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13. Schubert chronicle, 6.1.43 and 11.2.43, and Rudolph Aktennotiz, 9.2.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; Degenkolb to WvB, 29.1.43, and WvB to Degenkolb, 11.2.43, in NASM, FE732; WD lecture, 3.3.43, in NASM, FE358.

14. WD, V-2, 75–85; Schubert chronicle, 23–26.2.43 and 10–12.3.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210.

15. Schubert chronicle, 20.12.41, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1208; minutes of 19.11.42 meeting in BA/MA, RH8/v.1209; Schubert chronicle, 16–19.3., 29.3., 15–17.4., 30.4., and 8.5.43 in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; WD order, 8.6.43, in NASM, FE732; Freund, Arbeitslager Zement, 37–38. Speer’s opinion of the aggressive moves made by Degenkolb and his associates is unknown, but he must have at least tolerated them.

16. Stahlknecht to WvB, 24.2.43, in NASM, FE358; WD, “A4: Stand der Entwicklung,” 8.10.42, BA/MA, RH8/v.1228; WD minutes of 22.12.42 meeting in NASM, FE355; Schubert chronicle, 31.3.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; Freund and Perz, Das Kz, 49, 62–63; Degenkolb circular, 2.4.43, in NASM, FE732.

17. WD, V-2, 89–90; WvB circular, 30.4.43, in NASM, FE732; Thom, “Notizen,” 9.5.42, in NASM, FE728/f; WD order, 6.6.42, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1959; WD to Pleiger, 16.1.43, in NASM, FE356.

18. Leeb (WD) to Chef H Stab/Chef OKW, 8.4.43, in NASM, FE341; Storch/Siemens to Steinhoff, 20.3.43, in DM, (FE1224/1); WvB circular, 30.4.43, in NASM, FE732; Rudolph OHI, 88, 92.

19. Thiel to WvB, 16.3.43, in NASM, FE692/f.

20. Von Zborowski SS-officer file, BDC; SS corr. on v. Zborowski, in BA, NS19/3711; Schubert chronicle, 11.12.42, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1209; Himmler’s daily schedule, 11.12.42, in NA, T-581/40A (no frame nos.); HAP/EW/TDZ, “Versuchsschiessen A4,” 7.43, pictured in WD, Peenemünde. WD, V-2, 180, misdates this visit as April 1943.

21. Berger to Himmler, 16.12.42, NA, T-175/117/2642360.

22. Stegmaier to Berger, 26.1.43, Berger to Himmler, 1.2.43, and Himmler to Berger, 8.2.43, in NA, T-175/124/2599320–22; Himmler notes on Hitler meetings, 23.1.43 and 10.2.43, in BA, NS19/1474; WD lecture, 3.3.43, in NASM, FE358.

23. WD, V-2, 74, 88, 205–6; Himmler to Milch, 3.2.43, in BA, NS19/1197.

24. Speer minutes, 3/4/5.1.43, in Boelcke, Deutschlands Rüstung, 214; WD to Wa Prüf 1, 18.1.43, in NASM, FE692/f.

25. Hölsken, V-Waffen, 37; WD, V-2, 180–211.

26. WvB, “Affidavit of Membership in NSDAP…,” 18.6.47, El Paso, Texas, in FOIA release, INSCOM; WvB SS-officer file card, BDC.

27. WvB, “Affidavit,” 18.6.47, in FOIA release, INSCOM; Reisig OHI, 1989, 86–87; SS-Stammrollenblatt for WvB, 28.2.34, from BA, Zwischenarchiv Dallwitz-Hoppegarten (Stasi archive).

28. WvB, “Affidavit,” 18.6.47, in FOIA release, INSCOM; survey of membership in Nazi organizations from BDC records, INSCOM FOIA releases, Project Paperclip and IRR files in NA, RG 319 and 330. The sample is not truly random; Party members may be overrepresented because of the influence of publicized cases on the selection process. See Hunt, Secret Agenda; Hunt, “U.S. Coverup”; and Bower, Paperclip Conspiracy. The one ambiguous case is Gerhard Reisig, who says he was asked to join the Party, but no record of his membership exists in the BDC. Reisig OHI, 1985, 25–26. Four individuals, including Rudolph and two SS members, were also in the SA at one time or another. As a general principle, names will be mentioned only if they have already been published by others.

