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Dmitrij Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 433 Rowland, Daniel viii, 155 Rozumovsky, Kyrylo 111, 290 Rtishchev, F. M. 256 Rublev, Andrei 250

rulers 148, 155, 160, 175, 208, 237, 249, 260, 267, 274, 280-1, 293, 312, 316, 425, 443, 450, 455, 458; see also autocracy and ideology, of rulership

actions/activities of 55, 139, 142, 161, 169, 172, 183, 200, 270-1, 276-7

control exerted by see also control

imaginings of 7, 130, 136, 138-9, 154-5, 244, 267-9, 277-9, 284, 457

legitimacy of see legitimacy limits to the power of 169 and the people 154-5

portrayal/self-representation of 129-30, 140, 269, 273-6, 281-3, 290, 292-3;

see also images/imagery and legitimacy and symbolism power of 3-4, 267, 271, 278; see also power strategies of 11, 270; see also governance,

strategies of and their subjects 208-10,232,253,270,277, 279, 282,370, 429, 440, 451, 461 task of 1, 4 Rumiantsev, Petr 111-12,341 Rus (grand principality of) 3, 14; see also Ruthenian lands

Rus', the 41-3, 48, 53, 66, 73, 79,

110, 126, 134, 177, 421 see also Ruthenians

Russian Orthodoxy 10, 41, 45, 53, 55-6, 81, 169, 201, 207, 222-3, 227-8, 230, 239, 244, 247-58, 267-9, 275, 285, 292, 329, 349, 351, 362, 382, 388-9, 396-401, 406-8, 410-16, 423-5, 434-5, 439, 445, 447;

see also Church Councils, Russian Orthodox and folk belief and Holy Synod, the and landholders and monasteries and landholders, the church/monasteries as and law, religious and monasteries and Monastic Chancery and monks and nuns and Old Belief and religion and toleration, religious and Ukrainian Orthodox Church and " Zealots of Piety" as code of political legitimacy 3-4, 129-41, 154-6

conversion to 24, 56, 70, 96-7, 244, 262-3,

397-402, 408, 424, 430, 451 Enlightened Orthodoxy 11, 396-8, 413-14, 427-8, 435, 443, 447

independence of see autocephaly interior decorative scheme of churches of

133, 246

metropolitans of 44, 130, 132-3, 208,

244, 247, 249-50, 252, 255-6, 411, 413

Russians 42, 49, 59-60, 67, 96-7, 105,

111-12, 116, 165, 189, 193, 204, 225, 244, 253, 330, 335, 424, 433, 440, 444, 451, 454, 461 Ruthenian lands 41-2, 364 Ruthenians 68, 73, 75, 77, 110, 112 Ruts'kyi, Iosif 422

Safa-Girey dynasty 51

Safavid empire, the 2-3, 5, 16, 35, 178,

192-4, 397 Sahaidachny, Petro 75 Sahin 115

Sain Bulat see Bekbulatovich, Semeon

St. Aleksii 133

St. Basil 252

St. Boris 136

St. Catherine 279

St. Cyril-Beloozero monastery 202, 248,

251, 259 St. Elijah 259 St. Fevroniia 252 St. Filipp 133 St. Gleb 136 St. Iona 133

St. Iuliana of Murom 252 St. John of Chrysostom 252

St. Joseph of Volokolamsk 250-1

Rule 250-1 St. Michael Klopskii 252 St. Nicholas chapel 228 St. Paraskeva 259 St. Peter 133, 252

St. Petersburg 23-4, 29, 109-10, 113, 121,

197, 278, 281, 284, 288, 297, 308, 318, 320-4, 327, 338-42, 345-7, 357, 362, 369, 378, 385, 387-91, 393-4, 403-4, 420, 433, 436, 445, 454-5, 461 Academy of Arts building 389 Academy of Sciences building 274-5, 284,

312, 337-8, 377, 389, 461 Admiralty Building 389 Alexander-Nevskii monastery 274 architectural style of 286-7, 291 Cabinet of Curiosities 274 as capital 77, 100, 107, 117-18, 271, 274,

317, 377, 403, 430 Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul 274 Cathedral of the Resurrection 455 Catherine Palace 282 English Embankment 389 Ethnographic Museum 274 Fontanka Canal 389 founding of 15, 84, 191 Foundry 389

Hermitage Theater 282, 389, 444 Kunstkammer 274-5, 337, 451 Marble Palace 282 Mars Field 388 Menshikov Palace 389 Moscow District 389 Museum of Anthropology and

