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It's so big! How could any woman possibly have a thing that big inside of her? It would tear her to pieces! It must be over ten inches long when it's… when it's hard it's twice the size of those models' in VIVA magazine! And theirs were pretty big…

Davie felt a sudden dryness in her mouth and throat as she stared at the naked, powerful body on the bed. She knew she couldn't continue to stand there gaping at him. And she didn't dare take a shower for fear of waking him up. He'd know she had seen him. So she carefully tiptoed back to the lanai, replaced the clothing in the drawer and went out the door. She hurried to the lodge and used the phone to call him up.

"Y-yes…" a groggy voice answered.

"Hi, Daddy," she said brightly, "it's your sun-baked daughter. I think I'm about medium rare."

"Davie! Where are you, sweetheart?" he asked, sitting up. He was suddenly springing to alertness.

"Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Really, Daddy," she teased, "where do you think I am? I'm at the reception desk."

He had difficulty marshaling his reason. All he could think of was Davie being eaten by that vixen, Trish. "Well, eh, what are you doing there, darling? I thought you were… on the beach."

"I was. Now I'm here. I came to look for you because the door's locked, so I figured you were at the lodge. Daddy, are you all right? I mean, this conversation is ridiculous!" She said it with mock reproach, then followed it with one of her girlish giggles.

"You're right, darling. It is. I didn't realize how heavily I slept. Still trying to clear the cobwebs out of the attic. Why don't you come along to the house?"

"Thanks, Daddy. I'm dying to take a shower. Bye." And she hung up, leaving Peter Knight with a dial tone and a glazed expression on his face.

Moments later he was covering the telltale stain on the sheet with another sheet, then dashing to the door to unlock it, then scampering into the shower for a necessary cleansing. By the time Davie reached the house, he was out of the shower and half-dressed.

Davie was suspiciously cheerful, it seemed to him. Of course, he knew what had happened between her and Trish Byers and he suspected – and hoped – that his winsome offspring was feeling guilty about the whole perverted episode. He was bothered as hell himself, and couldn't look her squarely in the face, but he also couldn't take his eyes off her nubile bikini-clad body.

She acted awkward and embarrassed, and he thought wistfully to himself what a sad thing is the loss of innocence. He blamed himself once more for what happened on the beach. He should have been there, to save Davie from the sexual clutches of that rapacious female! Why was he never there when she needed him? If he had stayed with her in New York, none of this would have happened. But then, he didn't. All he cold do now was make damned sure nothing like that ever happened to her again.

When she had showered and dressed in a most becoming long dress, Davie joined her father in the living room. He was having a drink, and offered her a Coke on the rocks, which she smilingly accepted.

"Tell me about your day," he began. "Did you enjoy the beach?"

"Very much. It's so beautiful. I've never seen such white sand. And the water is glorious. You can see all kinds of fish as plain as anything. Like looking through a tinted window. I saw this one mean looking fish with a lot of teeth. Trish said she thought it might be a barracuda, so we got out of the water fast!"

"Trish? You went swimming with her, eh?" he asked, eyeing his daughter carefully for giveaway expressions. But Davie was artfully cool. That disturbed him, too.

"Oh yes. She came by this morning with a super lunch for the two of us – you have the best food here, Daddy. We walked way down the beach, found a spot and just roasted ourselves all day. Of course, Trish could take it. She does it all the time – sunbathing, you know. That's why she has such a beautiful color. Look at me, I look like a half cooked lobster!" She giggled at herself again, and Peter Knight returned the grin. But inwardly he was agonizing. He couldn't blot the image of his naked daughter on her back with her pussy in the blonde's face from his mind. He couldn't shut out her cries as she lay there cumming, brought to the peak of pleasure by that sex-starved woman who had acted as Davie's… lover! Trish was a dangerous influence on the impressionable Davie. If she spent too much time alone with Trish, she might become as venal as the stewardess. The bitch would have Davie in a gang bang with all the guests at French Leave looking on. Christ, what a thought! No, Davie was still pure, she was still innocent. She didn't know what the hell she was doing today, or at school. They forced it on her. Davie needed a man to straighten her out. Her soft, young body, her lips, her ripe breasts and her beautiful pussy cried for a man's caresses… a man's body to complement hers… a man's cock to fill her precious little cunt…

My God, what I am thinking! it suddenly occurred to him. I'm thinking of Davie as though I were her lover! As though she needed that! She only belongs to me spiritually… that's the only way I can have her. That's the only way that's right between a father and daughter. Any other way is sick, degenerate… as degenerate as what Trish did to her today.

"Daddy, is anything wrong?" Davie suddenly asked him. He had been lost in thought for several moments. He found himself staring vacantly into his scotch glass. When he looked up at Davie, her eyes expressed concern.

"Sorry, honey I'm still half asleep, I guess." He smiled at her reassuringly. "Let's go have dinner at the lodge. I really should be on hand most of the time."

A yachting party arrived during the dinner hour and Peter Knight had to leave his daughter alone for several minutes, during which time Trish Byers and her brother appeared in the dining room and got in line for the sumptuous buffet spread. By the time the resort owner returned, Trish and Randy had joined their table, a thing which did not please Peter Knight in the least.

"Good evening, Miss Byers, Randy," he said politely, offering a curt smile.

"I'd be so pleased if you called me Trish," the seductive blonde told him, giving him a flashing smile. She looked stunning in a low-cut white cotton dress that did little to hide her feminine assets. Her feet were shod in the barest of high-heeled sandals, making her long beautiful legs seem even longer. Her tan was deep and golden against the electric whiteness of her dress. She oozed sensuality from every pore. He was seething inside and he wanted to slap her half way across tile dining room. He hated everything about her, except her face and her voice and her body… He was caught in a repulsion-attraction syndrome – his reason repelled, but his being drawn to her like a magnet.

Davie's thigh accidentally brushed against Randy's and she moved hers away hastily, but not before the contact had produced a tiny electrical charge in her loins. She couldn't help thinking of the pictures in VIVA, and now that he was seated next to her at the dining table, she found herself comparing him more and more to the guy in the photograph. She speculated on the size of his penis, and wondered if it resembled the man's in the magazine or that of her father. What would Randy be like? What would it feel like to have his thing inside me? He's very sexy, just like his sister, with those bedroom blue eyes and all that soft blond hair. He does have a fantastic build…

The young girl felt her face flush. It was already hot from the hours of harsh sun. She couldn't look at Randy directly; there was something about him that both frightened and intrigued her. He didn't talk much, and seemed very shy himself. But she couldn't suppress a little shudder when she thought again of his resemblance to the man in the photographs.