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"You're putting me on, Randy. How would you know that? I'm sure they're not going to invite you in to watch!" she said indignantly. If it were true, she resented Randy's intrusion on the intimate scene.

"Oh yeah? Well it just so happens that I was going over to Trish's to tell her goodnight, and I heard all this noise coming from her room. There weren't any lights on, so I went over to the window and looked in. I'm not about to tell you what I saw, Davie. You're a little too innocent to hear those things…"

"You said I was a woman!" she blurted out. "Besides I still don't believe you. You're playing a mean trick on me, I bet!"

"Trick, huh?" he said, eyeing her smugly. "Give me your hand."

"My hand? What?" she asked uncomprehendingly.

"Come on, baby. You asked for it. But don't say I didn't warn you!" And he took her by the hand and led her quickly to his sister's bungalow, where…

Peter Knight's mouth was fastened on one of the blonde woman's pneumatic breasts, and he was rolling it around and around on her chest with the broad, wet blade of his tongue! The stewardess was squirming on the bed, her legs churning against the naked man who lay half atop her. Their bodies glistened in the moonlight, which was bright as a light bulb in the room. Trish had something around her arms and under her breasts, like a bandage. It was her white dress – a crumpled swatch of fabric not more than five-inches wide! She was bound with her own dress!

Davie's knees buckled slightly and she sagged against her blond companion, her eyes like saucer-like and her mouth agape. She was about to let out a cry of protest when Randy's warm hand came from behind and muffled the imminent shriek before it was voiced.

"Oooooh… yesssss! Oh God, lover! Fuck me now!" Trish cried aloud. Then, "Ooooowwwwwww! Aaaahhh! Don't hurt me like that!" Peter Knight's teeth flashed in the moonlight as he bit into the tender, succulent flesh. Trish's face was contorted with pain. Davie couldn't understand why her daddy would be so mean to Trish. Is that the way people make love? Did Trish really like it like that? She sure didn't seem to, judging from the look on her face! Oh, it was all so sickening, so gross. She felt nauseous, but she couldn't take her eyes off the pair on the bed.

"Yes, baby. I'm going to fuck you all right. I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before. You wanted it – now see how you like this!" Davie's daddy said, as he drew back from the stewardess and rose to his knees. It was then that Davie saw his penis fully erect… it was huge! It was even bigger than she expected it to be! Was he really going to be able to get that thing inside Trish's vagina?

Noooo. Not in her vagina. The enraged resort owner had no intention of shoving his cock inside the captive bitch's vagina – he was going to ram it into her asshole!

He climbed between her legs and kneeled upright, poised before his conquest. He'd show the bitch – she'd think twice before she ever begged somebody to fuck her again!

There was breathless anticipation on the blonde wanton's face – at last she was to feel Peter Knight's huge cock in her scalding pussy. She gave him a provocative smile and stretched her legs further apart and arched her back in open invitation to the virile man. Outside the window, Randy had a huge erection of his own from watching the lascivious, exciting scene on the bed. He drew young Davie slightly closer to him, so that the tip of his protruding cock was just touching her firm, ripe ass cheek. He wanted to hoist up her dress and plug her right then! She shifted her weight slightly, so that she was somehow just a little bit closer… He had one hand over her mouth and the other around her tiny waist.

The handsome, well-muscled man on the bed reached under the writhing stewardess with both hands and pulled her body close to him. He was kneeling on his haunches now, his muscular thighs forming a vee on the bed. He raised her ass high in the air until her legs dangled near his shoulders and she was almost standing on her head, a position which gave the two young voyeurs outside an unobstructed new of her nether parts.

Davie flushed crimson with embarrassment. Here she was, standing against a boy she hardly knew, watching her father and Trish in the most blatant throes of love-making… violent sex, that's what it was. She wanted to run away, to crawl in a hole and never we any of them again. How could she face her father, or Trish? How could she bear to look at Randy…?

His hand was circling his throbbing penis, guiding it closer and closer towards the moist lips of her surging pussy… parting the fleecy cunt hair with the blood-engorged head. Suddenly, he flexed his hips and drove his mighty organ deep up into the hot, gaping mouth of her hungry cunt with a flesh-tearing thrust that hammered his balls against the naked and defenseless flesh of Trish's upturned buttocks.

"Uuuuuaaaahhhhhh!" she screamed beneath him. The elastic sheath consumed his fleshy rod as it raced to the full length of her belly and rammed hard against her cervix.

"Oh, Lord, Dad's fucking her crazy!" the young girl moaned as she watched her father's heavily burgeoning cock fuck far up into the hungrily gripping cunt of the ecstatically screaming stewardess!

"Ooooohhh!" she howled again. "Aaaaahhh, that's it, lover… that's the way to give it to me… that's the way to fuuuuuuccckk!"

You're not going to give me any lessons, bitch! he thought angrily. For a moment he was caught up in the caressing sheath of her slippery pussy, and he was tempted to forget his vendetta and fuck her to a fare-thee-well just like that. It felt so Goddamm fabulous! But maybe later, later he could fuck her pussy; after she had sucked his cock… which would be after he fucked her in the ass!

Davie had seen enough. My father… and Trish… oh God, they're… they're… doing it… like animals… both of them naked and thrashing around on that bed, his thing all hard and wet and jammed far up inside her belly. She must have a pretty big pussy to be able to take all that. Noooo… it's too much… I don't want that to happen to me… noooo!

Her mind rolling, her stomach churning with queasiness, Davie struggled in blind panic and freed herself from Randy's captive grip. She had to get away, had to run from that vile scene, from that sinful, animalistic display! How could I have ever thought I wanted something like that to happen to me? Oh God, nooooo… please dear God, don't let anything like that happen to me – ever!

The tormented girl broke out in a dead run for her father's house. Fear and anguish sent adrenaline coursing through her veins, and she ran like the wind to get back to the safety, the privacy of her own bed.

Randy followed, maintaining a brisk pace to keep her in his sights and yet, staying far enough away not to alarm her further. Shit! he swore to himself. The Goddamn thing's backfired. Scared the begeezas out of her! Now I'm going to have a helluva time getting into her box! I'll have to walk on water to get into her pants tonight!

Back in the bungalow used by the curvaceous blonde guest at Peter Knight's resort, the two sweating figures on the bed were caught in the throes of a grudge fuck, with Trish Byers coming out the worst. Her vindictive, dark-haired lover had abruptly withdrawn his rigid cock from the warm closing depths of her hungry pussy, much to the blonde's bewilderment and frustration, and was again kneeling before her wide-spread, flailing legs, a sadistic leer on his normally handsome face. The woman's blue eyes were wide with apprehension.

He grasped her legs under the knees and yanked her up even higher, so that her head was twisted and her chin lay uncomfortably on her collar bone. He scooted forward, throwing her long, willowy legs back until she was completely jackknifed, her knees hovering on either side of her head. "Oooowww. Not like this, Peter. Not like this!" she cried, but he held her legs in place while he used his cock as a probe to find the puckered little entrance to her rectum. The crevice had a rivulet of perspiration trapped there, and he bathed the tip of his prick in the salty moisture, stirring it around the brown nether entrance with his cockhead. Without warning, he thrust forward, splitting the resistant sphincter ring with his massive cock. Trish screamed out in pain.