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Titus watched him weep for a moment. Then he produced a handkerchief from his pocket.

‘Here,’ he said, and stepped a little closer. ‘Dry your eyes.’

At first the young man refused it, but Titus insisted.

‘I loved her,’ he said, and blew his nose. ‘I know everyone says that breaking up hurts, but I can’t go on without her in my life. There’s no reason for me to be here any more.’

‘I can think of one,’ said Titus straight away. ‘Your family.’

‘What do they care?’ he sniffed. ‘I left home last year.’

‘But you never leave their hearts,’ said Titus, and tapped his chest. ‘Whatever stage you’re at in life, you’ll always find a place there.’

The young man wiped his nose on the back of his sleeve. Then he screwed up his eyes and attempted to hold back a sob.

‘My parents won’t care,’ he said, and dug his fingernails into the grass as if braced to push himself off.

‘Oh, they care all right!’ Titus held out his hand, bidding him to halt. At the same time, he was ready if the guy chose to reach out for him. ‘Trust me. As a father, it’s my role to be there for my kids, even if they turn their backs on me.’

‘You reckon?’ The young man looked like he was listening at least.

‘No doubt about it,’ Titus assured him. ‘Everyone has to tread their own path through life, and make mistakes along the way. I just hope my children know that when they screw up my door is always open.’

The guy was just staring at Titus now. Finally, he blinked as if a spell had broken.

‘Anyway, what are you doing out here at this time?’

‘Well, I’ve no plans to throw myself off,’ said Titus. ‘I’d rather be at home with my wife, in fact. It’s where I belong.’

For a moment, the pair looked out across the sea in silence.

‘I cycled straight here when I read her note,’ said the man eventually. ‘She’d taken her stuff and everything. Killing myself seemed like the only option.’

‘You want to kill the pain,’ said Titus, as if to correct him. ‘That’s understandable, and I imagine just putting it into words right now is helping you to feel a little better.’

This time the man offered a brief smile,

‘I guess.’

‘So, why don’t you take that crappy bike of yours and head back to your folks? Doesn’t matter when you last saw them or what was said. Trust me, whenever you’re in trouble it’s the only place to be.’

The young man just stared at Titus for a second. Then he turned and bowed his head. Titus watched him, close to tears himself, and then smiled when he climbed to his feet and took a step away from the cliff edge.

‘Is everything OK?’ the man asked next, as he collected his bike from the grass. It was a comment he would go on to share with the investigating officers some months later, for the shaven-headed guardian angel who had just saved his life appeared to be welling up.

‘It will be,’ said Titus. ‘Just as soon as I get home.’

Sasha Savage felt peculiar. After three courses, she’d expected to be bloated and full. Instead, she set down her dessert spoon in the plate she’d just cleared, feeling strangely nourished.

‘That was… good,’ she said.

‘You sound surprised.’ On the other side of the candle lights, Jack Greenway had been watching his dinner date finish her final mouthful. ‘We vegetarians know how to entertain, you know?’

‘OK, it was more than good,’ said Sasha. ‘It was great.’

Jack leaned in a little closer.

‘Do you really mean that?’

Following the fried flower episode, things had picked up considerably. Sasha had quite enjoyed the artichoke bruschetta that Jack served for starters. The main dish, a gratin that contained a lot of beans, was certainly edible. What it lacked, in her opinion, was any bite and sinew. Still, this was Jack Greenway cooking for her. Jack Greenway. Granted, he had spent much of the meal talking about himself. When he did ask her a question, it was about the food he had cooked for her. Still, it was clear to Sasha that he had made a big effort. Even if the conversation had been a little one way, it was only polite that she complimented his culinary efforts. The meal had been much better than she imagined, even if she did wonder if there would be any sliced meat at home for a late-night sandwich.

‘I loved it,’ she said, and folded her napkin.

‘That’s great to hear,’ said Jack as a grin eased across his face. ‘So, after all that, would you?’

Sasha’s eyes widened. Having dismissed her father’s warnings about dining alone with the guy, she suddenly wondered whether he might have been right after all.

‘Would I what?’

‘Turn,’ said Jack. ‘Could you become meat-free for me? I was hoping that this evening has showed you the joy to be had from eating food that didn’t once have a mother or a face.’

Sasha screwed up her face.

‘Eating meat isn’t all that bad.’

‘It should be a crime in my opinion,’ said Jack. ‘Carnivores show no respect for life or the natural order.’

‘But a falafel deserves everything it gets?’ Sasha said this with such a disarming smile that Jack could find no argument.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said eventually. ‘Sometimes I forget that not everyone shares my views about eating.’

I know the feeling, thought Sasha.

‘It’s good to believe in something,’ she said instead. ‘It shows a strong spirit.’

Jack didn’t respond for a moment. He just held Sasha’s gaze to the point where she had to blink and look away.

‘You know I’m thinking about going vegan,’ he said eventually. ‘Totally plant-based eating. No dairy. Nothing.’

‘Wow,’ said Sasha, who didn’t quite know how to respond to this news. ‘Hardcore.’

‘I hoped you’d be impressed,’ he said. ‘Just as I’m pleased this little supper of mine has given you food for thought.’

‘It really has,’ said Sasha, and hoped perhaps that things would move from the table to the sofa some time soon. Making out in the front room seemed more appealing to her than this culinary inquisition, though she certainly wasn’t the kind of girl to set her sights on the bedroom. Not after such a short time together. Then again, judging by the way Jack remained in his chair with his eyes locked on hers, it didn’t look like they were going anywhere.

‘So, what do you think about the next seven days?’ he asked her eventually. ‘Could you go without meat for a week?’

‘What?’ said Sasha, who struggled to find the right response. ‘Seriously?’

Slowly, as a thought took shape in his mind, Jack sat back and lifted his chin by an inch.

‘Actually, let’s see what you’re really made from,’ he said. ‘Make it a month!

‘But, Jack—’

‘It would mean so much to me,’ he purred. ‘I just know there’s a vegetarian inside you.’

Ten minutes after her daughter was supposed to return home that evening, Angelica began disinfecting the kitchen surfaces with an antibacterial spray. The commercial people had brought in professional cleaners as the contract dictated. They had left it spotless, and that included removing the eviscerated vole from the fire grate without even a shriek. Angelica hadn’t found fault with any of it. They had even sought her approval before leaving. Then again, her reason for going over things one more time had nothing to do with cleanliness. It was simply a distraction as she fretted about Sasha.

Angelica had tried her mobile, only for it to go to voice message. Calling Titus wasn’t an option. As a precaution, he had left his phone at home. Taking it with him would only leave a digital footprint, and that was the last thing he needed. All she could do was work the cloth over the countertops and hope that her family would be back under the same roof soon. Angelica struggled not to fear the worst, which was why she gasped when a voice broke the silence behind her.