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She was unable to control herself any longer, so great was her desire for the tender pussy of her young initiate. Her own cunt was soaked with the juices of her lust. This was the moment she had so patiently waited for!

She leaned further towards tile young girl and touched her lips to Davie's half-open mouth, letting her pointed pink tongue flick across the warm softness. Davie moaned softly, knowing she shouldn't accept the other woman's mouth, but she was too filled with needs of her own to protest. The sun, the wine, the sexy photographs of the guy who looked like Randy and the frank conversation with Trish had all conspired to release her inhibitions and set her longing for experiences she had long had secret fantasies about. At that moment, she just wanted to cum… to feel that feeling like no other sensation in the world. And the perverted aspect of he association with a woman who was eleven years older than she stoked the fires of her confused desire. She didn't care whether it was wrong or not; she just wanted to keep feeling the wonderful sensations that surged throughout her body.

Her arm came up, encircling Trish's neck. Peter Knight nearly fainted. The blonde's tongue began to work insanely inside Davie's mouth as she let her hand slide down the aroused girl's body until it came to rest on the down pubic mound. She entwined her lacquered fingertips in the soft, dark hair and began to tickle the flesh beneath it. Davie's thighs parted further, giving the blonde seductress tacit permission to continue her manual exploration. Which she did.

She parted the soft, wet labia and pressed a long finger gently into the sticky cuntal crevice, causing Davie's clitoris to throb so hard that Trish could feel the little pulse, like the heartbeat of a frightened bird, against her excited slit. She pressed her full-blown breasts into Davie's and ground them around and around, thrilling to the delicious contact of breast on breast, and nipple against nipple. She pushed her finger into Davie's vagina, and the girl let out an involuntary gasp.

But she wasn't going to spot things for Randy. She had promised him a cherry, and that's what he would get. She wanted a taste of the pie!

Trash left the girl's mouth and began to kiss the turgid, swollen areolas of her sweetly tender breasts, evoking more gasps of excitement from Davie. Then she scooted away slightly and threw her leg over Davie's hips so that she was straddling the breathless teen. Their pussies came in contact, and Trish began to rock back and forth, her own cunt a volcano of desire. She let out a few moans of her own, but she was bent on sucking that luscious little slit and not even the fiery sensations produced by pussy-to-pussy contact could stay her from her intended task. She could wait no longer.

Sliding backwards along Davie's thighs, she bent down over the girl's oil-and-sweat slickened body and flicked her tongue into the small crater of flesh that punctuated her abdomen. The dark-haired beauty gasped.

"What a lovely little navel you have, Davie!" Trish said between pants. "Tasty. Very tasty."

The young girl's hips began to undulate more freely on the towel. Soooo nice… Oh, how good it feels. So what if it's wrong…? and maybe it isn't alter all. It just feels sooooo good. I can't stop it… I need to cum so much… Davie was dazedly thinking.

Peter Knight had some pretty dazed thoughts of his own. Oh, Davie, my dearest darling girl… what's happening to you? Why are you letting it happen, sweetheart? It's wrong, what she's doing to you. You shouldn't let a woman do that to your beautiful little body – that's a man's job…

He was suddenly brought up short, realizing what he had just thought. Good God, he was mentally advocating sexual relations between his beloved daughter and a man! He didn't mean that. He couldn't mean that. She was too young. It was too soon for her to know the pleasure a man could give her. Yet, she knew what pleasure a woman could bring. Wasn't that worse? Yes, that was perverted! Did he really want Davie to continue her sexual experimentation with the opposite sex, though? Hell, no! So what was she supposed to do… nothing? It was a little late for that.

Peter Knight was racked with confusion and torment – much of it coming from his gonads. He couldn't deny that he was excited beyond belief by the obscene spectacle between these two outstanding females, both with incredible bodies. But one of them was his own daughter. If he had a shred of decency, he would turn away from the sight… hell, he would have gone out the way he came in; like a guerrilla scout in enemy territory – very, very quietly, and very, very fast! But he couldn't not look. He had to watch, though he had a case of lover's nuts that would break the Guinness Book of Records!

Trish's head hovered over the young girl's silky pubic mound and her hot breath fanned the glistening curls that framed the rosy lips of the teenage cunt. Her hands followed, moving from Davie's breasts down her belly and coming to rest on her marble flanks. She used her thumbs to gently part the trembling cunt lips, exposing Davie's clitoral button to her wanton gaze. "What a beautiful little pussy you have, honey. Oh, what a darling cunt!" Trish enthused, pausing for a moment to peer into the delicate folds of tissue she hungered for. It was sweet torment, this delay. But she was suddenly seized with unabridged desire and, without further ceremony, buried her face into Davie's succulent cunt and began to plant fervent kisses on the delicious flesh. Her tongue was a hot poker as she squirmed lower on the sand to position herself most effectively for the sucking feast she had begun.

Trish's tongue came in contact with the moist, hot clitoral bud and she began to circle it tauntingly. In a reflex movement, her breath escaping from between her teeth and her body consumed with raging desire, Davie reached for the stewie's head and entwined her fingers in the blonde tresses of her wanton seductress. Trish let her hands slide upward again over the soft belly to Davie's firm breasts, cupping and squeezing them greedily while she continued her oral assault on the young girl's nether parts with her mouth and tongue.

"If Daddy could see her now!" Trish mused inwardly as she relished the taste of Davie Knight's young cunt. She derived a spiteful satisfaction from her prurient act, as well as a deeply pleasurable one. Peter Knight was the one man she hadn't been able to fuck – as yet. He had to play hard-to-get, with his formal, untouchable demeanor, as though his cock was too good for the average woman. Most likely, it was! But she was no average woman! And she intended to make damned sure he found that out! Before she got through with him, he'd be begging to tuck her pussy…

She took Davie's throbbing clit between her teeth and nipped it gently while she ran her tongue around the heated little orb in concentric circles. Davie cried out and tightened her grip on the blonde's head as she writhed and bucked on the beach towel from the waves of agonizing pleasure being transmitted through her flesh. Her head was flailing from side to side in total abandonment to the obscene act of tongue-fucking that was being perpetrated on her by the sexy, older woman.

Trish opened her mouth still wider, moving her tongue downward along the smooth furrow of the teen's slippery slit, wanting to devour Davie's pussy; wanting to swallow it whole. She began to tongue fuck her then, reaching as far into the secret hole of Davie's maiden vagina as she could, delighting in the whimpering mewls of pleasure she was evoking in the willing girl. If this was any indication of Davie's capacity for turning on – and it certainly was – Randy would have smooth sailing right up into her little channel! Really – there would be plenty to go around for both of them!