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France 15, 26, 29-31, 36-8, 113, 137, 172,

177, 179, 188, 259, 278, 282, 284, 298, 313-14, 316, 320, 326, 329, 345, 424, 434, 450 culture of 11, 289, 292, 296, 396, 427,

437-8, 440, 444, 446, 451 people from/of 58, 290, 440 revolution in see French Revolution, the Russia in conflict with 16 Frank, Joseph 405 Franklin, Simon 175, 348 Frederick II (of Prussia) 113, 278, 423 Frederick III (Duke of Schleswig-Holstein) 193 Frederick the Great see Frederick II (of Prussia) Free Economic Society, the 372, 377, 390, 445

Trudy 372 freedom 60, 88, 114, 231, 363, 385, 434, 441, 447 Cossack 110 economic 372

from enserfment see enserfment, exemption from

of movement 226, 261, 364 lack of 222, 224, 233, 239, 343,

356, 364 political 137

of religion see religion, freedom of removal of/restrictions on 352, 460 from taxation see taxes, exemptions from of thought 428 free-thinking 399, 440, 445 Freeze, Gregory 261 French Revolution, the 372, 424, 445 Frick, David 78 Fuhrmann, Joseph 204

Galicia 44, 77, 106, 122, 405 Galileo 411

gardens 272, 275, 285, 292, 316, 447 Gagauz (Turkish Orthodox Christians) 357 Gdansk 17, 73

Gedymin (Grand Duke of Lithuania) 45,

130, 211 Geertz, Clifford 141 General Land Survey 338 Genghis Khan see Chinggis Gennadii (Archbishop) 255 Genoa 45, 345

gentry, the 50, 56, 74, 164, 173, 211, 213-17, 219, 221, 223, 226, 239, 360, 363, 459; see also boyars landed 167 Geodetic Service 338

geography 2, 4, 21-3, 41, 66, 161, 179, 187,

236, 306-7, 433; see also landscape Georgi, Johann Gottlieb 338, 452-3 Georgia 97-9, 113

people of/from 115 Germanies, the 28-31, 37, 59, 172, 403 Germans 50, 59, 64, 101, 111, 113, 116-18, 122, 203, 283, 302, 319, 331, 336, 355, 357, 359, 364, 371, 384-5, 391, 402, 430, 440, 459, 461

Baltic 115, 119, 125, 310, 430, 440, 459,

461; see also Baltic German Junkers Germany 26, 28, 46, 114, 118, 122, 169, 193, 259, 261, 341, 384, 397; see also Germanies, the culture of 11, 119, 143, 288, 292, 296, 403, 413, 438, 440 Giddens, Anthony 172 gift/exchange economies 176 Girard, Rene 153 Girey dynasty 34, 46, 114-15, 401 Girey, Mengli 51 Gizel, Innokentii

Synopsis 78 Glagol'eva, Ol'ga 446 Glasgow 349 Glinskaia, Elena 279

global economy, the 33, 36, 187, 195, 204

globalization 33, 187

Gluck, Johann Ernst 302

Godunova, Irina 279

Godunovs, the 210, 280

Golburt, Luba 437

Golden, Peter viii

Golden Horde, the (Qipchaq Khanate) 9, 12, 34, 37, 44-6, 51, 57, 69-70, 73, 114, 131, 141, 162, 177 Golden Horn, the 26

Golitsyn, Prince V. V. 165-6, 211-12, 260, 269 Golitsyns, Princes, the 388 Gomel' 121

goods 36, 50-2, 66, 73, 187-98, 201-4, 242, 316, 320-4, 325-6, 342, 361, 383, 386, 434; see also resources, material luxury 2, 42, 47, 51, 85, 192, 197, 241, 325-6 Gordon, Patrick 277 gosti 190, 201, 208, 240-3, 379 Got'e, Iu. V. 306 Gottingen 118

governance of the Russian empire 18, 103, 160, 303, 380, 461; see also administration

strategies of 7, 34-5, 107, 335, 352, 387, 390; see also rulers, strategies of government, the 193, 212, 274, 306-7, 311, 399, 431

actions of 26, 230, 302, 332, 336, 342, 401,

421, 445, 461 central 300, 305-6, 309-10, 313-14, 343, 380, 457

institutions of 10, 107-8, 153, 175, 446;

see also administration, institutions of and chanceries local 10, 68, 72, 77, 86, 92, 111, 183, 228, 232, 238-9, 288, 300, 305-6, 308, 312, 343, 378, 381, 384-7, 389-91, 394, 402, 406, 428, 459 participation in 77 reform of 300-1, 308, 312, 314 regimental 68 representative 38 republican 46 styles of 59, 94 governors 64-5, 86, 94,100, 105, 111, 117-18, 170-1, 174, 177, 182, 212, 301, 303-10, 312, 314, 332, 379, 391 actions/activities of 55, 116, 169, 173, 176 district 121 frontier 68, 95 instructions for 98 opposition to 63 role of 178 service as 63 Grain Chancery 165 "Great Famine", the 27 Great Horde, the 11-12, 58, 71 Great Northern War, the 15, 84, 90, 107, 117,

