4. Rose, Carol. (2001) Giants, Monsters, and Dragons. W. W. Norton & Company.
5. Towrie, S. (2018) “The Heritage of the Orkney Islands.” Orkneyjar.
6. Wharton, Jane. (2018) “Final Search for the Loch Ness Monster as Experts Comb the Waters for His DNA.” Metro News.
7. Sample, Ian. (May 17, 2006) “Beware of the Animals.” The Guardian.
8. Borenstein, Seth. (July 15, 2018) “Koko the Gorilla Used Smarts, Empathy to Help Change Views.” Associated Press.
9. Cummins, Denise D. (August 18, 2017) “Yes, We Can Communicate with Animals.” Scientific American.
10. Silk, Joan. (2007) “Social Components of Fitness in Primate Groups.” Science.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Jaws
1. Tennyson, Alfred Lord. (1830) “The Kraken.”
Chapter Twenty-Four: Alien
1. Ebert, Roger. (May 3, 2008) “Great Movies: Alien (1979).” Chicago Sun-Times.
2. Koski, Olivia and Grcevich, Jana. (2017) Vacation Guide to the Solar System: Science for the Savvy Space Traveler! Penguin.
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Witch
1. Anczyk, Adam, and Joanna Malita-Król. (July 1, 2017) “Women of Power: The Image of the Witch and Feminist Movements in Poland.” Pomegranate 19 (2), 205.
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Blair Witch Project
1. Koester, Robert. (2008) Lost Person Behavior. dbS Productions LLC.
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Descent
1. Redfern, Nick. (2015) The Bigfoot Book: The Encyclopedia of Sasquatch, Yeti and Cryptid Primates. Visible Ink Press.
2. Brooks, Cassandra. (July 16, 2009) “Adaptation Is Key in Human Evolution.” Stanford News.
3. Hlodan, Oksana. (June 1, 2010) “Evolution in Extreme Environments.” BioScience 60 (6), 414–418.
4. Wolford, Brooke. (November 28, 2014) “Humans Adapted to Life at Different Latitudes by Tuning Their Circadian Clocks.” National Human Genome Research Institute.
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Tremors
1. Berardinelli, James. Rotten Tomatoes. 2019.
2. Ravindran, Sandeep. (February 29, 2016) “Inner Earth Is Teeming with Exotic Forms of Life.” Smithsonian Magazine.
Chapter Thirty: The Wolf Man
1. Schneider, Steven. (2003) 1001 Movies You Must See before You Die. Quintessence Editions. Hauppauge, New York.
2. Keck, Paul E., et al. (February 1988) “Lycanthropy: Alive and Well in the Twentieth Century.” Psychol Med. 18 (1), 113–120.
3. Zimecki M. (2006) “The Lunar Cycle: Effects on Human and Animal Behavior and Physiology.” Postepy Hig Med Dosw.
4. Hanlon, Roger. (June 2011) “Shape-Shifting Cuttlefish Can Mimic Pictures.” National Geographic.
5. Simon, Matt. November 13, 2015) “Absurd Creature of the Week.” Wired.
6. MacPherson, Kitta. (January 21, 2010) “The ‘Sultan of Slime’: Biologist Continues to be Fascinated by Organisms after Nearly 70 Years of Study.” Princeton University.
1 Samuel, 169
28 Days Later, 73
47 Meters Down, 157
101 Dalmatians, 107
1001 Movies You Must See before You Die, 201
1984 (Orwell), 145
The Abominable Dr. Phibes, 108
Academy Award, 24, 41, 43, 61, 98
acclimatization, 195–196
Adams, Julia, 149
Adaro, 151
Adler, Shelley, 14
Adomnan, 151
adrenaline rush, 7
African Sleeping Sickness, 81
agoraphobia, 118
Alcala, Rodney, 44, 102
Alcott, Louisa May, 80
Alien, 158–166
neutrino lab research
cosmic radiation, 163–164
dark matter, 162–163, 164–165
neutrinos, 159, 160–162
parallel universes, 165
space science, 159
success of, 158–159
alien hand syndrome, 139
Alive, 46
Alland, William, 149
Allen, Thomas B., 88
Almirante Brown Research Center, 140
Amazonian giant centipede, 93
American Council of Science and Health, 112
American Film Institute, 43
American Medical Association, 101
American Psychiatric Association, 5
An American Werewolf in London, 204
Ames, Lexi, 33–40
bird and small mammal collection, 38
curiosity in the natural world, 34, 39
deer specimens, 35–36
horror film and taxidermy, 39–40
misconceptions of taxidermy, 37
“scavenger” collection process, 34–35
scientific value of collecting, 35–36
and social opinions on death, 37, 38
wet specimens, 35
amnesic shellfish poisoning, 122
amphibious animals, 150
anatomy acts, 83
Andes Mountains, 46–47, 48
Angell, Tony, 125
Anglicanism, 90
Annabelle, 9
Antarctica, 140–141, 142, 199
anthropomorphism, 116–117, 123, 126
anxiety, 118–119
Aoyama, Tessan, 143
The Apple Tree (Du Maurier), 120–121
Arachnophobia, 113–119
anthropomorphism, 116–117
deadly spiders, 114–115
fear-inducing “otherness” of spiders, 113–114, 117
filming with spiders, 115–116
spoof-style of, 114
types of phobias, 117–119
Argosy magazine, 42
Aristotle, 144
Armitage, Missy (fic), 99
Armitage, Rose (fic), 98–99
Arnold, Jack, 149
arthropods, 157
The Atlantic, 4
Audubon, 123
Avondale spider, 115
Bacon, Kevin, 197
bacteria, 198–199
the Bajau, 196
Balderston, John L., 80
Balli Trevino, Alfredo, 42
banned films, 9, 32
Bannion, Suzy (fic), 108
Barger, Glenn E., 194
Barrett, Simon, 181–184
Barrons, Tangina (fic), 136
Bassett, Earl (fic), 197
Bates, Norman (fic), 21, 22–23, 24, 25, 26–28, 29, 30, 32–33, 39, 42, 108
bats, 57–58, 107, 108–109
The Beast in the Cave (Lovecraft), 190
A Beautiful Mind, 28
Beauty and the Beast, 202
bedbugs, 58
Beethoven, 107
Beetlejuice, 198
Being Human, 204
Bell, Mary, 5
Beloguzov, Oleg, 141
Benchley, Peter, 154, 155
Berardinelli, James, 197
Berezow, Alex, 112
Bhagat, Sanju, 95
The Bible, 91, 151, 169, 170
Biel, Jessica, 32
“Big Bob,” 115, 116
bird-eating tarantula, 115
The Birds, 120–126
anthropomorphism in, 123, 126
brutality, random trigger, 120–121
crow ambushes, 125
“drunken,” 123
intelligence of (corvids), 123–126
prevalence of, 120
seabird incidents, 121–122, 123