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2345 Rewalls complete first successful test of the Punch Drive, achieve FTL status.

2387 Humans independently develop the Punch Drive.

2392 Rewalls establish colony on Loshal

2401 Humans become first peaceful interstellar ambassadors, landing on Whitok.

2406 Humans (with help of Terran Dolphins) sign treaty with Whitok.

• Whitok inhabit Earth’s waters, humans inhabit Whitok lands.

• Purist movement forms on Earth. Some humans believe Whitok are tools of the devil and that they should be destroyed.

2407 Humans colonize Capizzi 7, located in the Whitok system.

2409 Rewall colonize Yewalla

2410 Prawatt race seeded on new homeworld.

2412 Terrorist attack on Whitok city by Purists, 120 Whitok killed.

2414 Purist movement gains power. They want “Satanic” Whitok removed form Earth.

2420 Whitok become third interstellar race, achieving FTL with help of human scientists.

2430 Estimated time the Givers arrive in galaxy.

2431 Terrorist attacks on Whitok increase. Earth authorities heavily punish Purists in order to pacify enraged Whitok. Purists flee persecution and leave Earth in small fleet of ships. They predict destruction of Earth as they escape “Satanic” Whitok.

2431 Earthlings colonize Satirli 6.

2432 Givers land on Harrah homeworld.

2433 Capizzi 7 achieves self-sufficiency.

2434 Prawatt achieve FTL capability.

2438 Prawatts attack peaceful Rewall research vessel. First interstellar combat. Both ships break off fighting and return to home systems.

2439 Kuluko establish radio contact with Whitok, Rewalls and Earth. Purists land on Jason 2, renaming it Allah. Begin massive re-tooling of fleet to create fighting navy.

2440 Prawatt, with a navy of only 20 ships, attack Yewalla in first interstellar war. Prawatt forces defeat token Rewall defenders and land on Yewalla, but are driven off by Rewall land forces.

2445 Purists colonize Stewart.

2448 Harrah achieve FTL capability. Givers depart.

2450 Satirli 6 achieves self-sufficiency.

• Earth, Capizzi 7 and Satirli 6 form Planetary Union.

2453 Purists declare war on Planetary Union in First Holy War. The purists only have 12 ships — the war is clumsy and short-lived.

2454 Purists, fearing a retaliatory attack, sue for peace. Union accepts.

2455 Givers land on Kurgurk homeworld.

2456 Prawatt conquer Kuluko, exterminating the intelligent race. Ambassadors from Union, Whitok and Rewall Accord are executed. None of the three systems are able to respond in time to help Kuluko.

2460 Rewalls colonize Lotharis.

2461 Whitok colonize New Whitok.

2468 Planetary Union colonizes Thomas 3, which is in the same system as New Whitok.

2470 Leekee achieve FTL capability.

2478  Prawatt colonize Lewarth and Basadah.

• Kurgurk achieve FTL capability. Givers depart.

2486 Prawatt fleet (estimated at 72 ships) attack Yewalla again. Rewall ships, now prepared for combat, destroy Prawatt fleet (an estimated 25 ships returned to Prawatt).

2489  Satirli 6 secedes from Planetary Union.

• Civil war erupts between Union and Satirli 6.

2490 Whitok colonize Withrit.

2491 Satirli 6 successfully defends itself. Planetary Union officially recognizes it as an independent government.

2502 Sklorno achieve FTL capability.

2503 Thomas 3 admitted to Planetary Union.

2504 Grasslop achieve FTL capability.

2506 Grasslop ship meets Leekee ship in neutral space. Leekee attack and destroy Grasslop ship.

2510 Leekee declare war on Grasslop.

2511 Leekee conquer Grasslop.

2512  Rewalls colonize Yashan.

• Purists colonize Mason.

2514  Satirli 6 colonizes Wilson 4 and Wilson 6 and immediately declares them both independent protectorates, to be completely free as soon as they are self-sufficient.

• Satirli 6 opens trade with Planetary Union and Whitok Kingdom.

2515 Satirli 6 opens its doors to Union immigrants and they come by the millions. Satirli 6 rapidly becoming economic giant.

2517 Purists, seeing Satirli 6’s massive growth and assuming they hate the Union, invite Satirli 6 to join the Purist Nation. Satirli 6 refuses and Purists declare war on the infidels.

2518 Givers land on Ki homeworld.

2519  Purists can’t keep up long distance offensive war against Satirli 6.

• Purists offer peace, Satirli 6 accepts.

• Satirli 6, Wilson 4 and Wilson 6 form League of Planets to defend themselves against future Purist aggression.

First Galactic War, 2520–2524

2520  Sklorno launch massive (150 ship) attack against Withrit, destroying all intelligent life on planet.

• Whitok kingdom immediately declares war on Sklorno.

• Planetary Union joins its ally and declares war on Sklorno.

2521 Purists see the Union at war and declare Second Holy War on the infidels.

2522 Whitok sends delegation to Rewalls. Rewalls understand message and declare war on Sklorno.

2523  League of Planets declares defensive war on Purist Nation.

• Prawatt, who have waited until Rewall navy is committed against Sklorno, attack Yewalla.

• Sklorno are days away from conquering Whitok.

• Purists get first look at Sklorno. They immediately break off their war with the Union.

• League of Planets stops attacks on Purist ships, allowing them to return back to their system.

• Rewall forced to break off attacks on Sklorno to deal with Prawatt.

• In a last-ditch effort, the Whitok Navy suicide-attacks the Sklorno forces off of the Whitok homeworld. The attack stops the movement on Whitok homeworld, but costs the Kingdom 50 percent of an already crippled fleet.

2524 Planetary Union brings full force to bear on Sklorno navy, which has regrouped and is heading for Whitok homeworld. The largest battle of the war ensues. Union forces drive off Sklorno, but not before the Sklorno saturation-bomb Whitok homeworld. Most life on Whitok destroyed and planet is uninhabitable.

2525  Ki achieve FTL capability. Eat givers for dinner.

• Rewall and Prawatt stalemate ends when Rewall leave a ravaged Yewalla for the Prawatt Jihad.

2526 Whitok offer Reiger 2 to Planetary Union in thanks after refusing to join Union. Addition of Reiger 2 leaves New Whitok, the Kingdom’s only remaining planet, well inside Union borders.


2549 The Age Of Colonization.

• Planetary Union adds Jones, New Earth, Rodina (all three in same system) and Home to its ranks.

• Sklorno destroy avian race on Yall and add Chikchik.

• Whitok spend trillions on colonization, adding Whipath and Whirod (same system) Whopol, Whirot and all-water giant Wheresh

• Prawatt add Ionath.

• Rewall add Loshall.

• Leekee add Grinkas and Replas.

• League of Planets adds Vosor 3 and distant Tower 1.

• Purists add Solomon.

• Kurgurk add Rfgh and Drghp.

• Ki add Ol 3 and Re 4.

2530 Portath achieve FTL capability. Within 4 years (estimated), Portath colonize Thew and Faskah.

2531  League of Planets forces sent from Tower on peaceful mission are lost when they enter the Portath Cloud.

• Portath send a message to the galaxy not to enter the cloud.

• League sends large navy to protect Tower from potential threat.

2533 Sklorno, despite warnings from Planetary Union, attack New Whitok. Whitok Kingdom’s new navy has been waiting for revenge for nine years, and defeat Sklorno in pitched battle.

2535 Planetary Union signs treaty of friendship with Purist Nation. League of Planets and Whitok Kingdom voice their objections to treaty.