218, 271, 296-8, 301, 327 Greece 275, 290

Greeks vii, 43, 66, 114-16, 192, 254, 256, 292,

331, 397, 425, 430 Greenland 26

Gregory the Great (Pope) 245

Gregory of Palamas 247, 250

Grodno 122

Grotius, Hugo 412

guba reform (of the 1530s) 173

gubernii 86, 89, 105-6, 111, 113-14, 118,

120-2, 125, 299, 301, 306-9, 313, 317, 319, 331, 337-8, 352, 378, 382

guliashchie 376 Guzev 455

Habermas, Jurgen 445

Habsburg Empire, the 3, 13, 15, 17, 30-1, 34, 38, 57-8, 113, 122, 130, 178, 393, 404, 434 people of/from 140 Haden, Daniel von 260 Hague, the 377 hagiography 10, 74, 130, 133, 245, 249, 252,

259, 417-18, 426 Hall, Joseph 413 Halle 118

Hamburg, Gary 396 Hanseatic League, the 46, 50 Hartley, Janet 300 Harvard University vii

Ukrainian Research Institute viii Haugh, Alexandra viii Hechter, Michael 80 Hellie, Richard 153, 214, 217-18, 300 Helsinki

Cathedral of the Dormition 456 Herberstein, Sigismund von 13, 180, 258 Herder, Johann Gottfried 118 heresy 130, 169, 254, 257, 259, 262, 351,

399,410 Herotodus 98

Herrnhunters see Moravian Brothers Hervey, James 413 Herzen, Alexander 446 hesychasm 47, 247, 250-2, 263, 414 Hetmanate, the 14, 58, 77-9, 91, 95, 103, 105-9, 111-12, 123, 125, 146, 169, 192, 208, 231-2, 253, 299, 341, 364, 385, 439, 459; see also Ukraine

Left Bank 16, 76, 79, 84, 99, 103, 106-7, 111-14, 181, 192, 198, 218, 233, 253, 307-8, 363, 430 Right Bank 77, 79, 84, 103, 105-6, 113, 123, 192, 364 Hillis, Faith 110 Hinduism 2, 192

historians (of Russia) 45, 48, 55, 79, 110, 137,

249,261,305-6,367,411,450,461 historiography 5-6, 277 history 106, 149, 156, 433, 438, 460-1 writing of 10, 130-2, 136, 249, 418 History of the Rus' People 113 Hittle, J. M. 236, 242 Hluhkiv 110

Hoch, Stephen 168, 229, 368-9 Holland 15, 28, 118, 182, 190, 403; see also Dutch Republic, the and Netherlands, the Holstein 16, 171

Holstein-Gottorp, Duke of 279, 281 Holy Synod, the 349, 408, 412-13, 415-16, 436, 438

Homer 3

The Honorable Mirror ofYouth 435-6 Hosking, Geoffrey 3 Hrabianka, Hryhorii

The Great War of Bohdan Khmelnytsky 110 Hughes, Lindsey 131 humanism 89, 259, 413, 457 Hungary 2, 17, 31, 34, 44, 166, 219, 432, 434

Iaguzhinskii, Pavel 277

Iaik River 58, 62, 69, 71, 88, 90, 93,

95-6, 371 Iakolevs, the 320 Iakovenko, Natalia 73

Iakut, the 29, 63-4, 86, 89, 139, 231-2, 359,

402, 453 Iakutia 65, 88 Iakutsk 62-4, 86, 341 iamshchiki 217 Iamskoi Chancery 217 Iam Zapolskii, Treaty of 13, 52 Iaroslavl' 50, 143, 162, 170, 177, 181, 191,

202-3, 236-7, 240, 322, 361, 392, 444, 454 Church of Elijah 391-2 iasak 56, 62-3, 69, 70, 80, 225 payers of 89, 92, 94, 208, 231-2, 262, 299, 327, 330, 337, 355, 372, 375-6 Iauza River 44 Iavorsky, Stefan 77 Iceland 26

icons and frescos 132-4, 142, 245-6, 248-50,

252-4, 259, 392 identity 7, 160, 185, 355, 372, 387, 415, 440, 450, 457

ethnic 59

group 267, 360, 372, 381, 427-8, 431-2,

435, 446 national 444, 450, 452, 454, 457 political 78, 142 identity documents 167 ideology 1-2, 4-6, 153-5, 270, 275-6, 316, 370, 457 of absolutism 38, 150, 269 crusading 55 cultural 55 dominant 10

imperial 9, 18, 131, 135-6, 146, 457 Petrine 269, 274, 293 political 157