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blood as food source, 57–58, 59

and carnivorous plants, 58–59

as copycat of Dracula, 56–57

and nocturnalism, 57

and “vampire killers,” 57

Nostradamus, 178

Nuevo León State Prison, 42


O Pioneers! (Cather), 140

O’Bannon, Dan, 158

O’Dea, Judith, 67

Okiku, 143

Old Testament, 169

O’Leary, Jim, 125

Oleson, J. C., 43, 44

Olivier, Laurence, 121

olms, 193–194

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 28

Oort, Jan, 164

Opsasnick, Mark, 88

orb spiders, 94

organ donations, 77, 78–79

Orion Pictures, 42–43

Orlando Sentinel, 114

Orlok, Count (fic), 56

ornithophobia, 125

Orthodoxy, 90

Orwell, George, 145

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 10

Overlook Hotel (fic), 138, 139, 141

Owens, Dedrick Darnell, 5

oxpecker, 58


pagans, 171, 172

panic attacks, 117, 118

Papua New Guinea, 83

Paradise Lost (Milton), 151

parallel universes, 165

Paramount Pictures, 23, 79

Paramount Studios, 22

Paranormal Activity, 183

paranormal researchers, 129–136

ParaNorman, 170

Parrish, Gib, 14

Pastrana, Julia, 203

pathos, 144

Pauli, Wolfgang, 160

Payne, Nathan, 178–179

Peake, Richard Brinsley, 76, 77

Peck, Gregory, 108

Peele, Jordan, 98, 103

Penny Dreadful, 39

peripheral vascular disease, 71

Perkins, Anthony, 21, 22

phantom limb pain, 79

pheromones, 178

phobias, 81, 108, 117–118, 125, 189

pica, 89

Pierce, Cheri Gray, 154

Pierce, Jack, 80–81

Pintauro, Danny, 110

Pirates of the Caribbean, 156

The Plague of Zombies, 67

Plainfield, WI, 21, 31

Plainfield Cemetery, 31

Planet of the Vampires, 158

Pleasence, Donald, 4

Pleshette, Suzanne, 123

Poe, Edgar Allan, 54, 55, 81, 124

Poltergeist, 129–136

clairvoyance, 178

paranormal researchers

childhood experience of, 130–131

equipment used by, 131–132

on ghost categories, 132

historical records used by, 131–132, 135

on intelligent haunting, 132, 133

on media portrayals, 133–134

on proof of paranormal activity, 134–136

reality of, versus perception of, 132, 134, 135

poltergeist theories, 129, 133

Tobe Hooper, 32

poppets, 9

porphyria, 53–54

Portland Psychotherapy Clinic, Research, and Training Center, 101

Possessed: The True Story of an Exorcism (Allen), 88

The Possession, 91


and “Chucky,” 8, 10

and demonic hauntings, 133

The Exorcist, 87–92

Get Out, 98–103

hypnosis, effectiveness of, 99–102

other movies depicting, 88, 92

parasitic types of creatures, 94–96

The Tingler, 93–97

in varied religious cultures, 89–91

by witches, 175

The Possession of Hannah Grace, 91

prairie madness, 139–140

Prana Film, 56

premature burial, 81

The Premature Burial (Poe), 55, 81

Price, Vincent, 93

primates, 124, 153

process killers, 33

product killers, 33, 41

projectile vomiting, 91

propaganda, 145

pseudo-coma, 70

Psychiatric Services, 203

Psycho, 21–29

Bates’ dual personalities, 23, 108

and dissociative identity disorder (DID), 24–28

legal culpability, theorizing Bates,’ 26–27

portrayal of mental illness in, 28

production drama, 21–22

psychiatric assessment of Bates, 26–28, 29

real-life basis of, 21–22, 30, 32–33

and sixties audiences, 21–22, 30, 31

Psycho (Bloch), 21, 22, 24

Psycho: Behind the Scenes of the Classic Thriller (Leigh/Nickens), 22

Psychology Today, 25, 32, 44

psychopathy, 4–5, 6, 28

Puente, Dorothea, 62

pufferfish, 204


Qing Dynasty, 68


rabies, 108–109, 110–112

race relations, 98–99, 103, 109

Raggedy Ann doll, 9

Raimi, Sam, 115

Rains, Claude, 201

Ramesses III, Pharaoh, 9

Rangel, Jesús Castillo, 42

Rath, Arun, 69

Rathbone, Basil, 109

“The Raven” (Poe), 124

ravens, 124

Ray, Charles Lee (fic), 8, 10

Ray, James Earl, 10

reanimated corpses

and body decomposition, 69–74

concept of “undead,” 68, 71–72

and embalming practices, 83

Frankenstein, 75–79

in Haitian voodoo lore, 67–68

The Mummy, 80–84

Night of the Living Dead, 67–74

and premature burial, 81

and science of transplants, 77–79

skin pallor, 70, 71

zombies’ lack of agenda, 74

“zombification,” 68, 69

Rebecca, 121

Rebecca (Du Maurier), 120

Red Dragon (Harris), 42

REM sleep, 18

Renfield (fic), 57

resurrectionists, 76

Review of Reviews, 59

Rhine, J. B., 173

The Ring

living without food, 144

plot of, 143–144

propaganda and brainwashing, 145

subliminal messages, 144–145

The Ring of Thoth (Doyle), 80

Ringu (Suzuki), 143

The Ritual, 186

Rock, Ben, 182

Romania, 89, 191

Romanian vampire legends, 51–52, 53

Romero, George A., 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74

Ross, Arthur A., 149

Rubinstein, Zelda, 136

Russo, John, 67


Sadako (fic), 143

Salem Witch Trials, 170, 175

Salem’s Lot, 32

Samara (fic), ix, 143, 145

Samsoe, Robin, 102

Samuel, prophet, 169

Sánchez, Eduardo, 180

Sands, Julian, 113

sandworms, 198

Santa Cruz Sentinel, 121

Sarandon, Chris, 8

Saul, King, 169

Savitsky, Sergey, 140–141

Scandinavia, 68

The Scarlet Letter, 170

Scheider, Roy, 154

schizophrenia, 89

Schreck, Max, 56

Schreiber, Flora Rheta, 24

Schroeder, Greta, 56

Schutt, Bill, 47–48

Scientific American, 144

Scott, Ridley, 158

sea monsters, 156–157

Secret Window, 24

“self-mummifying,” 82

serial killers

classifying, and typologies, 33, 41

Dykes Askew Simmons, 42

Ed Gein, 21, 22–23, 26, 30, 31–33, 39, 41–42

female versus male motives, 61–63

hedonistic, 62

with high IQs, 43–44

Jeffrey Dahmer, 33, 39, 44, 79

male and female contrast, 23

process/product killing, 33, 41

Psycho, 21–29

Rodney Alcala, 44, 102

The Silence of the Lambs, 41–48

and taxidermy, 39

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 9, 21, 30–40

werewolves and, 203

sex appeal, and vampires, 63. see also Jennifer’s Body

Seyfried, Amanda, 60, 61

Shabata, Frank (fic), 140

The Shadow over Innsmouth (Lovecraft), 151