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281, 410, 414-15 distribution of 300

grants of 10, 163, 207, 210-11, 216, 249,

336, 363 inheritance of 366, 431 loss of 248, 281 offers of 114

ownership of 56, 68, 79, 91, 100, 108, 115, 162, 168, 208, 214-15, 220, 226, 364, 430, 432, 434; see also pomest'e and votchina

purchase of 307, 382 reclamation of 118 surveys of 178 tenure 164

landholders 50, 73, 75, 77, 89, 100, 164, 168, 211, 214-15, 326, 372, 398, 403, 428, 430; see also elite, the, landed and landlords the church/monasteries as 108-9, 112, 169, 200-1, 211, 251, 281, 327, 329, 410, 412, 414

large 214

small 112,226, 304, 356,359; see odnodvortsy landlords 53, 69, 91, 109, 151, 168, 208, 213, 222-4, 227-31, 236, 300, 321, 328, 340, 344, 356-7, 361-6, 368, 371, 446, 449, 459 private 107, 163, 208 landscape

forests 3, 21, 23-4, 32, 42, 51, 57-8, 60,

66, 75, 88, 179, 222, 225-6, 362, 364, 457

exploitation of 23-4, 39, 47, 56, 85, 222, 433

soil 23-5, 33, 225, 356, 365, 383; see also

black earth steppe urban 238; see also urban areas, design/layout of language 2, 59, 137, 176, 276, 372, 424, 437-8, 459, 461 diversity of vii, 4, 55, 63 learning of 77, 302, 434 theory of Russian 376 translation of Russian 118,179,400 use of 175, 435, 438 vernacular 73, 118, 423, 438, 450 languages 65, 74, 79, 88, 398, 431 Arabic 58, 434

Belarus'an 11, 14, 73, 146, 169, 225, 358,

361, 423 Chinese 434 Dutch 271 English 391

Finno-Ugric 42, 56, 60, 63-4, 403 French 431, 436

German 11,73,78, 118, 120,311,313,403,

431, 436 Greek 77, 250, 434 Indo-European 42 Latgalian 120

Latin 77-8, 269, 415, 421, 423, 450 Latvian 116, 119 Manchu 63-4 Mongol 63

Old Church Slavonic 74, 77, 244, 259, 414,

421, 423, 437 Paleo-Asiatic 64 Polish 11,78,310,313,423 Russian 6, 45, 59, 118, 122, 145, 225, 269, 271, 330, 358, 400, 431

Samoyedic 51, 64 Siberian native 11 Slavic 42-3, 45 Swedish 118, 120, 311 Tatar 11, 57, 400 Tungusic 63-4

Turkic 44-5, 56-8, 60, 63-4, 69, 71, 114

Ukrainian 6, 11, 14, 59, 67-8, 73,

78, 105, 107, 111, 116, 169, 225, 313, 330-1, 423 Laplanders 23, 50 latitude 21 Latvia 52, 116-20 Latvians 118,121,359

law 73, 108, 139, 161, 167, 170-2, 174 , 233, 238-9, 279, 292, 299, 308-11, 313, 347-9, 352, 364-5, 367, 372, 387, 393, 431, 433, 435, 443, 446, 459, 461; see also legal structures and punishment and trials apparatus of the 99, 111, 118, 139, 168-70, 173, 232-3, 302-3, 308, 318, 348-9, 381, 459 books on the 93, 139 canon 256

courts of 4, 93, 96, 99, 106, 109, 111, 115, 118, 120, 122, 158, 168-9, 207, 232-4, 239, 261, 309-10, 313, 349, 379, 387, 396, 403 civil 92, 348 commercial 378, 384 criminal 92, 233-4, 305, 384 Equity 309, 311, 313 Land 121, 308, 311 Upper 308 Military 348 religious 387, 397

criminal 6, 56, 122, 168, 172-3, 177, 183, 186, 233-4, 236, 248, 303, 308, 351, 353, 364, 366, 396 civil 303, 308 practice of the 86, 174, 348 types of

customary 68, 96, 107, 169, 349 German 117, 169, 238, 349, 403 Imperial 311 Lithuanian 111, 349 local 120

Magdeburg 79, 107, 109, 118, 121, 238, 378, 384-5; see also towns and cities, Magdeburg Law towns martial 301 Polish 109, 122, 349 Roman 169-70

Russian 99, 103, 106, 108, 112, 122, 184,

309, 349 Sharia 56, 92, 130, 233, 400, 408 Swedish 349

law and order 232, 269-71, 303, 348, 379-81, 386-7, 434, 451; see also police/ policing Lawcodes and decrees 461 of 1497 176, 184, 222 of 1550 176, 184, 222, 240 of 1649 138, 167, 169-71, 174-6, 178, 184, 198, 201, 214, 224, 239, 361, 364, 366, 461 New Commercial Code of 1667

