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"I knew you'd love it, sweetheart." He noted the table with the food awaiting them. "My, doesn't that look attractive. And coffee, too. I didn't know you could cook."

"I can't, really. It doesn't take brains to put cereal in a bowl," she grinned.

"Sorry I don't have much food in the house, sweetie. I usually eat up at the big dining room. They have great, gargantuan spreads for all the meals. It's the one thing about French Leave your daddy can take total credit for. All the other attractions have been thoughtfully provided by Mother Nature."

Davie giggled. "You're just being modest, Daddy." She was relaxed and carefree and obviously very happy. He couldn't let her down. He wouldn't fail her this time…

She noticed that his cup was half empty. Without waiting for him to finish it, she got up and went to fetch the coffee pot, giving him an unrestricted view at her long, lean legs and her high molded buttocks that bounced ever so slightly as she gingerly walked over to the stove. When she turned around, he could see her sculptured young bosom standing proudly beneath the revealing pink and white striped seersucker shorts. She was an adorable little girl… his adorable little girl. But an evil voice inside his head piped up. "Who are you trying to kid, wiseguy? She's adorable, all right. But she sure as hell isn't a little girl! She's a young woman – a beautiful, sexy young woman… even if she is your daughter! Now what are you going to do about it?"

Davie was straightening things up around the house after her father left for the lodge when she heard a persistent knock on the door. She looked up at the kitchen wall clock. 9:30. I wonder who that could be, she thought.

It was Trish, in all her suntanned glory, wearing the briefest bikini Davie had ever seen and carrying a large straw tote bag. Her eyes were hidden under enormous glasses with smoky brown lenses. "Hi," she said cheerily, "remember me?"

"Hi, Trish!" Davie answered enthusiastically. "Gee, you're up early. You look smashing! Come on in."

"Well, where's that bikini you were telling me about? I thought you'd be down at the beaching getting toasted by this time," the blonde stewardess said through a full smile.

"It's only 9:30, Trish. I was just getting the place prepared for my absence!" Davie grinned back at her.

"It's perfect right now. Looks like you just had a cleaning service in. Let's go, huh? You've got a lot of sunning to do, you know. Right?"

"For sure! I won't be a minute," Davie said as she hurried into the other room to change.

They walked a long way along the beach, away from the resort. The white sand felt like sugar under Davie's feet. It was already quite warm. Trish had a lunch for the two of them packed in her tote bag. She explained that the resort provides them for its guests on advance notice, so people won't have to come back to the dining room at midday, if they don't wish to. And of course, she had no intention of breaking up her day with Davie by appearing in the dining room during lunch, where Peter Knight would see the two of them together and possibly take a dim view of the situation. Of course, she intended to justify any disapproval that might be forthcoming from that hard-to-get hunk of man – and then some! But by the time he found out, he would be in no position to protest!

Trish stole surreptitious glances at her young protege, noting with growing relish that Davie was even more promising than she anticipated. In her brief, crocheted bikini, the young girl was more enticing than ever, her firmly rounded breasts plumped like pillows in the low-cut bra top. Her skin was creamy and unmarred. It looked as soft as satin. Her young buttocks were two mounds of softly muscled flesh, and she had a trim, flat tummy and a perfect little navel that Trish wanted to stick her tongue into. Of course, that wasn't the only thing she wanted to stick her tongue in! She could imagine how sweet that little pussy must taste, how fragrant it would be. Her own pussy was beginning to twitch with desire, and she felt her clitoris swell and throb with perverted longing for the teenager. The hardest thing she would have to do that day would be play the lady, the sympathetic friend… to keep her hands off of Davie's body and her tongue out of Davie's cunt! Geezus, what a test!

They found a secluded spot about three quarters of a mile down the beach and spread their beach towels out on the warm sand. It was fairly hot by this time, and Trish wasted no time in stripping off her bikini, being as casual and offhanded about it as she could.

"I hope you don't mind, honey," she explained, "I just can't stand to wear these things when I don't have to. Besides, I'm the vain type – can't bear to have strap marks and patches of white."

"Sure, I know what you mean. Don't worry about it. You have a beautiful tan, Trish. I can't stand the way I look next to you. I feel like Snow White!"

"Well, then, join the club!" Trish coaxed. She said no more then but lay on her stomach with her face turned away, giving Davie a chance to decide on her own what to do. She smiled to herself when she heard the sounds of a bikini being removed. She had to walk on glass, now. Every word, every gesture had to be positioned just right.

It wasn't long before she stretched out a languid arm and reached into her tote bag, fumbling for something inside. She soon produced a large bottle of sun tan oil in an amber bottle. It had a French label. "Here," she said, reaching behind her back, "use this stuff. It's the best I've ever tried. It's got a tanning booster in it too, to turn you a golden brown."

Davie took the bottle. "Don't you want to put some on, Trish?"

"After you, honey," the stewardess offered.

"I'll put it on your back, if you'd like me to," Davie said innocently.

"Hey, that would be great." She still hadn't turned around to look at the young girl's naked body. She didn't dare just yet.

The teenager poured some of the liquid into her hand and placed it on the blonde woman's warm back. As she rubbed it around the expanse of flesh, she noticed her older friend beginning to squirm slightly on the beach towel. "Don't be afraid to use it generously, honey," the woman told her. "This island sun can be brutal, even in December."

Davie administered more of tile pleasant liquid to her friend's flesh, which glistened with it under the sun's glare. Finally, Trish asked her to stop.

"That's perfect. Thanks, honey. Now I'll do yours."

She rose up and turned on her elbow before Davie had a chance to lie down on her stomach. The young girl was somewhat embarrassed to see her older friend looking at her naked body – though she had certainly been naked with some of her friends at school. Perhaps the memory those occasions gave her more reason for embarrassment.

Quickly, Davie rolled over on her tummy, but not before her oversexed companion had taken in her ripe, luscious breasts with the small, pert nipples, and the soft pubic nest that marked the seat of her womanhood. Controlling herself for the next several hours would he as great a challenge as she faced in a long, long time.

Davie's skin was baby soft, and she had no excess fat anywhere, nor any blemishes. Trish began the application of sun tan oil in a detached, professional manner. But it wasn't long before her stroking became more studied and she was caressing the girl's flesh with her hand. If Davie noticed, she didn't react noticeably. She passively allowed the blonde to apply it on her long, well-shaped legs, and to the backs of her outstretched arms. Trish kneeled beside her and lightly pressed her bent leg next to Davie's body. The stewardess was afraid to breathe, lest her breathlessness give her away. Neither of them said much. Finally, she gave Davie a playful whack on the rump – wishing instead that she was kissing it with her lips and reaching between the ripe ass cheeks with her finger – and said, "You're all set, except for the front. I think you can get that yourself." She waited while Davie turned over, glancing quickly again at her beautiful young breasts. Then she handed her the bottle, accompanying the gesture with a warm smile, and got up.