 52–3, 35–8; manipulation of elections, 60; and foreign affairs, 79; honour Cosimo Pater Palriae, 98; and the Medici, 106, 187; seal of, 109; and the Volterran riots, 126; and ecclesiastical appointments, 130; and the Pope, 148, 149; Lorenzo the Magnificent and, 153; its authority limited, 157; Piero di Lorenzo and, 186; get Medici jewels, 187; Charles VM and, 190; Accoppiatori and, 191; watch the bonfire of vanities, 192; Alexander VI and, 197; and Savonarola, 198, 200; and Cardinal Giovanni, 208; war drains the resources of, 210; and a national militia, 211; and Lorenzo di Piero’s title, 220; abolition of, 264; and the Medici library, 316

Gorini, Simonetta, 233

Gozzoli, Benozzo (c.1420–97), 67, 110–12, 320–1

Grandi, and government of Florence, 28; and Cosimo di Giovanni, 43; Medici declared to be, 52; become eligible for election to office, 61

‘Great Schism’, the (1378–1417), 34

Greek Orthodox Church, 64, 65, 67

Grocyn, William (c 1446–1519), 170

Grosso, Niccolò, 76, 318

Guadagni family, 58

Guadagni, Bernardo, 49, 51–2

Guasconi family, 58

Guicciardini family, 58

Guicciardini, Francesco (1483–1340), 315; on Cosimo Pater Patriae, 63; on Lorenzo the Magnificent, 146, 157; on Capponi and Charles VIII, 190; on the French in Naples, 193; on French artillery, 195; on the sack of Prato, 213–14; on Giulio de’ Medici, 233; on Giovanni delle Bande Nere, 242; on Clement VII, 243; on Cardinal Passerini, 248; on the aftermath of the siege of Florence, 251; eulogizes Alessandro de’ Medici, 254; leader of the Palleschi, 256, 257; and Cosimo I, 257, 258, 264; Varchion, 263

Guicciardini, Giovanni, 55, 56

Guicciardini, Luigi, 160

Guicciardini, Piero, 56

Guilds, trade, Florentine, 25–6; and Signoria, 26; cloth and wool, 33; Am del Cambio, 33, 73; Arte di Por Santa Maria, 71; and the Cathedral dome, 72; commission statues for Orsanmichele, 73; and number of working-days per year, 119; on verge of ruin, 210; of the Calimala, 319–20

Hadfield, Charles, 325

Handel, George Frederick (1685–1759), 300

Hanno, elephant belonging to Pope Leo X, 226

Henry VIII, King of England (1491–1547), 239, 247–8

Henry II, King of France, see Orléans, Henri

de Valois, Duke of

Henry IV, King of France (1553–1610), 281

Holy Leagues, Florence, Milan, the Pope and Venice, 85; Alexander VI’s, 194; mercenaries in battle, 195; Savonarola and, 196; League of Cambrai, 207, 223; Julius II’s, 208, 209, 211–12, 214

Humanists, Cosimo Pater Patriae, 37–8; Albizzi and, 43–4; friends of Cosimo Pater Patriae, 43, 46, 47; Piccolimini and Parentucelli, 88; and vernacular poetry, 170

Imola, 107, 128, 129, 131, 132

Insignia, of Florence, 26, 33, 313; of the Medici, 30, 48, 102, 111, 313, 319, 323; of Arte della Lana, 33; of Cosimo Pater Patriae, 76, 111; of the Medici bank, 87; Valois lilies, 102; seal of the Signoria, 109; standard of Lorenzo the Magnificent, 117; of citizens of Florence, 215; Cardinal Giovanni’s personal device, 216; of Del Cimento, 284; Peruzzi family emblem, 315; arms of Piero di Cosimo, 320; the Castracani leopard, 321; Francesco I and the Medici emblem, 331

Jews, 129, 279, 297, 307

Joanna, Archduchess of Austria, see Medici, Joanna de’, Grand Duchess

John VII Paleologus, Emperor of die East (c. 1423–48), 83; and the Pope, 64; enters Florence, 66; and the Council of Florence, 67, 68;and the Florentine-Milanese alliance, 83; Gozzoli and, 110

Kallistos, Andronicus, 122

Knights of St John of Jerusalem, 267

Knights of Santo Stefano, 266

La Badia, monastery of, 73

Ladislaus, King of Naples, 35

Lama, Guaspare di Zanobi del, 109

Landini, Taddeo, 328

Landino, Cristoforo, 103, 122

Landucci, Luca, on Italian warfare, 151; on the attack on Colle, 152; on an alleged assassin, 158; and die influence of Savonarola, 193; on die burning of Savonarola, 200; on the national militia, 211; his confidence, 211–12

Lannoy, Charles de, 241

Lascaris, Giovanni, called Rhyndacenus (c. 1445–1535). 169, 228

Latimer, William, 170

Latino, Cardinal, 116

Lenzi, Lorenzo, 185

Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519), 168, 228, 240, 324

Leoni, Piero, 173, 174

Libraries, of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, 54, 315; the Medici, 69, 88, 107, 169, 187, 240, 299; Vatican, 69; of San Barto-lommeo, 73; Biblioteca Laurenziana, 240, 326; Biblioteca Nazionale, 332; the Palatina, 332

Linacre, Thomas (c. 1460–1524), 170

Lions of Florence, 119, 173, 327

Lippi, Anniballe, 330

Lippi, Filippino (c. 1458–1504), 165, 168, 319; his birth, 93; Lorenzo the Magnificent and, 167; his mural at Poggio a Caiano, 322

Lippi, Fra Filippo, called Lippo lippi (c. 1406–69); his history, 92–3; his behaviour, 93; Cosimo Paler Patriae and, 93–4; Botticelli and, 109; The Virgin Adoring the Child, 110, 320; his altarpiece in San Lorenzo, 316; Coronation of the Virgin, 319

Lombardi, Giovanni, 330

Lorraine, Charles, Prince of, 288, 290

Lorraine, Francesco II, Duke of, later Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor (1708–65), 309

Louis XI, King of France (1423–83), 102, 149, 182

Louis XII, King of France (1462–1515), 201, 207, 208, 219

Louis XIV, King of France (1638–1715), 281; Marguerite-Louise and, 288, 291, 293–4, 295, 296; and Cosimo III, 292

Lucca, 42, 83, 150, 210

Lucretius, prop. Titus Lucretius Carus, 45

Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 237, 245

Machiavelli, Niccolò di Bernardo (1469–1527), and the battle of Anghiari, 194; appearance, 210; organizes national militia, 211; on the sack of Prato, 214; The Prince, 214, 326; his advice sought, 219; Mandragola, 227; his papers, 332