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Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico, 93

Randall, Lisa, 195–198, 200, 269, 285, 308

Reasenberg, Robert, 38

Rebca, Glen, 36, 291

Rees, Martin, 277, 279, 280, 303, 308

Reiss, Adam, 206

Reitze, David, 153

Riazuelo, Alain, 78, 79, 84, 280

Rifkin, Don, 299

Roeder, Rob C, 85, 293, 308

Roman, Thomas, 132, 283, 289, 306

Rose, Carol, 299

Rosen, Nathan, 128

Roseveare, N. T., 285

Rosswog, Stephan, 93, 306

Rubakov, Valery, 200, 285, 306

Sagan, Carl, 1, 2, 130, 246, 266

Saroff, David, 175

Schmidt, Brian, 206

Schmidt, Maarten, 88, 89

Schrödinger, Erwin, 28

Schutz, Bernard, 278, 308

Schwarz, John, 187, 188, 284

Schwarzschild, Karl, 51, 279, 288

Shapiro, Irwin, 38

Sheehan, William, 285, 305

Sherman, Eric, 300

Shostak, Seth, 282, 308

Shreve, Jeff, 299, 300

Sibiryakov, Sergei, 200, 285, 306

Simon, Mel, 105, 108

Singh, P. Simon, 277, 308

Snyder, Hartland, 51

Soloway, Keara, 302

Spielberg, Arnold, 4

Spielberg, Steven, x, 3, 4, 7, 299

Stewart, Ian, 285, 308

Sundrum, Raman, 196, 197, 269, 285

Swanson, Erika, 178, 179

Tchekhovskoy, Alexander, 281, 307

Teo, Edward, 21, 279, 308

Teukolsky, Saul, 154, 171, 172, 284, 306

Thomas, Emma, x, 7, 13, 299

Thompson, Andy, 8, 299

Thorne, Kip, vii, x, 6, 9, 47, 229, 278–280, 284, 287–289, 307, 308; see also Index of Subjects: Kip Thorne

Toomey, David, 289, 308

Vessot, Robert, 36

Vilenkin, Alex, 277, 309

Visser, Matt, 282, 309

von Tunzelmann, Eugénie, 10, 11, 85, 96–98, 140, 141, 143, 299

Waldseemuller, Martin, 28

Wasserburg, Gerald, 112

Weiss, Rainer, 151

Wheeler, John Archibald, 29, 57, 127, 129, 130, 134, 154, 224, 226, 227, 230, 287, 307, 309

Wiita, Paul, 295, 296, 307

Will, Clifford M., 36, 278, 286, 309

Winstein, Carolee, 2, 10, 300

Witten, Edward, 200, 285, 309

Yang, Huan, 171, 173, 284, 309

Yung, Yuk, 112

Yurtsever, Ulvi, 132

Zenginoglu, Anil, 309

Zhang, Fan, 309

Ziffren, Kenneth, 300

Zimmerman, Aaron, 171, 284, 309

Znajek, Roman, 91, 92

Zwicky, Fritz, 204, 205


Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book.

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Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

accretion disks around black holes, 92, 97, 98, 99

visually impressive to astronomers, 89

creation by black hole tearing apart a star, 93–94, 148–149, 280

how they work, 90–92

spin black holes up or down, 61

gravitational lensing of, 94–97, 96, 97

astrophysicists’ simulations of, 280–281

Gargantua’s disk, see Gargantua, Interstellar’s black hole

AIDS virus, 108

Andromeda galaxy, 19, 70

anomalies, see gravitational anomalies

Anti-deSitter (AdS) sandwich, 199–201, 199, 215, 219, 285; see also bulk

Anti-deSitter (AdS) warp of space, 196–201; see also bulk

Aurora Borealis, 24–25, 24

Bicep2, 156–157, 156

big-bang origin of our universe, 17–18, 29, 135, 155–157, 277

gravitational waves from, 155–157

black-hole flight simulator, Andrew Hamilton’s, 288

black holes:

introduced, 21–22

observational evidence for, 51–53

observed at the centers of galaxies, 19

observed at center of Milky Way galaxy, 51–53

observed at center of the Andromeda galaxy, 19–20, 70

number in our Milky Way galaxy, 53

how they are born, 22

properties predicted by Einstein’s relativistic laws, 51

all properties determined by mass and spin, 57

maximum possible spin rate, 59–62

made from warped spacetime, 22, 45–49

warping of space around, 45–49

slowing of time near, 35, 47–49; see also event horizon

whirl of space near, 48–50, 60–61, 77, 80–82, 91–92, 97, 149, 163–164, 175, 193, 247, 284, 295

circumference proportional to mass, 22

radius of black hole, defined, 59

appearance as seen from the bulk, 40–41, 46–49, 49

appearance as seen inside our universe—shadow and gravitational lensing, 12, 50–51, 50, 75–84, 75, 79, 81; see also Gargantua, Interstellar’s black hole; gravitational lensing by black holes

vibrations of, 170–173, 284

typical orbits around, 72, 101, 280

orbital navigation near, 71–72

zoom-whirl orbit, 121

tidal gravity of, 41–42, 44

tidal gravity tears apart stars, 148–149

environment near, is lethal, 100–102, 281

intermediate-mass black hole, see IMBH

small black hole spiraling into a large black hole, 186

collision and merger of two black holes, 151–152, 154–155, 151, 155

Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics for, 51

Paczynski-Wiita approximate description of black hole’s gravity, 296–297

some black-hole formulas, 292–293

references on, 279

see also accretion disks around black holes; critical orbit around a black hole; event horizon; Gargantua, Interstellar’s black hole; gravitational lensing by black holes; jets from black holes; singularities inside black holes

blackboards, Professor Brand’s, 14, 32, 33, 192, 201, 212–213, 220, 221, 274, 286, 295–296

Blandford-Znajek effect, 91–92

blight in crops:

nature of blight, 109–110

specialist vs. generalist, 110–111

Interstellar’s blight:

burning blighted corn, 31

possibility of occurrence, 31–32, 105–106, 109–111, 281


our universe as a brane in a higher-dimensional bulk, 32, 187–188

predicted by superstring theory, 187–188, 227

used to visualize the warping of space, 37–41

humans, and all known nongravitational particles and fields, confined to our brane, 49–50, 192–193

gravitational field lines bent parallel to our brane, see bulk, confining gravity in

confining branes, 199–201, 285

instability of confining branes: danger of brane collision and destruction of our universe, 219

see also bulk; fifth dimension; Professor Brand’s equation; tesseract


descriptions of, 32

used to depict warping of space in our universe, 37–41, 39, 40, 46–49, 46, 47, 48, 49, 62, 128, 129, 131, 135, 139, 141, 142, 155, 186