in volcano analogy, 241
in Interstellar:
Romilly hopes for information to leak out of, 172–173
Cooper plunges through horizon: what Cooper and Brand see, 247–248
Cooper’s view upward from inside horizon, 248, 250
Cooper’s view downward from inside horizon, 251
Andrew Hamilton’s black-hole flight simulator, for journey into event horizon, 288
see also black hole; Gargantua, Interstellar’s black hole
exotic matter—holding a wormhole open, 131, 132, 135, 138, 218, 283; see also wormholes
fields, see bulk fields in Interstellar; electric fields; force lines; gravitational field and field lines; magnetic fields; tendex lines; tidal gravity
fifth dimension (out-back), 40, 188, 188, 191, 194–196, 200, 213, 216, 220, 269, 272, 284, 286, 295; see also bulk
Edwin Abbott’s satirical novella, 189
animated film, 285
motivates bulk beings, 190–192
force lines, 22–26, 41–44, 90, 151–152, 165, 194–199, 209–211, 214–216, 221; see also bulk fields in Interstellar; electric fields; gravitational field and field lines, magnetic fields; tendex lines; tidal gravity
fourth dimension, time as, 40, 185–186, 188, 284
galaxies, 18–20
Andromeda, 19, 70
Milky Way, 19, 52–53, 279
Coma cluster of galaxies, 204
Abel 2218 cluster of galaxies, 205
Gargantua’s galaxy, 31, 75, 85, 98, 144, 166
black holes in cores of, 22, 52, 70
quasars in cores of, 93
governed by Newtonian laws, 29
gravitational pulls of galaxies on each other, 206
orbits of galaxies around each other, 204–205
Gargantua, Interstellar’s black hole:
location in our universe, 200
images of, 31, 98, 99, 169, 243, 250
slowing of time near, 36, 162–163
space whirl around, 97, 163–164, 175
tidal gravity of, 163–166, 238
mass and spin deduced from properties of Miller’s planet, 59–62
reduction of spin for visualization, 97–98
anatomy of (horizon, and movie orbits), 62–66
shell of fire, 64–66
singularities inside, 230–234; see also singularities inside black holes
constructing images of, 30–31, 75–87, 96–99; see also accretion disks around black holes; gravitational lensing by black holes
accretion disk, 94–99; see also accretion disks around black holes
lack of jet, 94; see also jets from black holes
appearance of, from Miller’s planet, 168–169, 169
appearance of, from Mann’s planet, 175
appearance of, from inside event horizon, 250
typical orbits around, 72, 101
lethality of environment, 100–102
vibrations of, 170–173
volcano analogy, 239–240; see also critical orbit
see also black holes; event horizon; Miller’s planet
geometrodynamics, 154–155
global positioning system, see GPS
GOCE satellite (ESA), 216–217, 217
GPS, 36–37, 37, 208
GRACE satellite (NASA), 210
gravitational anomalies, historical examples:
anomalous precession of Mercury’s orbit, 34, 202–204
anomalous orbits of galaxies around each other—dark matter, 204–206
anomalous acceleration of universe’s expansion—dark energy, 206–207
gravitational anomalies in Interstellar:
origin of the idea for, 5
in Cooper’s landing a Ranger, 208
in GPS system failure, 208
harvesters gone haywire, 208
in the fall of dust, 208, 208
in tidal gravity (my extrapolation), 209–211, 209
in the strength of the Earth’s gravity, 216–217
in Gargantua’s vibrations (my extrapolation), 170–173
Professor Brand’s interest in, 212
harnessing of, to lift colonies off Earth, 32, 212, 221, 225, 273–275, 290
generated by bulk fields (my extrapolation), 32–33, 213–218, 296
described by Professor Brand’s equation, 220–222
quantum gravity laws, as key to, 225
gravitational anomalies on Earth:
searches for, 32, 207
could arise from fields controlling gravity’s strength, 296
Brans-Dicke theory predicts, 296
gravitational field and field lines, 25–26; see also inverse square law for gravity; tendex lines; tidal gravity
gravitational lensing:
defined, 30
by dark matter, observed, 205
gravitational lensing by black holes, 31, 50, 50, 75, 79
shadow’s edge and ring of fire, 76–78
by nonspinning black hole, 79–80
by fast-spinning black hole, 80–86
Einstein rings, 79–82
star-streaming patterns as camera moves around hole, 76, 78–82, 85–86
computation of, for Interstellar, 83–86
lensing of one black hole by another black hole, 86–87
gravitational lensing by wormholes, 141, 142–145, 143, 145; see also wormhole in Interstellar; wormholes
gravitational slingshots:
NASA’s, in the solar system, 72–74, 117
references on, 279–280
Endurance around Mars, 74
necessary for spacecraft navigation near Gargantua, 67–68
IMBH needed, 69–71
for Ranger’s trip from Endurance to Miller’s planet, 68–70
for Endurance’s trip to Mann’s planet, 176
for Endurance’s trip to Edmunds’ planet, 237
imaged by gravitational lensing, 86–87
in a black-hole binary system, for intergalactic travel, 120–123
video game based on, 280, 295
gravitational waves:
what they are, 146, 151–153
tendex lines, 151–153
role in my extrapolation of Interstellar—discovering the wormhole, 146–150
gravitational waveforms, 147–148, 147, 155
from neutron star spiraling into black hole, 148–149
from merging black holes, 151–152, 151
from a mountain on a spinning neutron star, 149–150
from a spinning, deformed black hole, 152
from the big-bang birth of our universe, 155–157
gravity gradiometer, 209–211, 210
Halley’s comet, 71, 175
Hollywood, culture of, 1–14, 277
IMBH (intermediate-mass black hole), 69–71, 86–87, 86, 176
genesis of, 1–9
my science guidelines for, 4, 8, 9, 43
visual effects in, 10–12, 30–31, 75–87, 94–99, 138–145