Medici, Maria de’, née Salviati, 257, 261, 263, 269
Medici, Maria di Cosimo de’, 269
Medici, Maria di Francesco de’, see Marie de Medici, Queen of France
Medici, Maria di Piero de’, see Rossi, Maria
Medici, Maria Maddalena de’. Grand Duchess of Tuscany, formerly Archduchess of Austria, 282, 283, 332
Medici, Mario Bartolommeo de’, 55
Medici, Manias di Cosimo de’, Prince (1613–67), 285–6, 290, 332
Medici, Piccarda de, née Bueri, 32
Medici, Pierfrancesco di Giovanni de’, 115, 159 255
Medici, Piero di Cosimo de’ (1414–69), birth, 39; Accoppiatori, 63; his poor health, 95, 101; on his father, 97; and his father’s monument, 98; his appearance and character, 101; the banker, 101–2, 104; and Ficino, 103; and the plot against the Medici, 105–6; and government of Florence, 107; his munificence, 107;
Filarete on, 107; friend and patron of artists, 107–12; Botticelli’s Fortitude, 109–10; his tomb, 112, 321; and Donatello’s Judith Slaying Holofemes, 319; and San Miniato al Monte, 320; and Botticelli’s Adoration of the Magi, 320
Medici, Piero di Lorenzo de’ (1471–1503), 135, 173, 212; and his father, 174; his appearance, 177; his temperament, 177–8; and his cousins, 178; and the French invasion, 184, 185; and Charles VIII, 186; flees to Venice, 187; hopes to reinstate himself, 201; death of, 202; his tomb, 324–5
Medici, Pietro di Cosimo de’, 269, 277
Medici, Salvestro de’, 31
Medici, Vieri di Cambio de’, 34
Medici, Violante Beatrice de’, née Princess Violante Beatrice of Bavaria, 301, 304, 308, 320
Medici, Vittoria de’, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, nit Delia Rovere, 287, 293
Melani, Jacopo, 289
Mercenaries (see also Condottieri), 42, 56, 125, 126, 139
Michelangelo, prop. Michelangiolo Buonarroti (1475–1564), 168; on Ghiberti’s bronze doors, 71; ‘kneeling windows’, 76; his history, 165; and Lorenzo the Magnificent, 166; and Savonarola, 181; and Julius II, 207, 229; Leo X and, 229, 240; Clement VII commissions, 240.; Biblioteca Laurenziana, 240, 326; and the defences of Florence, 249–50; his tomb, 312; and the Palazzo Medici, 318; his early work, 322; and the new sacristy at San Lorenzo, 326; his David, 326; and the commission for a Hercules, 327; and the Boboli Gardens, 328; his compasses, 331; his papers, 332
Michelozzi, Michelozzo di Bartolommeo (1396–1472), and San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, 54, 315; monastery of San Marco, 74; Cosimo Pater Patriae commissions, 75: and Palazzo Medici, 75, 76; and the Medici villas, 77, 95, 315, 316; and Medici bank in Milan, 87; and the pageant of the Magi, III; and Palazzo deUa Signoria, 312; and the Novices’ Chapel, Santa Croce, 313. 317; and the tomb of John XXIII, 316; and the tabernacle of Santissima Annunziata, 320
Milan, Medici bank in, 87, 158; artists in, 167, 168; printing presses in, 169; Cardinal Giovanni in, 209; French troops occupy, 220; fall of, 238
Milan, Duchy of, government of, 27; Florence and, 42, 79–80, 83, 84, 106, 130, 149. 151; battle of Imola, 55; Venice and Naples declare war on, 84; Duke of Orleans and, 194; Spaniards and, 219: Francis I and, 222; Charles V and, 237
Milan, Dukes of, see the Sforzas and Visconti, Filippo Maria
Mino da Resole, 331
Mirandola, Pico della, see Pico della Mirandola, Count Giovanni Moncada, Don Ugo di, 241
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533–92), 276
