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"Would m'lady care to be seated?" he asked, making a courtly bow and stretching out a muscular arm towards the blanket. Davie laughed. "My pleasure," she answered in a British accent, as she dropped to her knees on the worn bed cover. Randy sat down beside her. He reached into his back pocket and carefully pulled something out, holding it up for her to see. It was a joint of marijuana… Davie's eyes widened. "Where did you get that?" she asked naively.

"Santa left it in my stocking. He came by a few days early," he joked. Davie grinned sheepishly. "You nut!" she told him.

He lit up then, drawing the smoke into his lungs in quick inhalations. He closed his lips and wrinkled his brow as he held the pungent smoke inside for several seconds. He took one more toke, then handed it to her.

Davie hadn't smoked pot often. She just had never gotten into it that much. But she wasn't about to let him know that. So she mimicked his style, and drew the hot smoke into her lungs. The next moment she was choking and coughing, her eyes watering from the harsh stinging in her throat. It wasn't the best grass in the world!

Randy couldn't help laughing at her. For a moment, she looked like a little girl again. It was obvious that she was embarrassed as hell. He took the joint from her and dragged deeply on it again. She held out her fingers, determined not to look like a juvenile who couldn't handle it. Randy smiled slyly. She was taking the bait, all right. Not that he had to get her stoned in order to fuck her – he had already proved that. But he had something else in mind; something she might be a little more reluctant to try. He wanted her to suck his cock! He would be the first guy to fuck her in the mouth, too! And if all went as he planned it, he'd have her asshole cherry before the day was out!

Davie inhaled the narcotic cigarette daintily, in short puffs, unwilling to risk another coughing fit. She was already beginning to feel lightheaded. She felt floaty, as though her limbs were weightless. She had an unexplainable urge to giggle. And she did. She took a few more short pulls on the intoxicating weed before she handed it back to Randy.

When there was nothing left except a tiny hollow tube of paper, Randy deposited it in his mouth, swallowed it and stood up to take off his clothes. She thought that was very funny. She laughed and laughed. She couldn't stop laughing. "You ate the roach! You ate it!" she said over and over again.

Randy thought to himself, Yeah, baby, and you're going to eat it, too. And it ain't gonna be a roach! "C'mon, doll, take off your clothes. You haven't lived 'til you've gone skinny dippin' stoned."

That sounded like a marvelous idea. Without hesitation, she rose unsteadily to her feet and started to untie her halter top. Randy walked slowly over to her. "Here, I'll do that," he said. There was something so masterful about him. He knew how to take charge of things, and she obediently turned around while he untied the knot at her neck, then did the same to the one at her waist. The skimpy garment fen away from her body and floated limply to the ground like a sad little flag. She stood there watching it, giggling at it, until she felt Randy's hands slip around her from behind and grab her bare boobs in his masculine hands. He pulled her back against him and she drew in her breath sharply as her back came in contact with his smooth, broad chest and his hands roamed over her naked, sensitive breasts.

"Ooooohhhhh," she moaned softly, closing her eyes to the wonderful sensations his hands were creating in her. The sun shone hotly on her skin, melting her, turning her into jelly. Her pussy became a bowl of warm, sticky jelly. She was aware of something hard and demanding pressing into her buttocks, between the cheeks of her ass… his penis… Randy's hard, sturdy penis…

She was very turned on, and she leaned back even further into him, with her arms dangling at her sides, in a shameless and wanton posture of submission. She was ready to make love now; she wanted it right now. Why didn't he fuck her now?

Randy's hands moved down her sleek belly and found the zipper of her shorts. Deftly, he unzipped them and began to work them down over her flaring hips. Davie wriggled her ass against him to assist him with the stopping. She giggled again. Her brain was dazed and her attitude incoherent. She could have cared less if there were an ocean liner full of camera-clicking spectators anchored out in the sea. In fact, she sort of wished there were…

The shorts lay puddled at her feet. Next, Randy slipped his hands inside her filmy panties, reaching along her bare skin until he touched her silky crop of pubic hair. She moaned again, breathless at his exciting touch as he gently fingered the pad of curls and cupped her pussy mound in one of his dampish palms. Yessssss… oh, yessssss, do that! she screamed wordlessly. The sounds evaporated in her throat. But her squirming body and raspy breathing got the message across. The wily blonde youth smiled confidently to himself. Snickered silently, was more like it.

The panties came down her hips and thighs and calves to commingle with the shorts and halter. She was an island in a little sea of clothing. She thought that funny also.

"Let's go for a swim," Randy whispered in her pretty ear. He followed up the suggestion with his tongue, flicking it inside to tickle the highly sensitive orifice. Davie almost collapsed from the sensation. Oh God, oh how she wanted him to fuck her now. He was driving her insane. All she could think of was his juicy cock plundering her steaming vaginal depths. How could he thank of anything else?

"A swim?" she echoed weakly. "Now?"

"Yeah, right now. I want to get it over with so I can come back up here and eat your sweet little pussy!"

Oh, God, did he ready mean that? She was dazed by his lewd suggestion, and she followed mutely as he led her by the hand down to the edge of the water, his long, powerful cock jutting out ahead of him. His backside reminded her of some of the statues of Greek Gods she had seen at a museum, his muscles ripping as he walked, his physique, perfect. Yes, he was a statue come to life, leading her down to the glassy, azure sea.

It was an incredible experience to swim like that – naked and stoned, and horny. She mostly floated, letting her glossy, long hair fan out on the water like the tentacles of an octopus. Suddenly she felt a rude splash of water on her face as Randy swam up beside her and sent a deliberate shower of sea water in her direction. She flailed and sputtered and began to tread water. She splashed him back and they played like porpoises for a while. Then he dived down under the water, and under her legs and grabbed her pussy with his mouth! She screamed and fell backwards. Before she had a chance to gather her wits, the strong, sexy youth appeared in front of her and pushed her head down with his hand… down under the water… down to his loins, to his genitals! It lasted only a moment, then he pulled her back up again, but the moment had served to implant a portent of things to come – of things to cum! God, did he really expect her to do that? Noooooo – that was dirty, perverted. She couldn't possibly do that! She wouldn't take him in her mouth, the way she had seen her mother doing it to that disgusting fairy!

His little "test" provided Randy with exactly the reaction he expected. The look of panic on Davie's face was ample witness to her prejudice. Moments like them were made to order for Randy Ferris; he liked nothing better than a sexual challenge from a gorgeous female.

"Sorry, honey. That was an accident," he apologized convincingly. "Want to go dry off?" He grinned at her and paddled nearer, so that their bodies were touching under the salty, caressing water. Desire was the undercurrent that carried them onto shore.