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existence is an educated guess, 32–33

evidence for existence from superstring theory, 186–188, 284

number of dimensions in the bulk, 187–188

confining gravity in, 194–199

problem of, 194–195

solution: curled-up dimensions, 195–196

solution: the Anti-deSitter warp, 196–201

for Interstellar: the Anti-deSitter sandwich and layer, 199–200

buckling instability of the sandwich, 200–201, 219, 219

Einstein’s relativistic laws in the bulk, 32, 224–225, 271

determined by the quantum gravity laws, 225

see also branes; bulk beings; bulk fields in Interstellar; fifth dimension; tesseract; time travel, with a bulk

bulk beings (hypothetical), 189–193, 190, 191, 193

motivated by Abbott’s Flatland, 190–193, 285

their physical nature—made of bulk fields, 192–193

appearance when they pass through our brane, 190–192

gravity, space warp, and space whirl due to, 192–193, 193

in Interstellar, 137, 193, 218, 247, 259, 261, 271

bulk fields in Interstellar:

defined and described, 215–216

tidal gravity and gravitational anomalies due to, 215, 215

Professor Brand’s suspicion that bulk fields control strength of gravity, 217, 286

may hold Interstellar’s wormhole open, 218

may protect our brane from collision with confining branes, 219

embodied in Professor Brand’s equation, 220–222, 295–296

see also Professor Brand’s equation

carbon cycle, 281–282

Cassini space mission (NASA), 72–74

centrifugal forces:

and angular momentum, 101

protect objects from falling into black holes, 67, 101

and stability of orbits, 162, 162, 241–242, 241

and the critical orbit (volcano’s rim), 121, 239–242, 244–245

near a spinning black hole: influence of space whirl, 164

confining gravity in the bulk, see bulk

critical orbit around a black hole, 60, 62–64, 121–122, 239–245, 247, 249

volcano analogy, 239–241, 239, 241, 296–297

explanation in terms of gravitational energy, centrifugal energy, and radial kinetic energy, 240–241

explanation in terms of centrifugal and gravitational forces, 241–242, 241

instability of critical orbit, 242

zoom-whirl orbit, relies on critical orbit, 121–122, 121

black-hole binary for interstellar travel uses critical orbit, 121–122, 121

in Interstellar:

Cooper navigates onto, 237–238, 238

Endurance’s near catastrophe on, 242–243

ejection of TARS and Cooper into Gargantua from, 242–244, 243

Endurance launch toward Edmunds’ planet from, 244–245, 244, 245

disks, see accretion disks

Disney movie The Black Hole, 50, 250

Double Negative visual effects, 10, 31, 50, 75, 81, 83, 85, 96, 97, 98, 138, 139, 144, 145, 171, 288, 293

dynamical friction, 70


place in universe, Milky Way, and solar system, 19, 21, 21, 71

mapping of by explorers, 27–28, 28

magnetic field of, 23–24, 24

Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights), 24–25, 24

gravitational force lines of, 26, 26

gravitational force varies from location to location, 216–217, 217

tidal gravity due to varying density of Earth’s crust, 209–211

tides on Earth’s oceans, 42–43, 42, 43

tidal bores, 166, 167

tsunamis, 166, 167

slowing of time on Earth, 35–37, 36, 224

motion of stars on Earth’s sky, 81

global warming, 108

algae blooms, 108–109

Earth’s atmosphere, 110–114, 293–294

oxygen cycle, 281

carbon cycle, 281–282

ocean overturns, 293–294

in Interstellar:

possible catastrophes to create “Cooper’s world,” 105–111

blight, see blight in crops

gravitational anomalies, see gravitational anomalies on Earth

reducing Earth’s gravity so as to lift colonies off Earth, 274–275

Einstein ring, 79, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 145, 157

electric fields, 25, 92


movie set of, 9, 13–14

images of:

inside the Endurance’s control module, 9

Endurance floating in space before explosion, 180

Endurance in front of Gargantua’s accretion disk, 99

Endurance in front of the wormhole, 145

explosion on the Endurance, 181

Endurance floating in space after explosion, 181

Endurance nearly captured by Gargantua, 243

voyage of:

trip from Earth to Saturn with slingshot around Mars, 68, 74, 117

trip through wormhole, 139, 144–145, 272

parking orbit around Gargantua, 62, 63–64, 67, 69, 72, 161, 176

trip from parking orbit to Mann’s planet, 174–176

Endurance (continued)

explosion above Mann’s planet, 179, 181–182, 181

pried away from Mann’s planet and down toward critical orbit, 237–238; see also critical orbit

near capture by Gargantua, 242–244

on critical orbit, 247

launch toward Edmunds’ planet, 239, 244–245

design to withstand tidal gravity, 180–181

energy, types of:

chemical, 89

nuclear, 89, 118–119

gravitational, 68, 89–90, 120–123

event horizon:

defined, 22

created by the warping of time, 47–48

gravity ultrastrong near horizon, 162

shape of and depiction of, 49, 49, 57, 231, 232, 233, 249

circumference proportional to black hole’s mass, 58–59

radius defined, 59, 295

shape of space near, 62–63

gas carries magnetic field onto, 91–92

magnetic field threads horizon, 91–92