Monte Cassino Abbey, 202, 324–5
Montefeltro, Federigo da, set Urbino, Federigo Montefeltro, Duke of
Montesquieu, Charles, Baron de la Brède et de, 279
Montpensier, Anne-Marie-Louise d’Orléans, Duchesse de, called Mademoiselle, 292
Morello, the horse of Lorenzo the Magnificent, 114
Museums and galleries,
Galleria dell’ Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, 325
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, 325
Metropolitan Museum, New York, 330
Musée de Sevres, 330
Musée du Louvre, Paris, 320, 330
Museo degli Argent, 328
Museo deU’ Accademia, 319, 326
Museo dell’ Opera del Duomo, 320
Museo dell’ Opera di Santa Croce, 315, 321
Museo Home, 313
Museo Nazionale, 313
Museo Nazionale di Storia della Scienza, 331
National Gallery, London, 315, 320
PaUavicini collection, Rome, 325
Uffizi, look under Florence
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 320, 330
Naples, 34, 87, 158, 169
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, strife in, 27–8; Sforza a condottien for, 81; Florentines expelled from, 83; France and, 84, 183, 186; declares war on Florence and Milan, 84; and Florence, 106, 150, 152, 155; Orsini estates in, 116; Lorenzo the Magnificent’s mission to, 152–5; Sixtus IV and, 159; Charles Vm in, 193; Spain and, 208; Leo X’s plans for, 219; Francis I and, 222
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 330
Nardi,Jacopo, 213, 254
Nasi, Bartolommea dei, 146
Nemours, Duchess of, see Philiberte of Savoy, Princess
Nemours, Duke of, see Medici, Giuliano di Lorenzo de’
Neroni, Diotisalvi, 104, 105, 106, 124
Niccoli, Niccolò, his personality and interests, 44–5; and Bractiolini, 45, 46; Bruni disapproves of, 46; and Traversari, 47; and Filelfo, 47, 48; his books, 69; and Dante’s poetry, 171
Nocera, Bishop of, 244
Nori, Francesco, 137, 138
Orange, Philibert, Prince of (r. 1502–30), 242, 244, 250
Orcagna, Andrea, prop. Andrea di Cione (c. 1308–68), 314
Orléans, Henri de Valois, Duke of, later Henry II, King of France (1519–59), his marriage, 252
Orsanmichele, church of, commerce in the neighbourhood of, 20; Ghiberri’s St Matthew for, 73, 317; Donatello’s work commissioned for, 90; historical note on, 312; Ghiberti’s bronzes in, 317
Orsini family, 116–17, 149
Orsini, Alfonsina, see Medici, Alfonsina de’
Orsini, Clarice, see Medici, Clarice de’
Orsini, Isabella, née Medici, Isabella di Cosimo de’, 269, 273, 277
Orsini, Jacopo, 114
Orsini, Paolo, 184
Orsini, Paolo Giordano, 269, 277–8
Orsini, Rinaldo, Archbishop of Florence, 130
Orsini, Troilo, 277
Orvieto, episcopal palace of, 247
Pageants, see Festivals
Alessandri, 117
Alto viti, 314
Antinori, 330
Bardi, 39, 58, 75
Bellini, 280, 331
Capponi, 313
Corsini, 314
Davanzati, 313
degli Acciaiuoli, 315
dei Giudici, 330, 331
della Signoria (taler renamed Palazzo Vecchio, a.v.), Cosimo Pater Patriot in, 19, 49, 51, 58, 83; Alberghettino, 15, 19, 200; Priori live in, 26; the Vacea, 27, 50, 57, 139, 186, 254; Albizzi plans to attack, 55–6; Soderini at, 104; and festival of St John the Baptist, 120; Princess Heonora of Naples at, 121; and the Pazzi conspiracy, 138–40, 141; Piero di Lorenzo at, 186; the bonfire of vanities opposite, 192; celebrations for the election of Leo X, 218; re-named, 257; historical note on, 312; Donatello’s works in, 318; Michelangelo’s David in front of, 326