29. Heimburg OHI, 50–51; interview with unnamed Huntsville engineer, 23.5.61, in WvB FOIA release by FBI; WvB to SS-RuSHA, 25.3. and 5.4.43, and marriage application, 5.4.43, in BDC; Himmler to Milch, 3.2.43, in BA, NS19/1197; v. Zborowski–Himmler correspondence, 1943, in BA, NS19/3711.

30. Mazuw telegram to Himmler, 27.3.43, Himmler to Berger, 29.3.43, and Berger to Himmler, 5.4.43, in NA, T-175/124/2599315–19. For earlier accounts, see Speer, Infiltration, 204; Irving, Geheimwaffen, 35–41.

31. Reisig OHI, 1989, 80–81; Rees OHI, 13; Heimburg OHI, 67–69; Rudolph OHI, 86–86; interviews with Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Schubert, Dr. and Mrs. Hans Geipel, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Zanssen, by Neufeld, 1989 and 1990; Mrs. Leo Zanssen, biographical fragment, courtesy of same; Fromm to Himmler, 10.6.43, and Mazuw to Himmler, 27.3.43, in NA, T-175/124/2599307 and 2599319.

32. Himmler to Berger, 10.4.43, Himmler to Schmundt, 24.4.43, and Kaltenbrunner to Brandt/Pers.Stab RF-SS, 12.7.43, in NA, T-175/124/2599300–02, 2599314, 2599323; WD, V-2, 182–83; Schubert chronicle, 7.5.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210.

33. Interview with Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Schubert, Dr. and Mrs. Hans Geipel, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Zanssen, 1990; WD, V-2, 182–83; Kaltenbrunner to Brandt, 12.7.43, in NA, T-175/124/2599300–302.

34. Schubert chronicle, 11.5.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; WD draft letter (for Fromm?), c. 15–24.5.43, and WD draft letter to Leeb, c. 4–7.6.43, in WD notebook #1, DM. Dornberger, in V-2, 183–85, says he does not know who betrayed Zanssen, but his own notebooks show that to be false.

35. Draft of talk, 12.5.43, in WD notebook #1, DM; see also his draft talk, 4.6.43, in ibid.

36. Fromm to Himmler, 10.6.43, Brandt to Berger, 18.6.43, and Berger to Brandt, 22.6.43, in NA, T-175/124/2599305–9.

37. WD, V-2, 186–95; Schubert chronicle, 28–29.6.43, and Stegmaier program for visit, 28.6.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; Himmler Kalendernotizen, 28–29.6.43, in BA, NS19/1444; WvB SS-officer file card, BDC.

38. Schubert chronicle, 10–12.3.43, and Schubert to WD, 21.6.43, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1210; WD to Hartmann/Arm.Min., 6.10.42, in NASM, FE342, and WD, “A4: Stand der Entwicklung,” 8.10.42, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1228; Homze, Foreign Labor, 40–41, 168–73, 271–77; Herbert, Fremdarbeiter, 76–78; Middlebrook, Peenemünde Raid, 29–32.

39. Schubert chronicle, 24.7.40, and Schubert Aktennotiz, 6.12.40, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1207; Schubert chronicle, 10.4., 16.4, 16.10., and 12.11.41, and Schubert Aktennotizen, 1.4. and 29.4.41, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1208; Schubert Aktennotizen, 9.4.42 and 17.4.42, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1209; Schubert chronicle, 13.8.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; minutes of RLM dev. meeting, 27.4.43, in NA, T-321/143/726–27; Garlinski, Hitler’s Last Weapons, 81–84.

40. Rudolph Aktennotizen, 9.2.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v. 1210.

41. Homze, Foreign Labor, 83; Herbert, Fremdarbeiter, 133–49; Herbert, “Labour,” 151–53, 166–71.

42. Rudolph lecture, 1.3.43, and Schubert chronicle, 8–9.4.43, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1210; Freund, Arbeitslager Zement, 14–16, 39–43; Herbert, “Labour,” 172–73; Krausnick and Broszat, Anatomy, 227–30.

43. Rudolph Aktennotiz, 16.4.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210.

44. WvB, “Reminiscences,” 140–41; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 122. The chronology and agency of the decision is confused in Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 62–63, and Hölsken, V-Waffen, 51. Freund and Perz, Das Kz, 67–68, first revealed the document but missed its significance for the Rudolph case. For opposing views of the case see Hunt, Secret Agenda, and Franklin, An American.

45. WD Aktennotiz, 24.4.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1959; Burger, “Zeppelin,” 56; Weinmann, Das nationalsozialistische Lagersystem, 629.