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24. Freund, Arbeitslager Zement, 58–59; Freund and Perz, Das Kz, 84–86; Heimburg OHI, 59–64; Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 84–87; WvB to Tessmann, 14.2.44, and WvB telegram to Justrow, 29.8.44, in NASM, FE692/f.

25. WvB pilot log, 1943–44, SRCH, WvB Papers; Kunze minutes, 1.11.43 meeting (with marginalia by WvB), and WvB to Degenkolb, 10.11.43 and 12.11.43, and WvB handwritten documents in NASM, FE732 (also in SRCH, WvB Papers); Freund and Perz, Das Kz, 86.

26. Bornemann, Geheimprojekt, 44–61; Rudolph testimony, 28.5.47, in NA, M-1079/1/401–2.

27. Bornemann, Geheimprojekt, 44–45; Rickhey statement, 25.6.47, and WvB defense questionnaire responses, 14.10.47, in NA, M-1079/4/144, 170; Bannasch testimony, 10.12.47, and Kunze testimony, 15.12.47, in NA, M-1079/10/808–10, 1060–61.

28. Kammler to Brandt, 16.10.43, in BA, NS19/3546; A-4 contract, 19.10.43, and Kettler and Förschner to Kühle, 20.11.43, in BA, NS4 Anhang/31; construction contract documents, 1943–44, in BA, NS4 Anhang/32; Kunze minutes, 1.11.43 meeting, in NASM, FE732; Bornemann, Geheimprojekt, 46–55.

29. Bornemann and Broszat, “Das KL,” 165–66; testimony of SS-Col. Gerhardt Maurer, 13.11.47, in NA, M-1079/9/447–56.

30. Michel, Dora, 68; Bornemann, Geheimprojekt, 64–66; Bornemann and Broszat, “Das KL,” 166–71.

31. Michel, Dora, 70; Bornemann, Geheimprojekt, 65.

32. Bomemann and Broszat, “Das KL,” 168–71.

33. Speer office chronicle, 10.12.43, in BA, R3/1738; Speer, Inside, 474–75; Speer to Kammler, 17.12.43, in BA, R3/1585.

34. Speer office chronicle, 13.1. and 14.1.44, in BA, R3/1739; Speer, Inside, 474–75, 481; Speer, Infiltration, 211–12; Schmidt, Albert Speer, 181–95.

35. Béon, La planète Dora; interrogation of prisoner Verheyn, 14.4.45, in NA, M-1079/4/788, 790; Freund, Arbeitslager Zement, 121–28.

36. Franklin, An American, 78–79, and (for OSI interrogation of Rudolph, 4.2.83) 311.

37. Speer to Himmler, 22.12.43, in BA, R3/1583; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 61.

38. WvB, “Behind the Scenes,” 30–31, SRCH, WvB Papers; WvB, “Reminiscences,” 143.

39. WvB, “Behind the Scenes,” 31, and WvB pilot log, 1943–44, in SRCH, WvB Papers; WvB affidavit, 18.6.47, in FOIA release, INSCOM; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 205–6; Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 45; Himmler Kalendernotizen, 7–22.2.44, in BA, NS19/1444.

40. Kammler SS-officer file, BDC.

41. Speer, Inside, 421–28; Schmidt, Albert Speer, 85–99.

42. Jodl diary, 8.3.44, in NA, T-77/1429/144–45 (handwritten), T-77/1430/923 (typed); Irving, Mare’s Nest, 207–8; HAP 11 Organisationsplan, 15.3.44, NASM, FE424.

43. Jodl diary, 8.3.44, in NA, T-77/1430/923; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 206–8; Saur minutes, 5.3.44, in Boelcke, Deutschlands Rüstung, 341; Speer, Infiltration, 226–37.

44. Jodl diary, 8.3.44, in NA, T-77/1430/923; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 207–8; Horeis, Rolf Engel, 24–25; Himmler Kalendernotizen, 22.2.44–19.3.44, in BA, NS19/1444.

45. WvB, “Behind the Scenes,” 31, and pilot log, 1943–44, in SRCH, WvB Papers; WvB affidavit, 18.6.47, security questionnaire, 6.8.52, and CIC interview, 30.3.53, in FOIA release, INSCOM; Magnus von Braun CIC interview, 26.3.53, in FOIA release, INSCOM; Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 46–47; Bergaust, Wernher von Braun, 79; BzbV Heer minutes, 21.3.44 meeting, in NASM, FE692/f. The March 15 date in WD, V-2, 200, is certainly incorrect.

