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My eyes zoned in on his tight ass. He was getting me hot and bothered. Anyone could tell he worked out, and he had the ass of Hercules. I loved the feel of it clenching between my hands when he’d come.

“All right. I think we’re done here.”

I curled my finger in a ‘come hither’ gesture. “We’re missing one last thing.” I pointed to the economy box of condoms that I’d grabbed earlier.

His smile turned devilish, and I hooked one finger around the loop of his jeans. “You’re going to make me hot cocoa, which reminds me of home.” I kissed him gently, outlining his lips with the tip of my tongue. “And then I’m going to ride you like I’m at the rodeo, make you come, and bring you home.” I closed my eyes and kissed him with reckless abandon. I wasn’t quite sure what he was doing to me . . . but I liked it.


Brian followed me into my place with his bags of goodies. The clock on the microwave flashed eleven-thirty p.m., and I released a silent sigh, thanking the heavens that I didn’t have work tomorrow. But then I bit the inside of my cheek, remorse eating my insides, knowing Brian had that big client call tomorrow morning.

The selfish part of me wanted to spend all night with him, sweating up a storm, but I knew he had to get going.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, setting the bag down on my kitchen island. He pulled out the ingredients, placing them on the counter one by one. “What’s the sad face for, Princess?”

I smiled at his endearment. “You need to get your proposal done, and I’m feeling a little guilty about forcing you to watch that zombie movie.”

His eyebrows pulled together as though he was thinking of his deadline, but in the next moment, he shook it off. “Don’t worry.”

“No, really, Brian, we have all the ingredients. Maybe we should just continue another night.”

“I’m a big boy. I can handle my business.”

He reached into my overhead cupboard for a pan. I didn’t know if I should feel happy that he knew where everything was, or if that indicated just how blurred our relationship was starting to get.

“Brian . . .” I started to protest.

He gave me a pointed look. “Push in that lip of yours, or I’m going to bite it.”

As commanded, I stopped pouting.

“Kendy, I’m the type of man to always get things done. Even if it takes me the whole night,” he said with another mischievous look.

I flushed because I knew how much stamina Brian truly had. I was sure he was talking about doing an all-nighter for work, but my mind had strayed into the land of dirty. “Oh, I know.”

He winked before turning to the stove and pouring some milk into the pan. Then he pulled out his phone, checked something, maybe a text. I noticed he’d been glancing at his cell frequently, and I couldn’t help but wonder who’d be texting him this late.

Without warning, the green-eyed monster rose to the surface. I was about to ask him, but really I had no right. I had made that loud and clear these last few weeks.

So, in sneaky Kendy fashion, I advanced toward the stove to see if I could get a glimpse of his phone. I didn’t like someone else having his attention when he was here with me. I, at least, had that argument.

As he stirred the milk and scooped out the cocoa powder from the jar, I stepped behind him and wrapped my arms around his middle, my hands moving under his shirt and palming the span of his six-pack.

Instantly, the horny little devil came out to play. My hands moved south as he continued to stir. I rubbed the front of his pants, and he hardened at my touch, his length standing at attention.

He moved from my grasp, grabbed my hand, and pressed a kiss to my palm. “You’re never going to taste this hot cocoa if you don’t slow down.” He bent down to meet my lips and spun back to the stove.

When he picked up his phone again, I felt irritated, because I couldn’t get a good glimpse at the screen.

After he opened the cinnamon and shot two dashes into the pot, I finally asked, “Who’s texting you this late?” I tried using a sweet and curious tone, hoping he didn’t hear the jealously in my voice.

“Trey.” I didn’t miss his hesitation before he answered and then poured the sugar in the pan.

He was the worst liar.

For the first time, I was realizing I always talked about my doctor, but Brian never talked about another woman. I had never asked him if he was seeing someone else, and for some reason I couldn’t imagine Brian with another girl. Not like he couldn’t get any, I just assumed he was too busy with his job. Though he wasn’t solely mine, the thought made my chest hurt.

I stepped back while he hummed to himself. As he stirred his concoction, the scent of chocolate filtered through the air, and my whole body stiffened.

There were always the three days when I was working where he could maintain a relationship. If there was a girl, I wondered who this chick was. Was she beautiful? Blonde or brunette? Was she taller than me? Maybe someone who worked for the bank, like Beth?

I was making up all these different scenarios in my head, and it was starting to drive me bonkers. When he focused on his phone again, an almost growl escaped my throat. I unbuttoned my shirt and threw it on the counter, disposing of my bra in the process, then slipped off my jeans and underwear and stood naked behind him.

He squinted, so focused on his phone that he didn’t even notice me without an article of clothing on.

Then he reached to the overhead cupboard and grabbed two cups. “All done,” he said, twisting toward me and reaching for the pot to pour the warm, light brown liquid into the mugs.

Abruptly, he spilled some of the drink on the counter as his eyes greedily roamed my body. “Ow, shit,” he said, before dropping the pot onto the stove. “Jeez, Kendy, I’m gonna have third degree burns because of you.”

He held his finger with his hand, and I reached for it. “Does it hurt?” I asked seductively. “Because as you know, I am a nurse . . . with healing capabilities. I can make your boo-boo go away.”

He didn’t respond, but his eyes darkened when I stepped forward. Without losing eye contact, he turned off the stove behind him, and a ripple of excitement coursed through me.

I guess my hot cocoa will have to wait.

Taking his finger between my lips, I sucked hard and was rewarded by his deep intake of breath. As I sucked his finger in and out of my mouth, a delicious shudder went through me.

When I released him, we crashed together, his tongue down my throat as both of our hands worked on his belt. I pulled back, coming up for air as he dropped his jeans and stepped out of them. I reached for the hem of his shirt, peeling it off his body, and he complied by lifting his arms and tossing it behind him.

The bright florescent light from the kitchen heated up the room even more as it highlighted every defined muscle on his toned body. It was odd, but we’d never had sex under this much light.

I didn’t have time to be self-conscious as Brian picked me up by my waist, my legs wrapping around him as our lips crashed together again. He gently eased me onto the kitchen island as his lustful eyes raked over me. With one powerful hand, he trailed his fingers from my neck to my stomach to the swell of my hips, finally touching my core. He slipped a finger in me without warning as he trailed kisses along my stomach. I moaned, my back instinctively arching at the sensations running through my body.

I bit my lip and peered down at him as he watched my reaction. My moans increased with each passing second as his stroking fingers sent jolts of pleasure throughout me. And the louder I got, the more intense his movements became. His warm tongue dipped into my navel, then moved to my hip, and then to my thigh and lower, until I felt him kissing my inner thigh. When his tongue reached my center, I gripped the tips of his hair, not knowing what else to do.

I raised my bottom, coercing him to go deeper. “Brian,” I exhaled. I wasn’t going to last long. Not when his mouth was working its magic.