justicar: An official chosen to enforce the law and keep the peace. Justicars have little legal authority beyond their local jurisdiction.
Kaius III: King of Karrnath.
Kallo: A young dwarf of Clan Drakyager of the Mror Holds, who works under Duro Darumnakt.
Kandler: Justicar of Mardakine.
Karaktrok, Medd: A slow-witted dwarf of Clan Drakyager of the Mror Holds, who works under Duro Darumnakt.
Karrnath: One of the original Five Nations of Galifar. Karrnath is a cold, grim land whose people are renowned for their martial prowess. The current ruler of Karrnath is King Kaius ir’Wyrnarn III.
Keeper of the Flame, the: The head of the Church of the Silver Flame.
Keeper’s Claw: A Karrnathi airship currently stationed at Fort Bones.
Khorvaire: One of the continents of Eberron, home of the Five Nations of Galifar as well as many other regions.
Khyber: 1) The underworld. 2) A mythical dragon, also known as “The Dragon Below.” After killing Siberys, Khyber was imprisoned by Eberron and transformed into the underworld. Khyber is said to have given birth to a host of demons and other unnatural creatures. See Eberron, Siberys.
Korth: Capital city of Karrnath.
Krezent: An ancient ruin in the Talenta Plains. It is home to a tribe of benevolent yuan-ti who revere the Silver Flame.
Krona Peak: Capital city of the Mror Holds.
Lake Cyre: A large lake between the Talenta Plains and the Mournland.
Last War, The: This conflict began in 894 YK with the death of King Jarot ir’Wyrnarn, the last king of Galifar. Following Jarot’s death, three of his five children refused to follow the ancient traditions of succession, and the kingdom split. The war lasted over a hundred years, and it took the utter destruction of Cyre to bring the other nations to the negotiating table. No one has admitted defeat, but no one wants to risk being the next victim of the Mourning. The chronicles are calling the conflict “the Last War,” hoping that the bloodshed might have finally slaked humanity’s thirst for battle. Only time will tell if this hope is in vain.
lath: The tribal chief among Talenta Plains halflings.
lathon: The “chief of chiefs,” i.e., a leader of several tribes among the Talenta Plains halflings.
Levritt: A young Knight of the Silver Flame.
Lhazaar Principalities: A collection of small island nations that run along the northeastern coast of Khorvaire. The people of the Lhazaar Principalities are renowned seafarers, and there is a strong tradition of piracy in the region.
lightning rail: A means of transportation by which a coach propelled by an air elemental travels along a rail system of conductor stones, which hold the craft aloft.
Llesh Haruuc: A Darguul hobgoblin leader in the Last War.
Lord of Blades: A warforged leader reputed to be gathering a substantial following of other warforged somewhere in the Mournland.
Lords of Dust: An evil cabal, plotting to free their ancient masters from the depths of Khyber.
Lost Mark: Common term for the Mark of Death.
lupallo: A breed of horse noted for its distinctive white-and-brown patched coloring.
Majeeda: An ancient elf wizard.
Mardakine: A small settlement on the border between Breland and the Mournland.
Mark of Death: Believed extinct for hundreds of years, this dragonmark holds powers of death.
Mark of Hospitality: The dragonmark that holds powers of food and shelter.
Mark of Shadow: The dragonmark that holds powers of illusion, deception, and scrying.
Meesh: Karrnathi bosun of Keeper’s Claw.
Metrol: Capital city of the doomed nation of Cyre.
Monja: Halfling shaman of the Talenta Plains, daughter of Lathon Halpum.
Mount Darumkrak: A large peak in the Ironroot Mountains.
Mourning, The: A disaster that occurred on Olarune 20, 994 YK. The origin and precise nature of the Mourning are unknown. On Olarune 20, gray mists spread across Cyre, and anything caught within the mists was transformed or destroyed. See the Mournland.
Mournland, The: A common name for the wasteland left behind in the wake of the Mourning. A wall of dead-gray mist surrounds the borders of the land that once was Cyre. Behind this mist, the land has been transformed into something dark and twisted. Most creatures that weren’t killed were transformed into horrific monsters. Stories speak of storms of blood, corpses that do not decompose, ghostly soldiers fighting endless battles, and far worse things.
Mror Holds: A nation of dwarves and gnomes located in the Ironroot Mountains.
New Cyre: A large town in Breland that began as a refugee settlement but has since grown into a sizeable community.
Nithkorrh: A black dragon.
Norra: A resident of Mardakine and friend of Kandler. She often watches Esprë when Kandler is out.
Oargev ir’Wynarn: The last surviving son of Cyre’s ruling family, who has since become the unofficial leader of the Cyran refugees scattered throughout Khorvaire.
Olladra: One of the Sovereign Host, goddess of feast and fortune, bringer of luck and joy.
Phoenix: An old airship that Kandler and the others found in the Mournland. At Fort Bones, she was repaired and renamed Phoenix.
Puakel: Karrnathi soldier at Fort Bones.
Pylas Maradal: A port city on the southern coast of Valenar.
Q’barra: A young nation hidden within the jungles of southeastern Khorvaire.
Rhashaak: Draconic overlord of Haka’torvhak.
Rings of Siberys: A ring of dragonshards that encircles the world high above Eberron’s equator.
Rislinto: Mardakine’s resident blacksmith.
Sallah: A Knight of the Silver Flame.
Seawall Mountains: A mountain chain in southern Breland. The Seawall separates Darguun and Zilargo, and many kobolds and goblinoids still lurk in its shadows.
Shano: An old dwarf of Clan Drakyager of the Mror Holds, who works under Duro Darumnakt and who likes his drink.
Sharn: Also known as the City of Towers, Sharn is the largest city in Khorvaire.
shifter: A humanoid race said to be descended from humans and lycanthropes. Shifters have a feral, bestial appearance and can briefly call on their lycanthropic heritage to draw animalistic characteristics to the fore. While they are most comfortable in natural environs, shifters can be found in most of the major cities of Khorvaire.
shockbolt: Magical crossbow bolts that explode on contact.
Siberys: 1) The ring of stones that circles the world. 2) A mythical dragon, also called “The Dragon Above.” Siberys is said to have been destroyed by Khyber. Some believe that the ring of Siberys is the source of all magic.
Silver Flame, the: A powerful spiritual force dedicated to cleaning evil influences from the world. Over the last five hundred years, a powerful church has been established around the Silver Flame.