193-4, 198 of 1669 169-70

Military Code of 1715 261, 270, 348 Naval Statute of 1720 348 Ecclesiastical Regulation of 1722 349 of1722 339 of1724 303

Veksel Regulation of 1729 325 of 1734 366 of1751 352 of1753 352

Edict of Toleration (1773) 399 Organic Law of 1775 307, 310, 382 Police Code of 1782 310,381,387 of May 3, 1783 122 of 1804 406 Le Blond, Jean-Baptiste 388 Leckey, Colum 372, 445 LeDonne, John 120, 280, 307, 310-11, 330-1,

333, 338, 343 Lefort, Francois 277

Left Bank Hetmanate see under Hetmanate, the

and under Ukraine legal structures 106, 111 Legislative Commission of 1767 91, 119, 363,

378, 380, 383, 387, 397, 452 legitimacy 4, 38, 129, 135, 141, 150-5, 168, 270, 275-6, 279, 281-3, 294, 316;

see also Russian Orthodoxy, as code of political legitimacy

claims to 37, 130-1, 139, 279 creating 3, 129-33, 135-7, 140-3, 151-2, 160, 209, 244, 249, 271-2, 275, 294

Leiden 118 Leipzig 118, 446 Lieven, Dominic 460 Lena administrative distict 65 Lena River 25, 64, 86, 170, 236 Le Prince, Jean Baptiste 452 Leslie, Colonel 288 Levi, Scott 36

Levitskii, Dmitrii 282, 440-1; see also Levytsky,

Dmytro Levshin, Platon 413 Levytsky, Dmytro 110 liberalism 11 Lisbon 36

literacy 37, 140, 176, 215, 261, 276, 311, 403, 445, 450, 460 lack of 174, 245, 259, 421 literature 129-32, 135-6, 157, 178, 231, 278, 294, 349, 376-7, 436-40, 443-6, 449-50, 461; see also printing/ publishing and texts/books Lithuania, Grand Duchy of 9, 11, 13, 17, 37, 45-6, 48, 58-9, 74-5, 79, 108, 111, 121-3, 143, 162, 169-70, 191, 197, 203, 211, 231, 238, 259, 311, 322, 331-2, 341, 346, 364, 404, 417, 424, 430; see also Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth alliances with Russia 50 rulers of the 73, 148, 210 Russia in conflict with 12, 14, 34, 45, 51-2, 57, 146 Lithuanians 45, 96, 120-3, 130, 435

Little Ice Age, the 25-6, 32, 38, 200 Little Russian Collegium 111 liudi raznykh chinov see raznochintsy Lives (of saints) 252; see also hagiography living standards 368-70 Livland 15, 116-20, 122, 288-9, 307, 311, 322, 359, 364, 403; see also Baltic Region and Livonia Livni 67, 182; see also Baltic region Livonia 13-15, 50, 52, 84, 103, 116, 120, 143, 169, 190-2, 202, 303, 322, 339, 403, 417; see also Baltic region Livonian Knights 45, 52, 74, 116, 121, 288, 384

Livonian War 10, 13-14, 27, 116, 153, 162,

191, 200, 223 localities 6, 173, 183; see also communities and government, local autonomy of see autonomy, local culture of see culture, local Locke, John 433 Loggin (Old Believer Priest) 255 Logofet, Pakhomii

Life ofSt. Cyril ofBeloozero 250 Lomonsov, Mikhail 274, 281-2, 377, 435,

437-8, 444, 446 London 15, 31, 36, 171, 189, 235, 297 Lopatin, Andrei 367 loyalty (to Russia) 62-3, 69, 72, 90, 92, 99-100, 110, 134, 151, 153, 231, 254, 370, 407, 411, 434, 442-3

Lublin 123 Luria, Solomon 123 Luther, Martin 411

Large Catechism 411 Lutsk 106

Lviv 74, 77, 106, 411, 421-2

Macedonians 113

Machiavelli, Niccolo 2

Madariaga, Isabel de 316

Magdeburg 73

Magellan, Ferdinand 450

magic and witchcraft 260-1, 264, 309, 351,

410; see also folk belief magistrates 378-80, 386, 387; see also towns

and cities Magna Carta, the 219, 432 Maier, Charles 164

Main Administration for the Religious Affairs of Foreign Confessions 407; see also Russian Orthodoxy Makarii (Metropolitan) 132-3, 149 Book of Degrees 132

The Illuminated Chronicle 132-4, 138, 209 Menology 133 Malanima, P. 30 Malikov, Yuriy 58, 66 Malorossiiskii College 107 Mangazeia 62, 64, 242

Manifesto of religious freedom to the Baltics

(1735) 403

Manila 33 manpower 9