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14. Thom “Vermerk,” 15.9.44, on Jüttner meeting, in BA/MA, RH8/v.3730; Kammler to WD and Thom, 23.9.44, and Kammler “V-Befehl Nr. 1” to WD, 30.9.44, in IWM, M.I.14/861(V); WD to Kunze, Rickhey, Sawatzki, Storch, WvB, Rossmann et al, 6.10.44, in NASM, FE692/f; Reisig OHI, 100; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 142.

15. Speer to Jüttner, 10.8.44 and 11.8.44, in BA, R3/1768; Speer, Infiltration, 213–14, 236–38; Mierzejewski, Collapse, 16–17, 93–97; WvB defense questionaire, 14.10.47, in NA, M-1079/4/170 and 12/339–40; testimony of Bannasch, 10.12.47, and Kloeckner, 11–12.12.47, in NA, M-1079/10/811–13, 922–23; Jüttner order, 31.12.44, and drafts in NASM, FE333; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 72.

16. Himmler notes on Hitler meetings, 26–27.9.44, in BA, NS19/1474; Speer telegram to Himmler, 11.11.44, in BA, R3/1583; Riedel III to Rickhey, 11.12.44, in NASM, FE694/a.

17. WD, V-2, 210; WvB marginal notation on WD Aktenvermerk, 20.11.44, in DM, (FE1224/1).

18. WvB marginal notation on Contag Wasserfall report, 5.11.44, in NASM, FE738/1; Huzel, Peenemünde, 118–19; Heimburg OHI, 52, 82–83; Stuhlinger and Ordway, Wernher von Braun, 119–20; quote from Ward, Wernher von Braun, 28. For the atmosphere of the period, see WvB to Breé, 30.9.44, and reply, 10.10.44, in NASM, FE333.

19. Huzel, Peenemünde, 102–5, 114–15; report on 18.7. raid, 6.8.44, in NA, T-78/273/6220587; Craven and Cate, Army Air Forces, 3:537.

20. Schilling to Storch and Rees, 14.9.44, in NASM, FE735; Schilling to Storch, WvB, and Donaubauer, 19.8.44, Schilling notice, 21.9.44, and Storch order, 4.11.44, in NASM file “Peenemünde #2”; WvB to Kunze, 20.11.44, Grau (for Rickhey) to WvB, 15.1.45, and WvB to Rickhey, 23.1.45, in NASM, FE694/a; “Wichtige Punkte…,” 11.2.45, in NASM, FE731; Huzel, Peenemünde, 120–22.

21. Roth to WvB, 13.6.44, in NASM, FE738/1; WvB to Rossmann, 11.8.44, in DM, (FE1604); WD memorandum, 12.7.43, in NASM, FE333; WvB, “Vorschläge…,” 2.10.43, in NASM, FE692/f; Steinhoff to Zanssen, 7.3.44, in DM, (FE1224/1).

22. Rossmann to Kammler, 1.9.44, and Rossmann to Storch and Wa Prüf (BuM) 10, 3.9.44, in NASM, FE766; Roth, “Entwicklung einer geflügelter Fernrakete grosser Reichweite,” 6.1.45, NASM, FE642; Irving, Mare’s Nest, 280–89; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 135–45, 200.

23. Roth to Storch, 1.9.44, and Hellebrand minutes of 4.10.44 meeting in DM, (FE1604); Roth to Kurzweg/WVA, 6.9.44, in DM, (FE1081); Roth minutes of 28.9.44 meeting in NASM, FE699/r; Hellebrand minutes of 10.10.44 meeting and WvB minutes of 24.10.44 meeting in DM, GD636.0.1; Dahm OHI, 7.

24. Dahm OHI, 10–11, 16, 29.

25. Schilling report on 27.12.44 launch, 29.1.45, and Müller and Steinhoff to Rossmann, 3.1.45, in DM (FE1604); WD, V-2, 250–51.

26. A-4b meeting minutes and documents, 10.44–1.45, in DM, GD636.0.1 and (FE1604); Roth, “Entwicklung…,” 6.1.45, NASM, FE642.

27. Reisig, “Peenemünder Aggregaten’,” 74; Heimburg OHI, 51; guidance documents, 7–12.44, in NASM, FE766, FE118, FE732, and DM, GD632.11.9, and BA/MA, RH8/v.1971 and 1941; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 73; Reisig OHI, 1989, 99.

28. Rossmann to Kammler, 1.9., Rossmann (WvB) to Storch and Wa Prüf (BuM) 10, 3.9.44, and WD telegram to Kammler, 3.1.45, in NASM, FE766; Wa Prüf (BuM) 10/II Aktenvermerk, 2.12.44, in NASM, FE358; WD Aktenvermerk, 20.11.44, in DM, (FE1224/1); railroad launch reports, 12.44–1.45, in NASM, FE726; Huzel, Peenemünde, 127–28.

