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A phone call to Benny, the maitre d', brought a kitchen assistant to the house in less than fifteen minutes. He arrived in a golf cart with a huge tray of covered dishes. Davie gave him a dollar and thanked him effusively, aware that the young man's dark eyes roamed her body with barely concealed interest. He hadn't paid much attention to her before, it seemed. Did he think she looked like a real woman too?

She went outside to gather a few of the more fragrant island wildflowers that grew in the sandy ground. There wasn't much, but she made a clever little bouquet from what she could find and placed them in a little glass pot she found in the cupboard. Then she placed the pot on the serving tray and took it into the bedroom where her beloved father still lay fast asleep.

Putting the tray down on the large, low night stand next to the bed, she leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek. He stirred and brought his hand up to his face as though to brush away a fly. Davie giggled. Then she repeated the kiss, this time letting her lips linger for a second longer. "Wake up, lazy bones. Rise and shine," she whispered in his ear.

Peter Knight was dreaming about Trish Byers – and about his daughter.

He was lying naked on a bed with two naked serving girls offering him platters of sumptuous food. The platters hid their faces. At his silent command, both women brought the silver trays before him, exposing their beautiful, lusting faces – Trish… and Davie! Then the girls formed a human bridge across his body and began to kiss each other. He caressed both their bodies with his fingertips, marveling at the softness of their skin… the incredible feel of their breasts on his hairy chest. His cock was rigidly erect. He pushed the women apart and sat up between them. Everything was in slow motion. Trash straddled him and slid backward towards his cock, lifting her body languorously and lowering it closer and closer to his throbbing malehead. But just as she was about to impale herself on has scalding rod, she suddenly took on the form and face of his daughter! He immediately went soft, and Davie chided him: "Get it up, Daddy! Get it up!" She reached down and shook him by the shoulders, rubbing her lithe young body against his groin, making him swell to instant hardness again. "Get it up, Daddy… Daddy, get it up!"

"Daddy, get up. Get up, Daddy!" Davie shouted to him as she shook his broad shoulder as best she could with her small hand. His eyes flew open and he shook his head, trying to clear his muddled brain of the erotic dream. Much to his dismay, he had a huge erection. It was damned lucky he was lying on his side!

"Davie, what are you doing here?" he asked dumbly.

"I live here, silly. Remember?" she said with a little ripple of laughter. "Gee, you sure are hard to wake up. But you have to now; your breakfast won't stay hot forever, you know."

"Breakfast?" The smell of scrambled eggs and ham and strong, hot coffee wafted unto his nostrils. He turned to her. She was learning over him, reaching for another pillow to prop behind his head. Mutely he raised himself up, catching sight of her bobbing young breasts as she plumped the two pillows together behind him. He looked up into her face – she was so fresh, so wholesome, so Goddamn sexy.

The lithe brunette beauty smiled lovingly at her bewildered father. "I hope you won't be mad at me, Daddy. I wanted to serve you breakfast in bed, so I had them send it up from the dining room," she said brightly, then added, "you're not mad, are you?"

He grinned at her reassuringly. "Course not, honey. How could I possibly be mad at that? I think this is the first time in my life I've ever been served breakfast in bed by a beautiful young lady; it's not even my birthday!"

"Well, it won't be the last time, I can promise you that… not as long as I'm here!" she added. Then she stopped short, looking at him anxiously. "I will be here, won't I, Daddy?"

"Yes, darling. You'll be here. You can count on that."

"Oh, Daddy… I love you so much!" she said, grabbing him around the neck and hugging his face tightly to her yielding bosom. He was so good, so fine, so human… how could she have been so confused and tormented when she saw him doing something as natural as making love, her wonderful daddy…?

They ate breakfast together then, with Davie sitting on the edge of the bed, chattering brightly about all sorts of things the two of them could do together. Very casually he inquired about Randy Ferris, and how long the blonde youth had stayed.

"Oh, just a little while, Daddy. He didn't want to make you mad, because he wants to take me for a swim…" she said, concentrating on the marmalade she was spreading on her toast with unusual determination.

"That's nice," the handsome man said absent-mindedly. He was watching Davie's firm little breast jostle against its twin under her green print halter. "Sure, I suppose you could go for a swim with him sometime… His mind screamed, No! I don't want that raunchy little bastard to see Davie in a bikini! What if he persuades her to take it off, the way Trish did?"

"Could I, Daddy?" she asked, looking up hopefully at him.


"Oh, great! Thank you, Daddy. He's coming to pick me up at 11:00."

"What! That's out of the question. You… you got too much sun yesterday. You can put that swimming business off until tomorrow or the next day!" he sputtered.

Davie looked at him, disappointment and dismay plainly evident in her lovely face. "Daddy! What's the matter? Why don't you want me to go swimming with Randy Ferris?" she asked him plaintively.

"I… I didn't say you couldn't go swimming with him, honey. It's just… well, Randy is a lot older than you are. He's not exactly a boy any more…" Peter Knight cleared his throat self-consciously.

Oh, don't I know that he isn't a boy anymore! Davie thought triumphantly to herself. He's a man… just like you are, Daddy!

"And I'm not exactly a little girl any more, Daddy," she protested. "You have to realize that. I can't stand to be treated like a child. That's just the way Mother treats me, as I told you. I didn't think you were going to do the same…"

She had him now, and he knew it all too well. What could he say? He had no choice but to give her her way and hope to God she had enough fortitude to resist that brash, good-looking Ferris kid. Shit! Having a luscious teenage daughter around was a helluva lot tougher than he imagined.

"OK. OK, sweetheart. I concede. Just watch yourself, Davie. Randy is a pretty smooth operator."

"He is…?" she asked, feigning surprise and disbelief. Her hazel eyes sparkled with the faintest glimmer of artfulness. She placed a warm hand on his and smiled at him sympathetically. "Don't worry, Daddy dear… Everything's going to work out fine… just fine…"


As soon as they were out of sight and racing away from the resort, Randy reached across the stick shift and placed a warm hand on Davie's bare thigh, giving it a knowing squeeze that caused the young girl to jump in the bucket seat. She looked over at him and he gave her one of his slow, sexy smiles. She sent him one of her own. They both broke out laughing then, and Randy stepped on the accelerator of the red MG and roared down the island road in the hot sun. Davie really did look fantastic today; better than she had ever looked. There was something different about her, more mature. She seemed to have blossomed over-night. If she's like this after one fast fuck, what's she going to be like after a long, leisurely one? he wondered. Christ! She's going to give Trish some tough competition!

He drove all the way to the point at the southern end of the island and parked the convertible in a narrow grove of trees. Then they both got out of the sports car and walked hand and hand onto the beach. He was wearing a pair of cut-off jeans over his trunks, and a white tee shirt. Davie admired his legs as he spread an old blanket on the shimmering sand. Her pussy began to tingle with anticipation as she thought of his virile young cock and the fucking she knew she would get. What was happening to her? She was becoming as horny as a guy!