Imhotep (fic), 81
incubus, 60
The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of a Donner Party Bride (Brown), 46
Industrial Age, 76
Ineson, Ralph, 169
insects, 58
institutionalization, 27, 28
Integrated Behavioral Health, 24–25
intelligent haunting, 132, 133
International Association of Exorcists, 90
International Space Station (ISS), 141–142
Interview with the Vampire, 63
iPhone, 75
Irving, Amy, 179
Islam, 91
Ives, Vanessa (fic), 39
Jakoby, Don, 113
Jane Eyre (Brontë), 109–110
Japanese spider crab, 157
Jaws, 154–157
filming of, and success, 154–155
real-life basis of, 155–156
sea monsters, 156–157
Jaws (Benchley), 154, 155
Jeftichew, Fedor Adrianovich, 203
Jekyll, Dr. (fic), 24
Jennifer’s Body, 60–64
female killers, motives, 61–63
succubi legends, 60, 61, 63
Jennings, Molly (fic), 117
Jennings, Ross (fic), 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119
Ji Xiaolan, 68
Johann, Zita, 80
John Radcliffe Hospital, 111
Johnson, Diane, 137
Johnson, Kendrick, 78
Johnson, Tim (fic), 108–109
Jones, Duane, 67
Jones, Kate, 57
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 61, 62
Journal of Victorian Culture (McKechnie), 113
Judaism, 48, 91
Jurassic Park, 76
Kaluuya, Daniel, 98
Kand, Erick, 100
Kaplow, Josh, 139
Karloff, Boris, 75, 77, 80, 81
Karras, Father (fic), 91–92
Kaufman, Kenn, 123
Keener, Catherine, 99
Keller, Rachel (fic), 144
Kemper, Ed, 43–44
Kennedy, John F., 10
KII meter, 132
To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee), 108
Killing Fields, Cambodia, 13
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 10
King, Stephen, 107, 137, 138, 173, 186, 190
knockers, 190
Koester, Robert, 185
Koivunen, Timothy, 10–11, 12
Koski, Olivia, 141–142, 159, 176–177
Kotnala, Anuradha, 101
Kotto, Yaphet, 158
Kozak, Harley Jane, 117
Kraken, 156
Kreskin, 100
Krueger, Freddy (fic), 18, 32, 44
Kruger, Ehren, 143
Kubrick, Stanley, 137–138, 139
Kujawa, Jody, 3–4, 155
Kusama, Karyn, 60, 61
Kutcher, Steven, 115–116
L.A. Times, 13
Laemmle, Carl, Jr., 80
Langenkamp, Heather, 13
Laos, 14, 15
laser technology, 176–177
Lassie, 107
Laurie, Piper, 173
Lawrence University, 33, 34, 35, 38
Leasure, William, 24–28, 29
Leatherface (fic), 21, 31, 32–33
LeBeck, Rhonda (fic), 197–198
Lecter, Hannibal (fic), 22, 41, 42, 43, 44–45, 46, 48
Lee, Harper, 108
Leigh, Janet, 21, 22
Leonard, Joshua, 180
Lesnicky, Needy (fic), 61
Levine, Ted, 41
The Life of St. Columba (Adomnan), 151
Lights Out, 139
Lipke, Allen, 159, 160–165, 198–199
Little Shop of Horrors, 58
Lloyd, Danny, 138
Loch Ness Monster, 151
locked-in syndrome, 70
logos, 144
Lomonosov Moscow State University, 124
Loomis, Dr. Sam (fic), 4, 7
The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), 145, 204
Lost in a Pyramid: or, the Mummy’s Curse (Alcott), 80
Lost Person Behavior (Koester), 185
Loudon, Jane C., 80
Lovecraft, H. P., 151, 190
Lugosi, Bela, 51, 52, 76–77
lunar cycle, 203–204
lust killers, 33
lycanthropy, 203
Lyceum Theatre, 76
Macdonald, Shauna, 189
Macneil, Regan (fic), 91, 92
Madagascar, 58–59
Maddock, Brent, 197
The Madness of King George, 53
Maguire, Tobey, 115
Mai Vang, 14–17
Maki, Bob, 191, 192–194
Malcolm, Ian (fic), 75–76
Malita-Król, Joanna, 172
Malleus Maleficarum, 170
The Mammoth Cave, KY, 190, 191i
Mancini, Don, 8
Manhunter, 42, 43
Manson, Charles, 10
maras, 60
March, Fredric, 24
Maria (fic), 77
Marinoa people, 83–84
Marshall, Frank, 113, 115, 116
Marshall, Neil, 189, 191
Martin, Malachi, 90
Marzluff, John M., 125
Matilda, 173
Mayan culture, 82–83
Mayo Clinic, 70, 118, 119, 203
McKechnie, Claire, 113
McKee, Val (fic), 197
McNally, Kieran, 23
media, and violence, 9, 10
MEL meter, 132
Meldrum, Barbara Howard, 140
Méliès, Georges, 156
Melton, Jenny, 129–133, 134–135
Melville, Herman, 190
memory recall, hypnotic, 101–102
Mendoza, Natalie, 189
mermaids, 150–151
Michel, Anneliese, 88–89
Miller, Arthur, 170
Milo and Otis, 107
Milton, John, 151
Milwaukee Protocol, 112
mimic octopus, 204
Mindhunter, 44
mirror box therapy, 79
The Mist, 165
Miyazaki, Tsutomu, 57
Moby Dick (Melville), 190
The Monster of Frankenstein, 76
Monterey Bay, 121, 122
Moran, Kimberlee, 69
mosquitos, 58
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 22
In the Mouth of Madness, 165
MUFON UFO Journal, 151
Mufson, Beckett, 47
mummification process, 82
The Mummy, 80–84
burial practices, 82–83
embalming practices, 83
and funeral practices, 83–84
Karloff’s makeup routine, 81
mummification process, 82
and premature burial, 81
The Mummy!: Or a Tale of the Twenty-Second Century (Loudon), 80
Murnau, F. W., 56
mutable rain frog, 205
My Buddy dolls, 9
Myers, Frederic W.H., 138
Myers, Michael (fic.), 3, 4, 6, 7, 43
Myrick, Daniel, 180
Nasr, Constantine, 202
National Forest Service, 185
National Pubic Radio (NPR), 69
National Safety Council, 92
Nelson, Craig T., 129
nematodes, 198, 199
Netflix, 83
neutrinos, 159, 160–162
New Age Movement, 178
New York Post, 141
New York Times, 116, 156, 172
New York World, 58
Newburgh, William, 68
Nicholson, Jack, 137
Night of the Comet, 68
Night of the Living Dead, 67–74
biology of death, 69–74
body’s reaction to death, 70
car analogy of brain and fuel, 71, 72–73
death-mimicking diseases, 70
partial death, 71
source of energy, 72–74
“undead”ness, and zombie “brain damage,” 71–72
zombie movement, 71–72
cinematic history made by, 67
enduring legacy of, 69
Romero’s inspiration for, 69
tropes, 68
undead lore, historical, 68
and voodoo folklore, 68
“The Nightmare” (Fuseli), 60
A Nightmare on Elm Street, 13–18
Craven’s inspiration for Krueger, 18
Hmong culture, spiritual beliefs of, 14, 16
inspiration for, 13, 14, 16–17
sleep paralysis phenomenon and, 17–18
nightmares, 13, 60
The Nineteenth Century, 51
nocturnalism, 57
Nosferatu, 56–59