Rudi mentally translated that as my father's household troops.
"Chief?" Edain said quietly, pulling his horse in beside Rudi's when the Iowan noble drifted ahead to Ingolf's side.
"This is good land," he said, and offered a clump of grass with clods of earth attached that he'd stopped to cut out of one of the fields by the roadside. "You could plant bootlaces here, and by Brigid's Cauldron it would come up bootlaces!"
Rudi hefted the clod as they rode, and rubbed some of the black dirt between his fingers and smelled it. It was full of fine roots, and compressed easily like sponge cake when he squeezed some between thumb and forefinger, the good crumb structure keeping it moist days after the last rain. The scent was rich and almost meaty, as much like well-rotted mulch as soil. He touched his tongue to it, and the taste was neutral, without any acid sourness or alkali bitterness either.
"You're right," he said, dusting his hands off and spitting aside. "As good as any I've ever seen. Easy to work, too, I'd think. They do have a mortal lot of it here, don't they?"
There was fine farmland in the Willamette Valley, but not fifty thousand square miles of it in a solid block. That was more ground than everything from Bend and Sisters to the ocean and from the Columbia to the old California border south of Ashland, desert and mountain and dense Douglas fir woodland and the whole Willamette put together.
"And all this bit here belongs to Ingolf's friend?"
"Since that sign," Rudi said.
Edain shook his head, frowning. "That's not right," he said. "Not decent, by the womb of the Mother and the blood of the Corn King! One family shouldn't have that much."
"My friend, it's in total agreement I am," Rudi said; Mackenzie crofts differed a bit in size, but not even the wealthiest had much more than one family could till with a little help at harvest. "But mentioning it wouldn't be very tactful, if we're to be guests. We need this man's help. Also we're outlanders here."
Edain nodded and dropped back, half scowling as he looked around at the land about, half in sheer sensuous enjoyment of it; for it was a sight to delight the eye of someone who'd worked the earth since he could toddle, the thick pell of life on it promising food in plenty for man and beast.
Heuisink was obviously bursting with curiosity and even more eager to drag Ingolf away for reminiscence and questions, but he made a determined effort to be polite; he dropped back to talk with Rudi and the others every few minutes.
"The house is another half mile ahead of us."
"Fine stock," Rudi said, as a stallion went pacing along the roadside fence, brown hide rippling and neck arched.
"Dad was a breeder even before the Change," Jack Heuisink said proudly. "Pedigree stock. We've won State Fair blue ribbons three times in the past five years."
"Handsome beasts," Rudi acknowledged. "I don't think I've seen finer."
Though I was more impressed yet by the pasture; and the fact that your herds can't keep up with it. For all their feeding, it's stirrup-high out there in places.
After a while they came to cultivated land in big square fields; he rough-estimated four or five hundred acres. The wheat and oats and barley had all been reaped, and green clover was poking up through the blond stubble. The flax looked about ready to pull, the last of its blue flowers gone by and the plants chest-tall and browning, and there were low-growing rows of sugar beets. Some of the other crops were odd to his eye. Back in the Willamette maize was a garden vegetable, grown to eat boiled or to be canned in mason jars or pickled with tomatoes and onions in relish.
Here there was acre after acre of it, the heads just tasseling out now and casting a faint haze of gold over the distant part of the green block. The stalks were nearly as tall as a mounted man; you could look down endless rows, and the clatter of the leaves made a strange rustling sound that surged and died with the wind. More fields were growing some bushy plant.
"What's that?" he asked.
"Soybeans," Heuisink said, surprised. "You don't have them? They're mighty useful."
"I've heard of them," Rudi said. Mostly from my mother, who hates tofu with a passion. "The climate's not right for them in our country. Or for maize either."
The younger man laughed. "It's hard to imagine farming without beans and corn!"
Then he inhaled deeply and smiled; an overpowering sweetness marked a hayfield, where five horse-drawn mowers in a staggered row cut knee-high alfalfa and laid it in windrows to dry. The workers waved their hats at young Heuisink, and he returned the gesture with his billed cap.
"Pretty good year, so far," he said with satisfaction. "No blight on the alfalfa, either. What do you grow out there?"
"Alfalfa, to be sure. Wheat and barley, oats, potatoes, orchards-" He and Rudi talked crops and weather for a little while-another topic of conversation that was good almost anywhere, since life itself depended on it. When they came in sight of the house -evidently he meant the whole settlement by that-Rudi blinked a little in surprise. There were some of the things you'd expect; turn-out pasture for dairy cattle and working stock surrounded by board fences, a couple of big orchards-apple, pear, cherry-which looked young, but flourishing, and a twenty-acre tract of garden truck. Some of the early apples were starting to turn ripe, glowing red through the green leaves.
"There's no wall!" he said.
No sign of defensive works at all, not even the earth berm and barbed wire a farmstead in law-abiding Corvallis territory would have. The settlement looked obscurely naked without it, like a man fully dressed save for his missing kilt. Every single Mackenzie dun had a good log palisade around it at the least, with a blockhouse at the gate-Clan law required it.
Jack Heuisink nodded pridefully. "We have order here in Iowa! And have since the Change-or nearly. Well, we've got an emergency fort we keep up with the neighbors, over there about a mile, but we don't live in it, the way I hear they do in some places. We just keep it maintained and stocked."
And sure, I suppose it is a prideful thing not to need walls, Rudi thought.
It showed how strong Iowa was on its borders, and how well patrolled inside them. He'd noted that few men or women went armed here, too, unless they were warriors by trade.
But on the other hand, things can change. And they can change much faster than the time needed to build a wall. Whereupon the memory of pride, my friend, would be no consolation as you sat in that fort and watched your home burn, at all, at all.
Ingolf had dropped back into hearing range. "You've also got Nebraska and Marshall between you and the Sioux, Jack," he said dryly. "And Richland north of you, and Kirkville south. They've got walls around their settlements, you betcha. And there's the Mississippi between you and the wild men eastways, and you've got a river-navy for that."
"Well, yeah, Captain," he said. "But things here never did go to hell the way they did in a lot of places."
He turned to Rudi: "Dad says there was just so much damned food around that folks here had to make a real effort to starve; silos and elevators in the towns, bins on the farms, trains and trucks stopped on the roads and rails stuffed with grain. Things got bad enough, but there are almost as many people in Iowa now as there were before the Change."
"I can believe it," Rudi said. "I'd never imagined that there could be so much good land in one place."
"And it was all cultivated then-corn and beans, beans and corn, right out to the horizon, land that's pasture now or not used at all," the younger Heuisink said. "Lots of cattle and hogs, too, though they kept them penned up so tight a lot died before Dad and the others could get them out to the fields. Still, there was plenty left once they got things organized."
"And until the Change it all fed tens of millions far away who did not survive," Father Ignatius said, and crossed himself. "Madonna, intercede for them. Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison."