Another technology currently being researched by NASA is the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR). VASIMR is a plasma-based propulsion system that uses an electric power source to ionize fuel, converting it to plasma. Electric fields heat and accelerate the plasma, while the magnetic fields focus the stream of plasma as it is ejected from the engine. This creates thrust for the spacecraft, which can be controlled much like the rocket-propelled engines we currently use. The VASIMR can be fueled by hydrogen, which is the most plentiful element in the universe, thus eliminating the need to carry the tremendous amount of fuel required for a prolonged trip. The required electric power could be provided by a nuclear generator, or by photovoltaic (solar) panels for trips that are relatively close to the sun. Although VASIMR is still being researched, and is years away from practical application, it has already shown enough promise during tests on Earth for scientists to be hopeful. However, the VASIMR engine would still only be capable of attaining speeds much slower than the speed of light, rendering it useful only for travel within our own solar system.
NASA is also investigating a type of warp drive that may be closer than we might think. Rather than carrying the fuel necessary for space travel, theoretically, it may be possible to tap space itself for the energy source. This so-called zerro point energy field theoretically contains energy greater than nuclear density. The proof of principle has been established tapping this energy (in other words, the idea has been proven mathematically valid), so all it takes now is the engineering (this would be a step beyond the matter-antimatter engines of the starship Enterprrise). As we lalow from the theory of special relativity, no massive particle can travel faster than the speed of light, no matter how much energy you have. As previously discussed, space itself is not constrained by this law. But empty space is not empty. It consists of a field called the false vacuum, which is filled with energetic particles that pop in and out of a fleeting existence. There is experimental evidence that these particles exist along with an incredible amount of energy called the zero point energy. With that said, there is proof of principle that there is a fundamental relationship between time, gravity, and inertia. If you can alter one, you can alter the other, and experiments indicate that indeed time, gravity, and inertia can be altered. That would provide another way for faster-than-light travel to be, at least theoretically, possible. At this time we don't have the engineering to put it into practice, but again, the proof of principle is at hand.
If we are already thinking along these lines, it does not take much of a leap of faith that others who are farther along technologically have developed the engineering, put it into practice, and made space travel a reality. (I get a kick out of reading these all-lunowing statements from less imaginative scientists that interstellar travel is impossible because we can't do it. The conclusion is that because interstellar travel is impossible, none of these UFO sightings can be interstellar spacecraft.)
Yet another technology that has not been tested, but shows some promise, is Robert W. Bussard's "Ramjet." Very simply, the Bussard engine is composed of a large sail to collect hydrogen atoms, which it then feeds to a nuclear reactor. The resulting nuclear explosions would provide incredible levels of thrust, allowing the vehicle to gradually accelerate to near-light speeds. The craft would putt-putt across space, with each successive putt increasing its speed exponentially. There are, however, drawbacks to this technology: Chief among obstacles to even testing the design is the Outer Space Treaty, which entered into force on October 10, 1967. This treaty, onto which virtually all industrialized countries signed, prohibits the detonation of potentially harmful nuclear explosions in space. Because the Bussard engine in operation is literally a constant chain of nuclear explosions, we are severely limited in our ability to even test it, much less apply the technology to our space travel aspirations.
We are on the doorstep of becoming a spacefaring civilization. We have made giant strides in exploring our backyard with planetary probes of our own. We are on the verge of finding life on other planets, such as Mars, and have sent sophisticated probes that roam its surface, studying its interesting geology and weather patterns. Some of our probes are destined to travel out of our system and actually head into interstellar space, such as Pioneer 10, which was launched in March of 1972. The last signal received from it was January 22, 2003; it is thought that its radio-isotope thermal generator finally went dead, shutting its transmitter off. It is headed in the general direction of Aldebaran, in the constellation Taurus, some 82 light-years away, and it should get there in about 2 million years. It bears a gold plaque that gives any intelligent civilization information about us, even though we may he long gone by the time they find it. This plaque was designed by Frank Drake and Carl Sagan.
Why does our government (and other world governments) not tell the truth about UFOs? Why all the secrecy? I think that the people of Earth deserve to know the true nature of what is really out there. I have pondered this question for years, as have many others-most of whom are more knowledgeable than I in these matters. To answer the why of UFO secrecy, I can only guess: Is it because the powers that be feel they have to protect us from ourselves? In other words, can we really stand to know the ultimate truth of the nature of some UFOs, that they represent an advanced civilization studying us? It would be rather unnerving to discover that we are not in control of our skies, and that we are like ants in a colony whose activities are being studied. Our feelings of superiority were already stripped when our planet was displaced from being the center of the solar system to a minor planet orbiting an ordinary star in the outskirts of a galaxy that is only one of innumerable galaxies in the universe.
NASA has conducted a survey of what would happen if the news of our descent into mediocrity was made known by the fact that we were being visited by an advanced civilization. The surprising result is that most people would accept this without undue alarm. The only people who would really be disturbed by this are the religious fundamentalists who feel God created only us.
My thoughts on the rigid secrecy range through a number of reasons. It may be that most government people have no control over the issue of UFOs. Steven Schiff, a New Mexico Congressman from 1989 to 1998, as well as other lawmakers, have tried and failed to crack the veil of secrecy. Government studies such as Project Bluebook and Project Grudge concluded that there was nothing of value in pursuing the investigation of reported UFO sightings, and Dr. J. Allen Hyneck, who ran the Bluebook inquiry, was a total debunker, who gave explanations such as "swamp gas" when he was attached to Bluebook. Once he was no longer a member of the team, however, he started to change his opinion of the UFO phenomena, and was open to the reality that at least some of these sightings may represent exotic phenomena such as extraterrestrial spacecraft.
One would think that since the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was passed, information on UFO activity would be much more accessible. Yeah, right! As UFO researchers such as Stanton Friedman soon found out, you may get reams of pages after a suitably long wait, but these pages are basically useless, because they are mostly blacked out. This of course means that there are some details in these UFO sightings about which someone doesn't want the general public to know. This purposeful withholding of information is prime evidence that there is something going on that must be kept from the public domain. If the government says these reports are either hoaxes or just confused people, then why is it necessary to withhold information? That leaves two possibilities: Either these really are extraterrestrial craft that we must be protected from knowing about, or they are highly classified military aircraft. I don't believe all the sightings could be of highly classified military aircraft; there is no doubt in my mind that some of these sightings are from exotic craft, such as those from another civilization.