Dagger River: One of the largest rivers in Khorvaire, the Dagger runs south through Breland and into the Thunder Sea.
Dal Quor: Another plane of existence. Mortal spirits are said to travel to Dal Quor when they dream.
Darguul: Common name for someone or something from Darguun.
Darguun: A nation of goblinoids founded in 969 YK when a hobgoblin leader named Haruuc formed an alliance among the goblinoid mercenaries and annexed a section of southern Cyre. Breland recognized this new nation in exchange for a peaceful border and an ally against Cyre. Few people trust the people of Darguun, but their soldiers remain a force to be reckoned with.
Dark Six: The six malevolent deities of the Sovereign Host, whose true names are not known.
Darumnakt, Duro: A dwarf of Clan Drakyager of the Mror Holds, leader of the patrols through Mount Darumkrak.
Darumnakt, Wolph: The younger cousin of Duro Darumnakt, who works the patrols with him.
Day of Mourning, the: A disaster that occurred on Olarune 20, 994 YK. The origin and precise nature of the Mourning are unknown. On Olarune 20, gray mists spread across Cyre, and anything caught within the mists was transformed or destroyed. See the Mournland.
Deathguard: An elite order of Aereni knights and priests, dedicated to the utter eradication of evil undead and the necromancers who defile the souls and bodies of the dead. The Deathguard played a critical role in the destruction of the line of Vol.
Deothen: A senior Knight of the Silver Flame.
Dol Arrah: The Sovereign of Sun and Sacrifice. She is a patron of war, but she fights her battles with words and cunning strategy as well as steel. She is a god of light and honor, and her holy paladins seek to bring her sunlight to the darkest places of the world.
Dol Dorn: The Sovereign of Strength and Steel. He is the lord of war and patron to all who raise their arms in battle. He is the patron of physical arts, and the greatest sporting events of the year are held to mark his holy days. His followers are not held to the same standards of nobility and sacrifice as those of his sister, Dol Arrah, but he still encourages honorable conduct.
Dolurrh: The plane of the dead. When mortals die, their spirits are said to travel to Dolurrh and then slowly fade away, passing to whatever final fate awaits the dead.
dragonmark: 1) A mystical mark that appears on the surface of the skin and grants mystical powers to its bearer. 2) A slang term for the bearer of a dragonmark.
Dragonmarked Houses: One of the thirteen families whose bloodlines carry the potential to manifest a dragonmark. Many of the dragonmarked houses existed before the kingdom of Galifar, and they have used their mystical powers to gain considerable political and economic influence.
Drakyager: A clan of dwarves who once lived under Mount Darumkrak in the Mror Holds.
Dreaming Dark: A secret order of psionic spies and assassins that serves as the eyes and hands of the quori in Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams.
Eberron: 1) The world. 2) A mythical dragon said to have formed the world from her body in primordial times and to have given birth to natural life. Also known as “The Dragon Between.”
Endworld Mountains: A large chain of mountains that separates the southeastern Talenta Plains from the land of Q’barra.
Eternal Fire: See cold fire.
Esprë: Kandler’s elven stepdaughter.
Esprina: Kandler’s elven wife, now deceased.
Everbright Lantern: A lantern infused with cold fire, creating a permanent light source. These items are used to provide illumination in most of the cities and larger communities of Khorvaire. An everbright lantern usually has a shutter allowing the light to be sealed off when darkness is desirable.
Farlnen: One of the largest and northernmost islands that make up the Lhazaar Principalities.
Finders Guild: A guild controlled by House Tharashk, made up of those carrying the Mark of Finding, as well as freelance inquisitives, law enforcement agents, bounty hunters, and explorers.
Fingerbone Mountains: A range of mountains on the isle of Farlnen.
Five Nations: The five provinces of the Kingdom of Galifar: Aundair, Breland, Cyre, Karrnath, and Thrane.
Flamekeep: The capital of Thrane.
’forged: A slang term for the warforged.
Fort Bones: A Karrnathi outpost that guards the border between Karrnath and the Talenta Plains. It is manned primarily by human and dwarf mercenaries, bolstered by a large force of almost one hundred Karrnathi skeletons.
Fort Zombie: A Karrnathi outpost that guards the border between Karrnath and the Mournland.
Galifar: 1) A cunning warrior and skilled diplomat who forged five nations into a single kingdom that came to dominate the continent of Khorvaire. 2) The kingdom of Galifar I, which came to an end in 894 YK with the start of the Last War. 3) A golden coin minted by the kingdom, bearing the image of the first king. The golden galifar is still in use today and is worth ten sovereigns.
Gatherhold: A large town built into the rocky outcroppings and hills along the eastern shore of Lake Cyre. It is considered the capital of the Talenta Plains.
ghostbeast: An aggressive, glowing creature found in Metrol.
Ginty’s: A Brelish pub in the heart of Metrol.
glidewing: A large, birdlike reptile with a long, toothy beak, a thin headcrest, sharp talons, and small claws at the joints of its leathery wings. It is often used as a mount by Talenta Plains halflings. (A pterosaur.)
Gweir: A young Knight of the Silver Flame.
Haka’torvhak: An ancient city in Q’barra, carved into the side of an enormous volcano. The name literally means “the throne of the holy dragons,” and the city serves as the center of the Q’barran lizardfolk religion.
Halpum: Lathon (high chief) of one of the largest nomadic tribes of the Talenta Plains halflings.
House Cannith: The Dragonmarked House that carries the Mark of Making. The artificers and magewrights of House Cannith are responsible for most of the magical innovations of the past millennia. The house made tremendous profits during the Last War through sales of arms and armor, including warforged soldiers.
House Ghallanda: The halfling House of Hospitality and bearer of the Mark of Hospitality.
Ibrido: A lieutenant of the Captain of Bones.
Ikar the Black: The leader of a band of outlaws who often ventures into the Mournland in search of treasure and artifacts.
Illmarrow Castle: Home of Vol on the island of Farlnen.
Iron Council: The governing council of the Mror Holds, made up of a conclave of the major clans.
Ironroot Mountains: The large mountain chain that makes up the western border of the Mror Holds.
ir’Ranek, Alain: Captain of the city of Argonth.
ir’Wyrnarn, Boranel: King of Breland.
Jaela Daran: The young Keeper of the Flame, head of the Church of the Silver Flame.
Jhorash’tar: A loose confederation of orcs that haunts the darkest, least hospitable parts of the Ironroot Mountains.