Ethnography 451 Nevskii Prospect 389 Oranienbaum 390 Pavlovsk 282, 284, 390 people/population of 388-9 Peter-Paul Fortress 274-5, 388-9 Peterhof 390 Senate Building 389 Twelve Colleges 389 University of 313 Vasilii Island 389-90 Winter Palace 282, 389 St. Petersburg News 436 St. Volodymyr 24 Sakovych, Kasian 78 Saltykova, Daria 367 Saltykovs, the 280, 388 Samara 90, 195, 403 Samoeds 29, 51, 64 Samogitia 17

Sanin, Joseph 250; see also St. Joseph of

Volokolamsk and Volotskii, Joseph Sarai 9, 44-7, 70, 162

Saransk 371

Saratov 105, 113-14, 165, 195, 323, 359,

407 Saxony 15-16,403

Sayan Mountain range 21, 25 Scandinavia 23, 29, 117 Scandinavians 41

Schadel, Johann Gottfried 76, 290 Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, David 451 Schleswig-Holstein 193 Schleswig-Holstein, Prince Johann of 29 scholars and intellectuals 1-2, 74, 110, 118,

146, 229, 254, 258, 261, 267, 274, 283, 290, 337, 375, 413, 435-8, 440, 443, 446-7, 450, 460-1 Islamic 56, 401 Schonle, Andreas 290, 430 schools 74,77,79,106,109-10,117,123, 253,

312-13, 337, 339, 376-7, 381, 388, 398, 403-5, 415, 422-3, 433-4

Islamic 115,400-1,407 Schrader, Abby 351

science and mathematics 10, 258-9, 290, 337, 377,411,413-14, 427, 437, 451-2, 454, 460-1

Scotland 80

people of/from 203 Scott, James 230 Sebezh 164

secular, the 10, 228, 255, 270-1, 293, 322, 399,

418, 438, 452 secularism 11, 349, 351, 399, 407, 414, 438 "Secure Shield of Faith" 418

Segur, Count Louis Philippe de 290, 430 self-government 86, 95, 100, 113-14, 363, 384, 389, 406, 459 controls on and limits to 91, 93-4 Selinginsk 195 Semigallia 52 Semipalatinsk 88, 95, 323 Senate, the 107, 124, 301, 303-6, 308, 310,

312, 317, 349, 412, 421 Serbia 59; see also New Serbia and Slaviano Serbia

Serbs 42, 105, 113, 336, 385

serfdom 10, 77, 80, 168, 183, 201, 222, 236,

335, 362, 368, 370, 403, 444-5, 460

criticism of 370-1, 445-6 enforcement of 63 settlement 114 serfs 4, 67, 73, 109, 151, 208, 219, 222-3, 225, 231, 282, 326, 330-1, 355, 359-60, 362-7, 370, 372, 379, 431, 433, 445, 449, 459; see also

enserfment and peasants emancipation of 366 movement of 113-14, 229, 356-7

serfs (cont. )

ownership of 215-16, 220, 231, 319, 321,

359-60, 363-8, 382, 432, 443 rules/regulations applying to 105 runaway 68-9, 95, 97, 113, 167-8, 356-7, 360, 364-5, 372 Serpukhov 236

service/servitors 62, 110, 180, 217, 223, 231, 305, 312, 372, 380, 385, 425, 429-31, 433-4, 440, 443-4;

see also civil service and military service and pomest'e exemptions from 428, 434, 441; see also military, the, army, recruitment into, exemptions from services (public) 226, 238, 331, 352, 386-7, 402, 458

settlement 23, 86, 90, 98, 101, 113-14, 124, 144, 163, 196, 223, 230, 241, 336, 385; see also settlers and migration of peoples

settlers 63-4, 69, 86, 91, 98, 101, 103, 105, 114, 163, 166, 357 foreign 113-14, 116, 336, 355, 363, 371,

385, 461; see also foreigners military 331 protection of 67, 95 Sevastopol 292, 298

Seven Years' War 16, 277, 297, 306, 316, 325,

328, 333, 342, 348, 370, 433 Seversk see Novgorod Seversk sex and sexuality 250, 255, 258, 260, 277-8, 294, 351, 366, 374, 376, 418-19 Shafirev, Peter 270, 277 Shah Abbas 35, 193 Shah Porus 439 Shahrimanians 193 shamanism 94, 401 Shaw, Denis 383

Shcherbatov, M. M. 278, 397, 446 Shchirsky, Ivan 268 shtatnye komandy 309 Sheksna River 202 Sheremetev, Field Marshall 299 Sheremetev, Nikolai Petrovich 366, 431 Sheremetev, P. B. 444 Sheremetevs, the 284-5, 368, 388 shert' 70