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Davie flopped heavily to the sand. Her brain was reeling. Fuzzy distorted images of Randy, her father and Trish glided across the ceding of her mind like reflections in a row of carnival mirrors. The sun burned bleeding white bans of liquid heat into her closed eyes as she lay sprawled on her back. The air was very still, except for the sound of respiration. There was a persistent fluttering in her belly.

She was dimly aware of movement next to her, of the wet, bare flesh very close to her body. Randy was moving around on the blanket, brushing against her body as he shifted his body. She suddenly felt his bare hands on her salty skin, his fingers touching her magically, lightly all over her body. He was stroking her skin, his fingers turned into feathers. She turned to gooseflesh and her body began to tingle everywhere. Her pussy throbbed with desire. Involuntarily, she opened her legs a little wider, feeling the caressing heat of the sun on her naked pussy, on the still little nubbin that was her clitoris.

Randy shifted again on the blanket, his hands still fluttering over her skin like an army of butterflies. Then she felt a scant shower of cool water on her thighs and belly. She flinched from the sudden sprinkling, but she was caught by the torpor that engulfed her. So relaxed, six lazy, so filled with delightful sensations that she couldn't muster the energy to open her eyes.

The sexy youth had crawled between her legs and lay on his belly, his face inches away from her enticing coral pussy slit, where the blushing little button of delight peeked out from between the dewy lips. God, what an edible little cunt she had. This is going to be pure heaven, licking that tasty pink furrow, he thought to himself.

He moved nearer and without spreading her lips apart, suddenly thrust his tongue out and flicked her clitoris. Davie started as though she had been touched by a hot ware. "Uuunngghh!" she gasped, her eyes flying open instantly. Randy!

The good-looking boy grinned up at her from under his sleepy, sexy eyes. A shock of wet, blonde hair was matted over his eyebrow. He wagged his tongue obscenely at her. Then, without a word, he reached up under her bare ass cheeks and elevated her with his hands, spreading her pussy lips with his thumbs, exposing her ripe cunt meat to his wanton, lustful gaze. His rock-hard cock throbbed beneath him. Hot damn! he swore to himself, I really want to eat her little pussy. I can't wait any longer!

And he didn't. He sent his tongue into her pulsating furrow with dispatch, wasting not time, but drawing the delicious flesh into his mouth as though it were a succulent little breast. He licked and lapped and sucked her, running his tongue up and down and around her juicy slit, unable to get enough of the sweetly pungent sex flesh. He rolled around on his cock, feeling that he could almost cum from the sheer excitement of eating this beautiful kid's tender box. No wonder Trish freaked out when she sucked Davie off. This had to be the best piece of pussy pie he had ever eaten – every bit as tasty as Trish's.

Davie groaned and flailed on her back, her wet hair slapping the hot, dry blanket beneath her. She thought she would go mad from the insane licking; she felt she would go right out of her mind from the rapturous excitement in her heated loins and stomach. Ohhhh, oh Goooodddd! She had never been eaten like this before! His lips, his tongue, his mouth, working her pussy flesh like that, sucking it so beautifully, so maddenly well. A feeble finger of conscience admonished her for allowing the youth to feast so wantonly on her nether parts, but she waved it away from her mind. No, she had to have it; she didn't want it to end ever! She couldn't stop him now; her body controlled her will, and her body said, "Onward!"

A paddle, a long, smooth, slick, broad paddle stirring in her cauldron of molten lust, churning the sensate flesh around and around and around and…

"Uuuuuuuunnnn… uuuuunnn… uuuuwuwunnnnnn!!!" She felt the rumblings deep inside her body… rumblings which grew louder and more violent until she was shaking like a volcanic mountain. Coals of fire erupted from the core of her being and rained down on her flesh, and her nerves sizzled like cold water on a hot griddle. Her cuntal juices turned to liquid fire and gushed onto Randy's lips and tongue and flowed like lava, down to her anal crevice. Her body danced with jolts from a thousand live wires. She screamed out her ecstasy as she came and came and came…

Geezus Christ! This chick is one for the books! She sure as hell doesn't have to take a back seat to Trish, that's for damned sure! Randy remarked to himself as he continued to lap at the young beauty's pussy until she finally begged him to stop. She almost passed out from the sensations that emanated from between her legs. Never had she been so thoroughly, so satisfyingly tongue fucked.

The sun-drugged, sex-drugged, narcotized young girl lapsed into a near-comatose state, wallowing in the delicious tingling sensations that pervaded her body. She was barely cognizant of Randy's movement now… that he had crawled from between her legs and inched up along side of her, his huge prick preceding him like some pagan battle standard. His eyes glowed with fevered anticipation and insatiable lust. He kneeled beside her head and leaned down to kiss her wantonly on the mouth, pressing his tongue between her unresisting lips and deep inside her mouth.

Davie drew in her breath at the unexpected assault on her mouth, tasting her own pussy juices mixed with the briny essence of saltwater. Benumbed as she was, she felt another little tremor of renewed excitement flutter through her spent loins, and an audible sigh escaped past Randy's engulfing lips. Then he drew away from her, and she felt the absence of his lips; she wanted them on her mouth again…

Suddenly they were back… he was rubbing his mouth across her lips… so soft… soft delicate mouth rubbing back and forth, back and forth, but differently. There was something different in the way it felt… softer than his lips… softer than a baby's skin… so delicately soft, but firm, too. Why was it different this time?

Her eyes fluttered opened then squinted against the light. Oh God – she was staring right at the huge, erect penis, at the blood-engorged, glistening-tipped cock of Randy Ferris! That's what it was that she felt on her mouth – Randy's cock! Oh nooooo! Surely he didn't expect her to put that thing into her mouth!

Oh, but he did! "Davie, kiss my cock, baby. Open your lips and give it a little kiss," he urged her. His face was a mask of desire.

"Nooooo! I can't. I can't do that," she insisted, turning her face away and closing her eyes again.

"Sure you can, honey. You know you want to, deep down inside… just like you really wanted me to fuck your little pussy last night. Wouldn't you like to know what it feels like to have it in your mouth, honey?"

There was a tremor of excitement in his husky voice. He leaned over her again and pressed his instrument against her lips, while he placed his right hand on her bare, upthrust breast and began to massage the sensitive flesh expertly.

"No! Take it away from me," she protested, but there was slightly less conviction in her voice. The familiar stirrings of desire were back in her body, and she found herself becoming curious. What would it taste like, she wondered. Randy was such a beautiful, sexy man not like that disgusting fruit with her mother…

"Sure, baby, if that's the way you feel about it," he answered a tone of annoyance. He rolled over and lay flat on his back, placing his hands behind his head. "It's OK with you if I eat your pussy, if I stick my tongue in your snatch and suck you unto you cum all over my mouth… that's fine, isn't it?" he said contemptuously. "But when the ball is in your court, you don't want to play!"

"It's not that, Randy, it's just that… well…"

"Forget it, sweetheart. I get the message. We'd just skip the oral stuff from now on – both of us. I mean, it's too bad, a damned shame, really – I could acquire a real taste for that sweet little cunt of yours… but, it wouldn't be fair to either of us, would it? One-way streets always lead to resentments, don't they?"