29. Hild minutes of 19.9.44 and 5.10.44 meetings in BA/MA, RH8/v.1296; Contag monthly reports, 5.11.44 and 1.12.44, in NASM, FE738/1; Contag minutes of 24.11.44 meeting in NASM, FE700/q.

30. Sources cited in preceding note; Haase and Peters, “Behälter-Entleerung,” 29.11.44, NASM, FE738/10; Contag Wasserfall report, 27.1.45, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1300; contest documents courtesy of W Dahm.

31. WvB to Kunze, 21.8.44, Steinmetz/RLM/Flak E5 to Halder, 24.11.44, and Contag report, 27.1.45, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1300; Hild minutes of 19.9.44 meeting in BA/MA, RH8/V.1296; WvB(?), “Übersicht und Stellungnahme…,” c. 12.44, NASM, FE738/2.

32. WvB to Kunze, 21.8.44, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1300; WD, V-2, 253–57; WvB(?), “Übersicht und Stellungnahme…,” c. 12.44, NASM, FE738/2; WvB to EW210, 29.12.44, and Hitler order of 4.11.44, in NASM, FE738/1.

33. WvB minutes of 20.11.44 meeting in DM, GD636.0.1; Storch to Kammler, 21.8.44, in NASM, FE692/f; Taifun documents, 31.8.44–31.1.45, in DM, GD660.0.33.

34. WvB to Rees, Maus et al, 2.12.44, and Schilling minutes of 17.11.44 meeting in NASM, FE738/1; Hild minutes of 19.9.44 meeting in BA/MA, RH8/v.1296; Wegener and Orthmann minutes of 10.1.45 meeting at WVA, in DM, GD660.0.33; “Wichtige Punkte…,” 11.2.45, in NASM, FE731.

35. Test Stand XII documents in DM, GD639.3.4; Hüter minutes of 25.1.45 meeting in NASM, FE766.

36. Huzel, Peenemünde, 132–33; Steden notice, 24.10.44, in NASM file “Peenemünde #2”; WD Aktenvermerk, 20.11.44, on Kammler meetings in DM, (FE1224/1); EW227 to Steinhoff, 20.1.45, in DM, GD632.11.9; DeVorkin, Science, 30–37.

37. Freund, Arbeitslager Zement, 88–110; Speer minutes, 6–8.7.44, in Boelcke, Deutschlands Rüstung, 390; Schmid(?) to Steinhoff, 15.11.44, in DM; WvB to Kunze, 20.11.44, in NASM, FE694/a; Hüter to Schilling, 6.12.44, in NASM file “Peenemünde #2.”

38. WD telegrams to WvB, 26.1.45, in DM, GD620.0.10.

39. Speer order, 13.1.45, in NASM, FE734; WD, V-2, 258–60; Hölsken, V-Waffen, 76–77, 161–62; Kammler orders, 6–7.2.45, in BA, R26III/52.

40. Rossmann orders, 30–31.1.45, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1941; Huzel, Peenemünde, 133–35; WvB minutes of 31.1.45 meeting in NASM file “Peenemünde #2”; “Wichtige Punkte aus Sch. Prof. v. B. an Aufsichtsrat v. 11.2.45. Betr. Verlagerung,” and Huzel Aktennotiz, 26.12.44, in NASM, FE731.

41. “Wichtige Punkte… v. 11.2.45,” in NASM, FE731; WvB quoted in Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 254.

42. Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 254–55, 274; Rees OHI, 40–41; Dannenberg OHI, 68.

43. Huzel, Peenemünde, 137–39; Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 256–57; WvB, “Affidavit,” 18.6.47, in FOIA release, INSCOM.

44. Huzel, Peenemünde, 138–42; Kaiser to Huzel, 24.2.45, in NASM, FE731; Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 261.

45. Huzel, Peenemünde, 139–48; WD, V-2, 265–70; McGovern, Crossbow, 94–95; Kammler to Storch et al, 17.2.45, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1941; Rossmann, “Notprogramm für A-4 Entwicklung,” 27.2.45, and Schneider minutes of 20.3.45 meeting at BzbV Heer, in NASM, FE766; WvB minutes of 2.3.45 meeting in NASM, FE738/1; WvB “Antrag,” 6.3.45, in BA/MA, RH8/V.852; Kurz to WvB, 16.3., and Steinhoff to WvB, 27.3.45, in NASM, FE333; Wiesman OHI, 17–19.

46. WvB defense questionaire responses, 14.10.47, in NA, M-1079/4/169 and 12/348.

47. Bornemann and Broszat, “Das KL,” 192–93; executions list, 1.11.44–27.3.45 (prosecution exhibit, 1947), in NA, M-1079/11/664–65.

48. Mierzejewski, Collapse, 125–61, 184–85; Bornemann and Broszat, “Das KL,” 191–94; KL Mittelbau, prisoner list, 1.11.44, in NA, M-1079/11/580; Hein, “Lagerstaerke in KL.Dora” 1.12.44–3.4.45, c. 1947, in NA, M-1079/1/574.