Donner Party, 45–46, 48
Dourif, Brad, 8
dowsing rod, 173
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 80, 109
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931), 23–24
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941), 24
Dr. Strangelove, 139
Dracula, 51–55
approved by Stoker family, 56
and film industry changes, 52
Lugosi’s memorable portrayal in, 52
medical afflictions and vampires
catalepsy, 55
porphyria, 53–54
tuberculosis (TB), 54–55
Romanian legends and, 51–52, 53
Dracula (Stoker), 52–53, 57
Dracula, Count (fic), 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 108
Dreyfuss, Richard, 154
drunken birds, 123
Du Maurier, Daphne, 120–121
dual personalities, 23, 24
duality, 45
ducking stool, 170
Duke University, 173
Dunaway, Don Carlos, 107, 110
Duncan, Blaine, 129, 133–134
Dune, 198
Dungeons and Dragons, 151
Duvall, Shelley, 137
Dwivedi, Sachin K., 101
Dyer, Amelia, 62
Earth Religion News, 171
earthworms, 198, 199
Ebert, Roger, 158–159
Ed Wood, 77
Edison, Thomas, 76
Edison Studios, 76
Edward, Ellie (fic), 184
Eggers, Robert, 169
Egypt, ancient, 9, 80, 82
Eight Legged Freaks, 113
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 27
electromagnetic frequency (EMF), 132
electronic voice phenomenon (EVP), 131, 133
Eleven (fic), 173
embalming, 82, 83
encephalitis lethargica, 175
Englund, Robert, 13
Entertainment Weekly, 115–116
The Epic of Gilgamesh, 68
ergot poisoning, 175
Esposito, Elisa (fic), 152–153
Essex, Harry, 149
Estes Park, CO, 138
ethos, 144
Evelyn, Judith, 93
The Evening Star, 88
The Evil Dead, 9
evolutionary theory, 63
Exodus 22:18, 169
The Exorcism of Emily Rose, 88, 92
The Exorcist, 87–92
banned films, 9
cultural rituals, various, 89–91
death by falling down stairs, 92
Anneliese Michel, 88–89
Catholic guidelines on, 89–90
gone wrong, 89
paranormal researchers and, 133
Robbie Doe, 87–88
medical explanations for possession, 89
projectile vomiting, 91
visible breath in cold air, 91
The Exorcist (Blatty), 87
The Eye, 78–79
Fairfax County Historical Society, 130
The Fall of the House of Usher (Poe), 55, 81
familiars, 177
Faragoh, Francis Edward, 75
female killers, 61
fight-or-flight response, 7, 119
Finch, Atticus (fic), 109
Fine, Michael, 102–103
Finfolk, 151
fingerprints, 11
Fleming, Victor, 24
Fontaine, Joan, 121
Formulab, 161
Fort, Garrett, 51, 75
Foster, Jodie, 41, 43
“found footage,” 180, 183
Fox, Megan, 60, 61
Frankenstein, 75–79
adaptations of novel, 76, 77
behaviors, benchmark for, 77, 81
controversial scenes in, 77
science and ethics, 75, 76, 77
science of transplants, 77–79
Frankenstein (Shelley), 75, 76, 79
Frankenstein, Dr. (fic), 75, 76, 77
Frankenstein, or the Vampire’s Victim, 76
Freud, Sigmund, 47
Freund, Karl, 80
Friday Night, 52
Friedkin, William, 87
Fulton Theatre, Pittsburgh, 67
funeral practices, 83–84
Fuseli, Henry, 60
Galeen, Henrik, 56
Gaule, John, 171
Gein, Ed, 21, 22–23, 26, 30, 31–33, 39, 41–42
George III, King of England, 53
Georgetown University Hospital, 88
Gerard, Emily, 51
germanium, 163
Get Out, 98–103
critical and box office success of, 98
hypnosis, effectiveness of
and crime convictions, 102
hypnosis, defined, 99–100
hypnotherapy, 100–101
for memory recall, 101–102
stage hypnotists, 100, 101
unconsenting, 102–103
plot, and cultural impact of, 98–99
race relations, and white privilege, 98–99, 103
the “sunken place,” 99, 103
Ghost Hunters, 130, 134
Japanese Yūrei, 143–144
Poltergeist, 129–136
The Ring, 143–145
The Shining, 137–142
giant oarfish, 157
The Giant Spider Invasion, 113
giant squid, 156
Gifts of the Crow: How Perception, Emotion, and Thought Allow Smart Birds to Behave Like Humans (Angell/Marzluff), 125
Gilgamesh, 68
Gill-man (fic), 152
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (King), 186
gnomes, 191
goblin shark, 157
Goldblum, Jeff, 76
Golden State Killer, 33
González, Pedro, 202
Goodman, John, 114
graboids (fic), 198, 199
Grady, Delbert (fic), 139
Grcevich, Jana, 141, 159
Greece, ancient, 82–83, 144, 203
Grey, Jean (fic), 173
Gunness, Belle, 62, 63–64
gytrash, 109–110
Haarman, Fritz, 57
Hafdahl, Luke, 69–74, 92
Hagen, Elizabeth, 108
Haitian zombie lore, 67–68
Hallorann, Dick (fic), 138
Halloween, 3–7
child murderers, 4–5, 6
impact of, 4
impact on slasher movie genre, 7
Jody Kujawa on, 3–4
plot of, 3
surviving gunshot wounds, 6–7
Halloween II, 9
Halloween: Nightdance (Hutchinson), 6
hallucinogenics, 173–174
Hammer of Witches, 170
Hammer Pictures, 67
Hansen, Gunnar, 30, 32
Hardesty, Sally (fic), 31
Harker, Jonathan and Mina (fic), 56
Harper, Jessica, 108
Harris, Marilyn, 77
Harris, Thomas, 42
haunted dolls, 8–9, 10
The Haunting of Hill House, 83
Hawkins, Sally, 152
Hayworth, Annie (fic), 123
hedonistic killers, 62
Hedren, Tippi, 120
heme, 53, 54i
Henderson, Martin, 143
Henkel, Kim, 30
Herodotus, 47
Hicks, Catherine, 8
Hill, Debra, 3, 4
Hinduism, 91, 191
Hinzman, Bill, 67
Hitchcock, 22, 30
Hitchcock, Alfred, 21–22, 120, 121, 123, 125
the Hmong, 14–17
Hocus Pocus, 170
Hogan, Mary, 31, 41
Holland, Tom, 8
Holmes, Ronald M. & Stephen T., 33, 41
“Home” (The X-Files), 7
Homer, 47
Hooper, Tobe, 30, 31, 32, 129
Hopkins, Anthony, 22, 41, 43
Horror Rewind podcast, 3
Hostage to the Devil (Malachi), 90
Houk, Kenzie, 6
The Hound of the Baskervilles (Doyle), 109
Hubble telescope, 165
Hugh-Kelly, Daniel, 107
Hunter, Evan, 120, 121
Hurt, 158
Hutchinson, Stefan, 6
hypertrichosis, 202–203
hyperventilation, 118–119
hypnosis, 99–103. see also Get Out
hypnotherapy, 100–101
hypothermia, 46
Identity, 24
ideomotor phenomenon, 173
Idle Hands, 139
Igor (fic), 77
I’m Not a Serial Killer, 83