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46. WD Aktennotiz, 24.4.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1959; Schubert chronicle, 13–14.5.43, Stegmaier program for Sauckel visit, 11.5.43, Rudolph Aktenvermerk on 2.6.43 meeting, and Schubert to WD, 21.6.43, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1210; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 56–58.

47. Rudolph lecture, 1.3.43, Rudolph Aktenvermerk on 2.6.43 meeting, and Schubert chronicle, 17.6.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; Freund and Perz, Das Kz, 71.

48. Steimel statement, 26.5.47, in NA, M-1079/4/893–99; Krausnick and Broszat, Anatomy, 236–37.

49. Schubert chronicle, 11.7.43 and 16.7.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; Freund, Arbeitslager Zement, 47.

50. WD Aktennotiz, 29.6.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1954; WD, V-2, 93–98; Schubert chronicle, 26.5.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 40, 44.

51. WD, V-2, 95–96.

52. Ibid.; WD Aktennotiz, 29.5.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1954. In its final form, the “DE” rating ended on 31.12.43, rather than after a certain number of missiles.

53. Waeger/Arm.Min. order, 2.6.43, in NASM file “Peenemünde #2”; Waeger Aktenvermerk, 11.6.43, in DM, (FE 1224/1); Schubert chronicle, 9.6., 12.6, 15–16.6., 24.6., 28–29.6., and 9.7.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; WD, V-2, 99–100; Himmler notes on meeting with Hitler, 10.7.43, in BA, NS19/1474; Himmler to Engel, 14.7.43, in NA, T-175/33/2542135. Krauch wrote a report critical of the A-4, but it quickly sank into oblivion because of the prevailing euphoria. See “Bemerkungen zum R.-Programm,” 29.6.43, in NA, T-77/360/1201244–51.

54. WD, V-2, 100–104; Speer, Inside, 471; film script, 17.10.42, in NASM, FE338; Thom to AHA/In 10, 23.7.43, in NASM, FE355; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 27; Hautefeuille, Constructions speciales, 25–45. Henshall, Hitler’s Rocket Sites, describes the ruins today but is grossly in error on aspects of their history.

55. WD, V-2, 104–8; Speer, Inside, 471–72; Speer minutes, 8.7.43 and 25–26.7.43, in Boelcke, Deutschlands Rüstung, 280, 286.

56. WD, V-2, 107.

57. Stahlknecht order, 18.7.43 and Kunze Rundschreiben, 19.7.43, in NASM, FE750; WD, V-2, 98; Schubert chronicle, 16.7.43 and 29.7.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210.

58. Thiel to Simon, 27.3.43, in NASM, FE692/f; WvB to Stahlknecht, 27.7.43, in NASM, FE750; WD, V-2, 104–5, 110–13; Schubert chronicle, 22–26.7.43, and Rudolph Aktennotiz, 27.7.43, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1210; Rudolph OHI, 93.

59. Stahlknecht to Arbeitsausschüsse, 3.8.43, and Kunze to WD, 9.8.43, in NASM, FE750; Schubert chronicle, 11.7., 23.7., 30.7., 3.8., and 4.8.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; WD, V-2, 99; WD draft letters to Leeb, Degenkolb, and Saur, c. 22–29.7.43, in WD notebook #1, DM.

60. WD minutes of 4.8.43 meeting and Zanssen “Sonderbefehl,” 30.4.43, in NASM, FE750.

61. WD minutes of 4.8.43 meeting in NASM, FE750; Speer minutes, 8.7.43, in Boelcke, Deutschlands Rüstung, 280; WD draft letter to Saur, c. 29.7.43, in WD notebook #1, DM. Emphasis in the original.

7. The Move Underground

1. WD, V-2, 154–57; Middlebrook, Peenemünde Raid, 114–16; Schubert Aktennotiz, 25.7.40, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1207; Schubert chronicle, 19.9.42, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1209.

2. Middlebrook, Peenemünde Raid, 114–49.

3. Ibid., 149–51, 217, 220; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 104–15; Schubert chronicle, 18.8.43,; WD, V-2, 157–68; WD, “German V-2,” 404; Steimel statement, 26.5.47, in NA, M-1079/4/897–98.

