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Roundbug: A native predator of Mining Colony Six. Roundbugs bite their prey, infecting them with a deadly bacteria, and wait several days for the prey to die. The bacteria are not fatal to Humans, but can cause permanent neurological damage to Human children (known as Hiropt’s Disease).

Salamander: Racial, derogatory term for a Ki.

Shamakath: Quyth word for “leader,” most commonly used in military terms or attributed to the main boss of a syndicate.

The Takeover: The three-year span during which the Creterak conquered the galaxy.

The Tri: Quyth Orbital Station III, called “The Tri” by Humans. A massive artificial structure, The Tri was created as a solution to overcrowding on the Quyth homeworld. It was built shortly before the Quyth Concordia achieved FTL technology, and was the last such massive engineering project before the government expansion strategy switched to colonizing “dead” worlds. The Tri is about 150 Earth years old and has a population of 112 million.

Wartimes: Cretarakian-approved phrase for all history prior to The Takeover.

Xerchit: Quyth word for lieutenant, most commonly attributed to the leader of a syndicate cell.

Yakochat: Quyth word for one who betrays so much he would murder his own mother.

Zoroastrian Guild: Subversive organization dedicated to ending Creterakian rule.

Zebe: A football official, a “zebra.”