46. WD, V-2, 200–203.

47. Ibid., 203–7; Himmler Kalendernotizen, 23.3.44, in BA, NS19/1444; Hoffman, History, 294–95; Speer, Inside, 476; Speer office chronicle, 17–24.3.44, in BA, R3/1739.

48. WvB, “Behind the Scenes,” 31, SRCH, WvB Papers; WvB, “Reminiscences,” 143; WvB affidavit, 18.6.47, in FOIA release, INSCOM; Speer, Inside, 476; Speer minutes, 13.5.44, in Boelcke, Deutschlands Rüstung, 362; Riedel II death announcement, 5.8.44, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1941; Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 48.

49. For WvB’s attitudes, see Heimburg OHI, 82–84; Huzel, Peenemünde, 119–20. For the mythology, see Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, and Bainbridge, Spaceflight Revolution.

50. WvB(?), “Lagebericht A4,” 5.12.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1954.

51. WD, V-2, 215–18.

52. Ibid.; WvB minutes, 4.4.44, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1278; Moser/BzbV Heer report, 17.4.44, in NASM, FE331.

53. WvB, “Behind the Scenes,” 32, and WvB pilot log, 1943–44, SRCH, WvB Papers; WD, V-2, 220–22, 228–30; Steinhoff to T10, 23.6.44, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1278; Börgemann report, 6.10.44, in NASM, FE726; WvB to Arthur C. Clarke, 30.8.51, in SRCH, WvB Papers, BIS correspondence file.

54. Bühl/EW 2132, 31.10.44, in NASM, FE766.

55. Ibid.; minutes of 1.6.44 and 23.6.44 meetings in BA/MA, RH8/v.1278; Stegmaier report, 8.3.45, in NASM, FE763/c; Reisig Aktenvermerk, 13.3.45, in NASM, FE766; WD, V-2, 218–22.

56. WvB minutes, 4.4.44, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1278; Raithel OHI, 15–16.

57. WD, V-2, 222–24; WD to Wa Prüf, 6.12.44, in NASM, FE766; Bergaust, Wernher von Braun, 62.

58. Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 88–89; Bomemann, Geheimprojekt, 64; WvB(?), “Lagebericht A4,” 5.12.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1954.

59. WvB(?), “Lagebericht A4,” 5.12.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1954; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 61; minutes, 2.1.44 meeting of Führungsstab, and 2–3.44 A-4 failure reports in BA, NS4 Anhang/25; Rossmann on Kammler visit to Peenemünde, 11.2.44, in NASM, FE694/c.

60. Minutes of 9.9.43 Komm. f. Femschiessen meeting, in NA, T-971/11/11; Speer office chronicle, 8.11.43, in BA, R3/1783; Rudolph OHI, 92, 96–97; WD and Degenkolb minutes, 11.9.43 meeting, in NASM, FE732; Stahlknecht/LZ telegram to WvB, 17.3.44, in NASM, FE694/a.

61. WD and WvB contributions in Zwicky, Report, 68, 73; BzbV Heer minutes, 21.3.44 meeting, in NASM, FE692/f; Reissinger minutes, 1.6.44 meeting, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1278; Steinhoff Denkschrift, 30.7.44, in NASM, FE766; WD to Rossmann, 20.8.44, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1278; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 262.

62. WvB(?), “Lagebericht A4,” 5.12.43, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1954; Leidreiter report, 15.2.44, in BA, NS4 Anhang/25; Sawatzki Aktenvermerk on 12.4.44 meeting, in NASM, FE694/a; Lindenberg to Fertigungsaufsicht, 15.5.44, in BA, NS4 Anhang/22; Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 73–74.

63. Bornemann and Broszat, “Das KL,” 168, 176–80; Bornemann, Geheimprojekt, 72–73, 77–92.

64. Rickhey and Kettler, “Sonder-Directions-Anweisung,” 22.6.44, and Förschner order, 30.12.43, in BA, NS4 Anhang/3; Bomemann and Broszat, “Das KL,” 182–85; Pachaly and Pelny, Konzentrationslager, 144.