'You'll need to be in first class physical condition for what's going to follow after the guests who have not been invited to stay on make their farewells.' With some regret, I took his advice and refused the offer of a second piece of the delicious madeira cake. But, within the next hour, I was extremely glad that I had heeded my uncle's wise counsel. Soon the Prince of Wales, Sir Ronald Dunn, Uncle Robert and myself, were the only guests left in the drawing room, whilst Lord Laversham was escorting Lady Wantman to her carriage. 'A damned pretty woman Lady Linda,' growled the Prince to Sir Ronald who Uncle Robert tells me is a wealthy businessman and philanthropist who is a member of the Prince's coterie of Anglo-Jewish friends. 'It's a great pity that she doesn't really approve of poses plasties. Still, on the other hand, gentlemen, I understand that Charlie Laversham has several very pretty girls waiting upstairs for our delectation.' he added.
Lord Laversham caught the end of the Prince's remark as he came back into the room. 'Indeed I have, sir, and they are ready and waiting to perform. Um, Prince Kochanski will be joining us too. I hope you have no objection to his presence.' 'Absolutely none,' rejoined the heir to the throne with a chuckle. 'Konrad Kochanski and I are old friends. In fact, we enjoyed a roaring good time in Paris last Spring at Count Gewirtz's mansion on the Rue de la Paix.' Then he turned to my uncle and went on: 'Now then, Sir Robert, I take it that this lucky, young chap is your nephew who is keen to sow his first wild oats?' 'Yes your Highness, may I present Master Henry Dashwood.' I bowed and the Prince patted me on the shoulder and said: 'You'll enjoy yourself, you lucky young feller-me-lad. My God, I was almost twenty-one before I managed to dip my wick when I was with the Grenadier Guards in Ireland. I opened my mouth to reply but felt the point of Uncle Robert's elbow digging in my ribs. Perhaps he thought I might be foolish enough to boast to His Royal Highness that I had already enjoyed my first fuck, but I was too shy to brag about my conquests, and, in any case, even I realised that it would have been tactless to push forward my early apprenticeship in making love when the Prince had been such a late starter in the game. 'We'll just give the girls five more minutes to set up the stage,' said Lord Laversham. 'In the meantime, let me tell you a strange encounter I had with Lady Hostridge's daughter, when dining at some mutual family friends last week. My wife was unable to be present so I spent most of the time talking to Nora, who proved to be a delightful table companion. She's a pretty girl of about twenty-five, with enchantingly wistful, bright blue eyes, a demure Grecian nose and a soft, yet bold, tremulous mouth. 'In the drawing-room after the meal, we happened to stray upon the subject of these blessed wild women and their demand for the political franchise. Well, Nora took their part in no small way and ended by saying that the forthcoming new century will see a great change in the lives of men and women. '“I don't say that women will become the stronger sex, but we will be able to behave as men do at the present time,” she opined. I shook my head and was surprised when she murmured words to the effect that I should say aloud how much I would like to see the two pictures she had recently purchased from the Grove Gallery. 'Well, I did as she ordered and we went outside together where, instead of taking me to see the pictures, she dragged me up the stairs to her bedroom.' 'I'm sure you didn't need much dragging,' observed Sir Ronald Dunn lightly.
'What happened next?' Lord Laversham gave a hoarse laugh and continued: 'She said to me: “I will attempt to give you an example of what I mean by equal roles, Charles.” She paused, looked me directly in the eye and said: “Yes, I will try but you must understand that I am not one of your blue-stockinged, intellectual, types. To be blunt, I have feminine needs that must be satisfied.” 'I swallowed hard and said: “Do you mean you want fucking?” 'Nora drew herself up to her full height and nodded curtly as she replied bluntly: “It is my chief enjoyment in life to instigate such entertainment. This is precisely why I would like you to take off your trousers and ease your prick into my pussey.” 'She threw herself backwards upon the bed, hitching up her dress and petticoats as she raised her knees and parted her legs. The wanton, little minx was not wearing any kind of drawers and I could see the dark, hairy triangle of pubic curls fleecing the dainty, pink lips of her honeypot. I ripped off my trousers and without further ado, I lowered myself upon her. The lovely girl was clearly experienced in these affairs. There was none of the clumsy fumbling that so often attends fucking a novice. My throbbing cock immediately slipped through the already damp thicket of pussey hair and I found the moist entrance into her love channel.
'She wriggled her bottom into a more comfortable position and almost without effort, the entire length of my shaft sank into her cunt. Slowly, I started to slide easily up and down her clinging crack and she in turn arched her hips upwards to meet my pistoning thrusts.
She possesses a wonderful sense of timing, understanding as though by instinct, when to lower the tension so that pleasure may be prolonged.
'I endeavoured to keep my weight on my elbows as we raised the tempo and I gloried in each huge plunge into her honeypot, making her juices drip on to my balls each time they slapped against her arse.
She implored me to drive deeper, twirling her tongue inside my mouth and as my trusty tool rammed in and out of her pulsating quimmy, she yelped with pleasure. 'Then, with a shudder, I spurted a copious emission into her cunt. But alas, Nora had not reached a climax. My old pego was incapable of further combat, so naturally I finger fucked her until she achieved a spend.' The Prince of Wales nodded gravely and said: 'As would any true gentleman, my dear friend. Now, will the poses plastiques be ready soon? I have only a limited amount of time I can stay here before I return to London.' 'Yes, let's go back to the ballroom,' said Lord Laversham and he and His Royal Highness led the way. I could see from the bulge in the royal trousers that, like myself, he was sporting a gigantic stiffie. Konrad Kochanski rose from his seat when we entered the ballroom and I noticed that he had changed out of his frock coat and was wearing only a dressing-gown knotted with a cord at the waist. My uncle murmured to Sir Ronald Dunn: 'A bit chilly to start stripping off, don't you think, Ronnie? Or is our Polish friend following this strange new naturist fad of running around naked in the cold air?'
'It's quite possible, you know how peculiar some of these foreign chappies can be,' Sir Ronald replied. An under-butler arranged a semi-circle of seats in front of the stage, across which a purple velvet curtain had been draped. 'I've just come back from Sweden where, for reasons of health, people sit naked on benches in a wooden hut heated by hot steam, after which they subject themselves to a light beating with birch twigs and then dive into a cold pool of water.' Uncle Robert shuddered with horror and said: 'Good grief!