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The impassioned blonde slaved over him, her body glistening from tiny droplets of sweat. The pressure was building in Randy's balls, she knew. She had sucked him off so many times since that first night when she crept into his bedroom and crawled under the sheet and placed his young cock into her mouth while he was still fast asleep. By the time he was fully awake, he was too far gone to protest, though he had been totally shocked to find his sister sucking him off. But there had been a growing attraction between them for a long time, and he had often jerked off at night, cumming into a wad of Kleenex while having fantasies about his older sister.

Randy forget about Davie Knight. He was consumed by thoughts of his impending orgasm, and of the hot-blooded female who was blowing him so beautifully, so perfectly, so much better than any other woman could do. Trish was the best, the absolute best at everything in bed – sucking, fucking, you name it. He drove his cock into her mouth harder and harder, pumping his loins against her face like a wild man until she gave a protesting mumble – which only spurred him to more frenzied bucking in his desire for the final release of semen in his scrotum.

And then…

"Ba-by… ohhh, baaa-byyy… I'm going to…"

The first fiery eruption of cum took place and he was seized with an epileptic trembling throughout his body as the torrent of white-hot fire shot through the length of his cock.

"… Cuuuuuuuuuuuummmm. Ahhhhhhgggghh! Suuuuuuuccckh meeeeeeee!"

"God, Sis, God," he groaned as he spewed his white-hot cum far back into her hungrily gulping throat and felt her finger slip another half-inch up into his tightly gripping asshole!

He was gasping, his lips were drawn back against his teeth and his brow was furrowed as though he were in agony. His prick began a sudden wild, convulsive jerking that flooded Trish's madly sucking mouth with torrent after torrent of burning semen, bloating her cheeks and forcing her to swallow desperately to keep from choking. She was crooning excitedly and ticking his testicles with the tips of her fingers as she continued to suck and swallow without letup.

Finally, with one last groan and convulsive shudder as the lovely blonde stewardess drank the juices of his passion, Randy spiked the final drops of his seed into her mouth.

Trish continued to nibble gently at the fleshy instrument long after Randy's body lay spent and motionless except for an occasional aftershock from his quaking orgasm. She always loved the way he came – powerfully, explosively, and his climax went on and on. With some guys, you'd never know they had crossed the finish line if you didn't have something to mop afterwards!

At last, when she knew she milked every last drop of semen from his balls for the time being, and when his rod began to lose some of its hardness, Trish crawled up and kissed her brother on the mouth. Randy threw a heavy arm over her and sighed a sigh of total fulfillment.

"That was… the greatest. The best," he said thickly. "Nobody does it as good as you. The best."

Trish smiled broadly. She agreed completely. "Rest a while, love. Then I'll give you a chance to nibble on my pussy. And if you do it well, if you really eat my pussy until you make me cum all over your wonderful mouth and tongue, then… then, maybe, I'll tell you just how you're going to get into little Davie Knight's sweet box!"

At these words, Randy suddenly found himself alert. His well-satisfied cock began to lurch into hardness again.

"Tell me!" he demanded.

"Patience, love. You might not be able to take it on an empty stomach," she teased.

Randy grinned. "Yeah, you're right. I think I'll have a bite to eat first." And with that he went straight to his task, licking and sucking his sister's pussy until she did indeed cum all over his mouth.


Peter Knight looked across the candlelit table at his daughter. He couldn't get over how much she had changed since he had left the luxurious condominium on Park Avenue and moved to the Bahamas. Davie had always been a pretty little girl, even as a youngster. But now! Now she grown into a real beauty. She was wearing a floor-length dress, a cotton print that was very girlish, and yet it delineated her trim waist and her generous young breasts in a most provocative way. Even her bare arms were lovely. Her large, hazel eyes glowed softly in the candlelight and seemed almost golden.

He was suddenly aware of the silence and the fact that he had been staring at his daughter. He cleared his throat. "How's school this year, darling?" he asked her in a somewhat forma tone. (School was the last thing on his mind, but it would get Davie to talking.)

She wrinkled her nose, closed her small fist and made a "thumbs down" gesture with her hand. "Terrible. The worst."

"You're keeping your grades up, aren't you?" he asked earnestly. (Davie was always a good student. Bright as hell.)

"Oh, sure… it's not that difficult – though the nuns throw as much at us as they can. The idle brain is the devil's workshop, don't you know! It's just that…"

"Just what, sweetheart? Tell me," he urged, reaching across the table and taking her hand in his.

"Oh, Daddy. It's a horrible place!" she blurted. "They treat us like children – or inmates! It's a prison. I absolutely hate it there. I always have."

"I never realized that, Davie. You don't say too much about it in your letters."

"I know I didn't want to worry you or anything. I wanted you to think I was happy… so you wouldn't feel bad about being so far away," she stated simply, as only an innocent can do.

Peter Knight was genuinely touched. This was his beloved daughter speaking, the one person in the whole world he really loved. She was his daughter, and she was expressing concern for his needs, for his welfare. He had left her and gone off, free as the wind, to pursue his dream.

God, he never realized how much he had failed her! He had thought of his own selfish needs, rationalizing that Davie would be better in New York with her mother and her school friends – something solid to depend upon. Sure, that was part of it. But he hadn't allowed himself to consider that maybe Davie would be happier with him. After all, what would he do with a teenage girl in the house? How could he have any action with a kid around?

He thought ruefully how little action he had had in the past three years. Guests were out, as a rule. Bad business. The help – likewise. Most of the women employees were married, and all were Bahamian blacks. He wasn't about to "go native" to that degree! So he usually hopped over to Nassau when he had to get laid. Those excursions were rarely rewarding. But then, how much can you say for a one night stand ever? He'd just as soon jerk oft as fuck a woman he didn't give a damn about. With Davie here before him now he realized how very much he did love her, and how much of a void there had been in his life – how much larger that void would be after she went back to New York.

Covering his thoughts with an understanding smile, he sorted the subject with another question. "And how's your mother, Davie?"

The lovely teen sighed heavily. "Mother is mother – as always." Then pausing, she admitted, "I hate her guts."