4. Hinsley et al, British Intelligence, 3/1:351–80; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 33–83.

5. Schubert chronicle, 30.4, 21.5. and 2.6.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; WD Aktennotiz, 29.5.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1954; Middlebrook, Peenemünde Raid, 25–26, 133–34, 209–17.

6. WD, V-2, 165–67; Speer office chronicle, 18–19.8.43, in BA, R3/1738; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 116–18.

7. Himmler Kalendernotizen, 15–20.8.43, in BA, NS19/1444; Speer minutes, 19–22.8.43, in Boelcke, Deutschlands Rüstung, 291; Freund, Arbeitslager Zement, 51–52; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 50–51.

8. Speer, Infiltration, 205–8; Himmler to Speer, 21.8.43, in BA, R3/1583.

9. Kammler files, BDC; Breitman, Architect, 199–203; Speer, Inside, 478; WD, V-2, 198–99.

10. Middlebrook, Peenemünde Raid, 195–201; Schubert chronicle, 21.8.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; WD to Sigismund von Braun, 28.6.47, in NA, RG319, Records of the Army Staff, G-2, Records Regarding Individuals, 1941–56, Box 77, 201 file of WD.

11. Schubert chronicle, 22.8.43. in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; Reissinger to Fromm, 23.8.43, in NASM, FE341.

12. WvB(?) minutes, 25.8.43 meeting, in NASM, FE732.

13. Speer office chronicle, 26.8.43, in BA, R3/1738.

14. Bornemann, Geheimprojekt, 21–27, 36–43; Bornemann and Broszat, “Das KL,” 156–60.

15. Schubert chronicle, 28.9.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; WD to Fromm, 31.5.44, in BA/MA, RH8/v.3730.

16. Schubert chronicle, 28.9., 8.12, 16.12.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; interview with Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Schubert, Dr. and Mrs. Hans Geipel, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Zanssen, 1990; WD, V-2, 185, 209–10, 214; Rossmann on Kammler visit, 11.2.44, in NASM, FE694/f; HAP 11 Organisationsplan, 15.3.44, NASM, FE424.

17. WD to Fromm, 31.5.44, in BA/MA, RH8/v.3730; WD, V-2, 176–79; British interrogation of WD, 20.8.45, in NA, RG319, IRR files, WD dossier; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 62–63, 117–19; Kennedy, Vengeance Weapon 2, 32.

18. WD, V-2, 214; Reisig OHI, 1989, 99; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 55; Kammler to Brandt, 23.10.43, in NA, T-175/122/2647410; WD, V-2, 213–14; Himmler Kalendarnotizen, 28.9.43, in BA, NS19/1444.

19. Freund, Arbeitslager Zement, 61–74; Schubert chronicle, 12–20.9., 8.12., 27.12. and 28.12.43, 15.1., 22.1., 2.2. and 3–5.2.44, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1210; WvB, “Vorschläge…,” 2.10.43, in NASM, FE692/f; Kammler telegram to Brandt/Pers. Stab RFSS, 20.10.43, in BA, NS19/3546.

20. WvB, “Vorschläge…,” 2.10.43, in NASM, FE692/f; Schubert chronicle, 11.10.43, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1210; Wiesman OHI, 6–7; Huzel, Peenemünde, 61–62; Hermann, “Supersonic Wind Tunnel,” 445–46; Kurzweg, “Aerodynamic Development,” in Benecke and Quick, History, 52.

21. Middlebrook, Peenemünde Raid, 27–28, 152; Heimburg OHI, 58–59; Dahm OHI, 26–27; Wiesman OHI, 8–9; WD, V-2, 168.

22. Schubert chronicle, 17.6, 18.6., 11.7, 8.9., 13.10., 19.10., 20.10., 23.10, 16.11, and 20.11.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1210; WvB to Degenkolb, 12.11.43, in NASM, FE732; Rees to Storch, 6.7.44, and Storch to Kammler, 21.8.44, in NASM, FE692/f.

23. Degenkolb and WD minutes, 11.9.43 meeting, and Kunze minutes, 1.11.43 meeting, in NASM, FE732; WvB, “Bericht…,” 20.9.43, in NASM, FE692f; Freund and Perz, Das Kz, 84–88; Bornemann, Geheimprojekt, 46–62; Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 66–67. A 1.10.43 document in BA, NS4 Anhang/32, shows that Sawatzki originally planned for a Mittelwerk output of 1,800 a month, but that was quickly rejected as unrealistic.