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Bliss collapsed onto the naked sofa. Karen wrinkled her nose.

‘Actually, thinking about it, she can’t’ve been all that long out of school at the time.’

‘Mother of God…’

‘Sorry. Must be a lot to take in.’

‘She used to tell me she always went out with farmers. She said I was the first feller who wasn’t a farmer and didn’t go on about sheep prices all the time. We used to laugh about it. How do you feel about discussing sheep prices? It became a euphemism for… you know… back in the days when we made up euphemisms for it. When we were both laughing at the same time.’

‘You never her asked which farmers she went out with?’

‘Karen, why would I care? They all look the friggin’ same to me. Industrial woollen shirts and hairy arms.’

‘Not Sollers, however.’

‘No.’ Bliss looked down into his hands. ‘Not Sollers.’

Karen sat down opposite him, in the chair by the cold grate. Looked across at him, a bit apprehensive, as though she still wasn’t sure how much to say.

‘When did it end, Karen? Or when was it suspended?’

‘Just fizzled out, I suppose. Sollers was at college, and mixing more in… you know, hunting circles… with the nobs. I suppose that was how he met Charlotte, Walford’s daughter. Walford was a hunt master, I think. And then one thing led to another. That is… did Charlotte get pregnant? I think maybe that was it. My mum reckons it was never destined to last. They pretty much lead separate lives now, since the kids went to boarding school. I wouldn’t imagine Lord Walford knows about him picking up again with Kirsty, but – like, from what you’ve told me – it’s pretty clear Chris Symonds does.’

Sollers’s big 4x4 shoved among the trees, just the other side of the farmhouse porch.

‘Symonds never liked me. Despised how I earned me crust. And now, coming up to forty, and still not behind a big desk at headquarters. Who else knows?’

Karen looked glum.

‘All right, tell me.’


‘ Fuck… no! ’

‘Actually, it was Stagg who got the whisper, on his travels. From the inevitable nosy neighbour. Probably made his year. Couldn’t wait to go blabbing to the DCI. As you can imagine.’

‘When was this?’

‘This afternoon.’

Bliss closed his eyes. Total explanation of Annie’s phone message. Him thinking she’d somehow found out that Kirsty knew about them.

‘Has it got out to the press?’

‘I think, on balance, it wouldn’t be too much in Sollers’s interests for it to be in the papers that there was a private issue between you and him.’

‘Maybe not.’

What was evident was that Kirsty must’ve made it clear to Sollers that her husband didn’t know about them. That she’d never told him. And if he had found out, Kirsty had him and Annie in her back pocket for bargaining purposes.

How long had Kirsty and Sollers been meeting quietly? Months? Years? Bliss thought of how she’d looked the last time he’d taken the kids back. The short skirt, the classy make-up. Thinking she’d done that for him, to let him know what he was missing. He felt… not so much humiliated as ashamed.

And afraid. Afraid of the implications for the future. His kids. And also… ‘You know what this means? It means I can’t touch him, Karen. It means I can’t nail the cun-’ He straightened up. ‘Sorry, sorry. If I sound like I’m coming apart, it’s because I am. The friggin’ twisted irony of it…’

‘Have you even got anything on him? Anything? ’

‘You know how much I’ve got.’

‘Then it’s nothing. And no legitimate reason to connect Mansel’s murder with the Marinescus. I’ll make that coffee.’

Bliss followed Karen into the kitchen.

‘They’ve been stirring it for me. Did you hear that? Did you get that from Stagg, too? How it got back to the Chief Constable that me and Kirsty were splitting up? That it was down to physical abuse?’

Karen turned slowly.

‘Who’s saying that?’

Bliss shrugged.

Karen said. ‘Sollers? Chris Symonds? Kirsty herself?’

‘Hardly matters now – it’s done its job. Persuaded the Chief to take steps to remove me from the division.’

‘You’re not just accepting that?’

‘No. Obviously not. But even taking on the Chief, through the Federation or whatever, means I’m out of here, one way or another.’

‘A few of us won’t stand by and watch it happen. Where’s the coffee?’

‘I’ve had it with this place, anyway. Cupboard over the sink.’

‘Vaynor.’ Karen reached up to the cupboard. ‘Me. Rich Ford, even. What’s this?’

Karen was holding up the last jar of Brazilian decaff.

‘Kirsty must’ve left it,’ Bliss said quickly.

‘No wonder you were doomed – this is what the DCI drinks.’

‘Is it?’

‘You’ve not got anything else?’

‘I don’t spend much time at home these days. Out of interest, do you think Kirsty knows Sollers was shagging a Polish kid from Magnis Berries?’

‘That was a while back. Do you want some more bad news?’

‘Yeh, I’d love that, Karen. It’s what keeps me alive.’

‘It doesn’t…’ Karen opened the coffee jar. ‘This is the other reason I’m here. Doesn’t look like Sollers Bull killed the Marinescus.’

‘ Had them killed. I never said he did it himself.’

‘No.’ Karen shook her head. ‘I haven’t given this to Brian Wilton yet. I met a woman earlier tonight.’

‘One of the toms?’

‘Middle-aged lady who sings in the Cathedral choir.’

‘Takes all sorts.’

‘No, not one of the toms, boss. She’s manageress of Harriet’s of Bridge Street, clothing emporium for the maturer lady?’

Bliss shook his head.

‘Two young women came in, looking at clothes a bit too old for them. There were three elderly customers in at the time, and the girls were being very solicitous to the one not being served. Like, What about this one? Really suits you. You try it on, I look after your bag , kind of thing.’

‘How do you know it was the Marinescus?’

‘Showed her the pictures.’

‘How disappointing,’ Bliss said. ‘Come to something when you can’t even trust a girl with an icon of the Holy Mother any more.’

He started to laugh before he could cry. Another curtain closing.

‘Anyway,’ Karen said, ‘Harriet’s is a small enough shop for the staff to notice these things, and some tops had been nicked the previous week. When she offered to take care of the bag herself, the two girls were out the door in a flash.’

‘Doesn’t surprise me a great deal,’ Bliss said. ‘Also ties in with the new gear in the wardrobe at Goldie’s. Is there a word for a female Fagin? The Marinescus were hard up.’

‘It’s not the first,’ Karen said. ‘Last time, they got away with it. This was a much bigger store than the mail-order surplus place up on the Holmer?’

Bliss waited. Karen spooned coffee into mugs.

‘This was another old lady, right? Eighty-three. They took her bag, containing her purse, photos of the grandchildren… all the usual. She was very, very upset. They called the police and then they had to take her home. Remember it now?’

Bliss nodded vaguely. Karen stood with her back to the cooker.

‘The proprietor rang up the old lady next day. She wasn’t there. She’d been rushed to hospital the previous night.’

‘Did we know about that?’

‘No, we didn’t. She had a long history of strokes, and anyway she made a brief recovery. The family agreed to keep quiet, didn’t want her getting fussed. The shop woman told me that when I rang her. Three weeks later – that would be a week or so ago – the old girl had another stroke and died in hospital.’

‘I see. Handbag.’

Bliss was thinking of the Marinescus, the way one handbag had been emptied out at the scene, the other and its contents trailed all the way to the river.

‘I think you should get to bed, boss,’ Karen said. ‘An early start might be advisable.’