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But Senov prevented the deed. From across the room, he was bringing forth a revolver. While his henchmen were shooting wildly, Senov discharged a single bullet. The soldier toppled to the floor, shot through the head.

With a sharp command, Senov took control. His men stood waiting while he strode to the far side of the room and opened a closed door. His action revealed a stone stairway, going to the cellar of the old building.

He pointed there, and one by one his followers advanced. These men were carrying axes and crowbars.

Two others followed with a machine gun.

Senov stopped the procession after ten had descended. He stationed others at the door to the passage; he ordered three to attack the door of the room where the escaping soldiers had fled.

With all his men in position, Senov looked about the room and laughed crudely. Four soldiers lay upon the floor, either dead or dying. Senov made no distinction. One by one he picked up the helpless forms and hurled them brutally into a corner, until they formed a mass of huddled bodies.

With the glare of hatred in his eyes, the brutal leader threw a final glance of satisfaction at the Bolsheviks, then advanced down the stone stairway to join his men.

TWENTY feet below the level of the upper room was a corridor that ended in a heavy, metal-bound door. Senov’s men were crashing at this barrier. Their efforts were of no avail.

Senov pushed them aside and seized a huge ax. He swung one terrific blow. The ax head crashed deep into the metal surface, and the handle snapped from the force of the blow.

Senov ordered his men away. Only one remained. The rest, urged by Senov, moved upward to the floor above. A few minutes later, their companion joined them. Senov closed the upper door and waited. A dull explosion sounded from beneath.

The attackers again descended. They found the massive door shattered by the explosion. Upon the far side lay the crushed form of another uniformed guard.

The passageway was open!

A lighter door barred progress at the end of the corridor. Senov shattered it with an ax. Beyond the barrier was a second stairway, leading downward.

Senov led the advance, and was stopped by a huge sheet of metal, more formidable than any doors that had been encountered.

No time was lost in futile attempts. The attackers returned to the room above, leaving one man to set the explosive. A tremendous report resounded. When the invaders again reached the lower floor, they found a gaping hole in the metal door.

One of Senov’s men leaped through the opening. He stopped short as he heard his leader’s cry. Before he could return, a rifle shot cracked, and the man staggered back through the barrier. He fell dead at Senov’s feet.

Beyond that hole lay death for all who might enter. A subterranean vault, illuminated by dim, concealed lights, formed a sure trap for these invaders. Senov, keeping his followers well away from the danger spot, gave his next command.

Three men who had hitherto been inactive now opened large bags which they were carrying. From these they brought forth a dozen gas masks. All of Senov’s bloody crew donned the odd devices, the leader among them.

Peering now from behind his mask, Senov saw that all were ready. He had come here undisguised, tonight, revealing his true identity to his followers for the first time. Now he — and they as well — were unrecognizable in their strange head coverings.

A box was carefully opened, and one man passed forth gas bombs. Standing back from the opening, Senov hurled the first instrument of death. He followed with another. He waited, while a cloud of hazy greenish vapor formed beyond the door and trickled through the opening in misty drift.

Senov, carrying another of the deadly devices, stepped through the opening. A shot cracked; then another. The bullets missed Senov by inches. This cruel, intrepid man seemed immune from all enemies as he threw the third bomb into the room beyond.

Back through the door came Senov, to await the result of his advance. Again, he stepped boldly through the opening. This time no threatening shots greeted him.

He motioned his companions to follow. They came into a five-sided room. Each wall was provided with a long, narrow slit, and through those slits protruded the muzzles of rifles.

Five guards had been stationed here, completely governing the room. Their command had ended with the advent of the deadly gas. Behind each loophole lay a dead defender. The green vapor that clung to the walls drifted lazily about the silent chamber.

Senov was working at a slab in the center of the room. He displayed great strength, and the slab moved upward. It revealed a wooden block with an iron ring in the center. Senov raised the trapdoor, and discovered a short spiral stairway. He descended.

Alone, the chief of the invaders found himself in a darkened vault. The rays of a flashlight gleamed from Senov’s hands.

As he stepped forward to a canvas-covered table, Senov’s foot touched a hidden square upon the wooden layer that formed the floor.

Hissing sounds came from the sides of the room. Senov laughed within his mask. Those who had sought to protect this vault had hidden gas tanks in the walls. The deadly vapor was filling the room; but it was no weapon against Senov. He had used gas to conquer. He and his men were equipped to resist it, with their gas masks.

With his free fist, Senov seized the canvas covering and ripped it away. He stared in triumph at the table before him. The rays of his flashlight were reflected by a glory of sparkling light.

Glittering splotches of green; bright flashes of blue; deep glowing spots of red, showed before Senov’s eyes! A medley of glorious gems shone in barbaric splendor!

Here, in this buried vault, Michael Senov had uncovered the greatest array of wealth in all the world! He had found the hoarded jewels of the Romanoffs — all those vast possessions which the Revolutionists had wrested from the last of the Czars!


MICHAEL SENOV stood on the spiral staircase of the vault. His flashlight threw its parting gleams upon the table. The rays were reflected by the bare wood. Senov turned and ascended the stairs. His henchmen were awaiting him.

Three men were holding bags in their possession These were the same bags that had held the gas masks; now their contents consisted of priceless wealth. At Senov’s command, the underlings had brought the bags that he might stow the jewels for safe carriage.

All but Senov and these three trusted men had gone above. Now the triumphant procession followed.

With gas masks still covering their heads, these four made a grotesque group as they marched from the five-sided room.

No time was lost when Senov and his three followers reached the ground floor of the house. Guards were still on duty. Three men were working upon the door of the room where the Bolshevik soldiers had been trapped.

Senov paused only to remove his gas mask; the other three laid down their burdens to duplicate the action. The leader gave final instructions to the men who remained. Then, as his trio of carriers hoisted their laden bags, he pointed the way to the outer passage.

Despite the terrific furor and the fearful destructiveness of Senov’s attack, the work had been completed in an unusually short space of time. Reserves, stationed outside, had aided with capable service. They had captured and killed four soldiers who had approached the house.

That had unquestionably halted the spreading of an alarm; but Senov knew that it would not be long before all Moscow would teem with an excited hunt for Czarist agents. His faithful hordes must scurry back to the places of obscurity wherein lay their only shelter.

For Senov and a few associates, certain escape had been arranged. The automobile that had been stationed around the corner was now standing at the entrance to the alley. It was manned in front by two sturdy henchmen. The bags were placed in the back seat. Senov motioned one follower to enter. Then he spoke to the others who stood by.