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I held my breath, not looking at the ground, and once again only focusing on his beautiful face.

His smile was blinding, seriously the most magnificent thing I’d ever seen.

And I knew—he was saying yes.

“I was ready to catch you on that very first day,” he said, his eyes shining up at me.

I let go of the ladder and balanced on my feet. “I trust you. You’re going to catch me. I know.” I met his eyes, unwavering and knowing that I could trust this man with my life. But when my gaze flickered to the concrete below me and I realized how high I was, I gripped the ladder again with my clammy hands. “Remember . . . catch me. Because if I bust my eye open and need stitches, James is going to have to mend me up. Do you really want that?”

He let out a boyish, carefree laugh, the one that made my insides tingle. “That’ll never, ever happen.”

And then I fell.

And he caught me.

And I would’ve thought it would be like in the movies where I fall and land smoothly in his arms.

But no, not in my story.

I fell in the most unbelievable, awkward position, my elbow jabbing him in the shoulder. He almost dropped me, catching me by one leg as my other leg hit the ground.

Once I could catch my breath, we both laughed, and then he set me on the ground and lifted me again. But this time, it was just like we were on our honeymoon, his arms firmly under my knees.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and grinned. “You caught me,” I said breathlessly.

His face turned serious, sweet, and tender, along with his voice. “Was there ever any doubt?”

I peered up at the sky, pretending to think deeply. “Well, I was a little witch to you the other day.”

He leaned into me, our foreheads almost touching. “Baby, there’s no way in hell I was going to let Stiff work on you . . . not when you’re mine.”

His. That I was. Forever and ever, if he let me.

I touched his forehead with mine and closed the gap between us.

He kissed my nose and whispered, “The course of true love never did run smooth.”

“Shakespeare.” I recognized the quote on the coaster he had on his table, the night we’d played ‘I never’.

He nodded as a flash of humor crossed his face. “Now, let me see that poem you wrote me.”

A blush crept up my cheeks. “Uh . . .”

The teasing amusement was back in his eyes as he let out a carefree laugh.


When he pulled back, he asked, “Are you hurt?”


“Because I’m about to make you feel a whole lot better.” The glint in his eye sent shivers down my spine.

I was smiling so big my cheeks hurt. “Oh, I’m hurt all right.” I was picturing the ‘better,’ and my insides leapt with anticipation. Then our lips connected in the most soul-crushing, body-warming kiss from my ‘it’ man.




The smell of grease filtered through the air as I bounced on my stool at the Chinese restaurant and waited for Brian to bring us our meals.

“Chicken fried rice for the princess,” he said as he placed my food in front of me and sat down opposite me.

When he handed me chopsticks, I glanced at my watch. “Are you going to be late for work?”

He tore through the red paper, opening his chopstick packet, and shook his head. “It’s fine. I don’t bend the rules often.”

Of course not. One of Brian’s best qualities was that he was responsible and took his job seriously. Who would have guessed that I would settle down with the good boy? But as I took in his handsome face, I knew I wouldn’t have it any other way.

As we both chowed down, my phone rang, and Beth’s cheesy face popped right up.

“Hi, girlfriend,” I answered.

Brian continued to eat as I chatted with Beth. Ever since I’d told her that we’d made it official, she called daily to get the deets. She was more than excited for me, ecstatic I had finally picked myself a good one.

“You busy?”

“Kind of.” I lowered my voice to a sexy tone. “We’re just having lunch. Brian had his dessert earlier.”

“It’s the middle of the day!” she protested, incredulous.

“Please . . .” Sarcasm was heavy in my tone. “Don’t tell me you and Kenty Poo don’t do the nasty in the middle of the day.”

“We’re at work,” she said primly.

“Your point?” I laughed, knowing they were most likely at it like rabbits being the newlyweds they were.

Brian cocked an eyebrow, and I knew I was being a tad bit rude talking to Beth on his lunch break.

“Let me call you later. I want to spend time with my man before he has to go back to work.”

I hung up and Brian lifted an inquiring eyebrow. “Do you tell her everything?”

I smiled sweetly at him. “Of course not. If I did, she’d know she made the wrong choice and want you back.”

He shook his head, amused, and picked at my fried rice, grabbing a piece of chicken with his chopstick. “Does it bother you that we had a brief history?” He cocked his head, his face thoughtful. “Because it shouldn’t. The reason Beth and I didn’t happen was because we were supposed to. And maybe if Beth and my paths didn’t cross, ours wouldn’t have. I don’t like to think that’s even a possibility.”

My eyebrows pulled together as I looked down at my food, getting emotional at the thought. I didn’t want to think of us not being together, either.

It wasn’t like I was insecure about our relationship. Brian had never given me a reason to feel like I wasn’t enough for him. Still, I couldn’t help but sigh inwardly with relief that I was it for him and that he had no regrets.

I set my chopsticks down and rested my hand on his forearm. “I don’t care that you shared spit with my best friend because you and I have shared more important bodily liquids, and I’ve already told her that.”

Mouth still full of food, Brian coughed, choking back laughter while pounding on his chest. He picked up his water to wash his food down. “Baby, you’re crazy sometimes.”

“As if you didn’t know that already,” I joked, laughing along with him.

“Oh, I did.” He inched in closer, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “And that’s one of the reasons why I love you. That, and you have the Power of the—”

“Hey,” I said, slapping his shoulder.

“—of a princess,” he finished, silencing me with his lips.

My insides swooned.

I’m his princess.

He focused at the overhead clock against the wall. “I need to get back, but I need me one of those.” He pointed to the table next to us.

I looked at the pastry the couple was chowing down on. It was round with a light reddish center.

“I’ll be back.” He stood, placed the order at the counter, and then came back to our table. “I have to go, but I’ll see you tonight.” He kissed me on the lips, long and lingering, but not long enough for me. “They’ll bring out some of those Chinese cakes I got for you. Save me one for tonight. I love you,” he said, smiling at me.

My stomach dropped with disappointment. I wasn’t ready for him to leave. I stuck out my lower lip in a full-on Kendy pout. “Can’t you play hookie, just for today?” Somewhere along the way, I had turned into one of those girlfriends who wanted to hang on her boyfriend all day and night long. And I wasn’t a damn bit ashamed or self-conscious about it.